Daycare you can count on

Give your dog the best day ever, every day

How dog daycare works


Find the perfect time

Select the date and time that best suit your pup's daycare needs


Customize your care

Choose between one-time or recurring daycare visits to occur at the host's home


Follow along

Receive pics & vids of your pup enjoying playtime, meals and potty breaks

Vetted daycare sitters

Looking for local doggy daycare while you’re at work? Wag! fits your dogs needs, your schedule, and budget. Book with a highly-rated sitter who will welcome your dog into their home when you're at work or busy during the day. Available one-time or regularly, Wag! gives you piece of mind knowing your pup will receive frequent potty breaks, playtime, and lots of love.

Brenda S avatar
Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars

Brenda S

Wag! gives me great peace of mind while I am at work. I get to the minute potty information and a picture of his smile at the end of walk. Thank you Wag!

Slow C avatar
Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars

Slow C

Great app for hiring a dog walker! I love that I can track where my dog is, how many miles she walked, when she potties, etc. She comes back very happy!

Brandon A avatar
Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars

Brandon A

This is the best thing for my dog and I. He loves getting to meet new people and going on long walks. I'm not worried about him not getting enough exercise!

Tanya K avatar
Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars

Tanya K

All the Wag! walks I’ve gotten have been awesome. Sweet and caring people who obviously love dogs!

Eve R avatar
Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars

Eve R

What a great experience! I'm sure Vienna was happy to go outside and stretch her legs.

Ashlee A avatar
Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars

Ashlee A

I've been using Wag! for about 6 months and love the convenience of being able to have someone take care of my pup when I'm gone.

Frequently asked questions

What is Wag!?


Who's watching my dog?


Is Wag! right for my dog?


What does it cost?


Where will my dog be staying?


How does Wag! evaluate daycare sitters?


How do I pay for the service?


When will I be charged for service?


Didn't find the answer? Visit our FAQ page

Learn more in the Wag! app

Five starsFive starsFive starsFive starsFive stars

43k+ reviews


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