Activities For Brussels Griffons

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Brussels Griffons might have a grumpy face, but the curmudgeon of the dog world is very affectionate, fun-loving, and happy. This little dog enjoys nothing more than spending time with their beloved people. The pooch's small size makes them an ideal apartment dweller, but that doesn't mean the little pup doesn't enjoy having a rousing good time and participating in fun activities. Sure, couch time in front of the television is great, but so is a brisk walk and fun at the dog park. The sturdy Brussels Griffon sports an athletic body that is built to play just like dogs of much larger stature.

Camping Fun

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Sunny Day
24 hrs
Items needed
Activity description
The wonderful thing about the Brussels Griffon is that this small dog breed genuinely loves to spend time with humans. There is nowhere that the pooch would rather be than right beside you. In many ways, they are the ultimate companion animal. However, unlike some dainty toy breeds, the Brussels Griffon has a solid build. Why not take your perky pooch into the rugged wilderness with you for an overnight camping adventure? Just a word of caution, avoid taking your dog camping if the weather is excessively hot. The small dog has a snub-nose which makes it difficult for them to tolerate a hot climate.
Setting up camp
We all have our versions of camping. Some people like to camp in a tent and others enjoy a recreational vehicle. Either way, you are going to need to set up camp. One of the first things to do is show your dog the area where you will be spending the night. Let your pooch soak up the smells of nature. You might want to walk your dog to another location to do their business and then be sure to praise the dog so they get the idea that it is the spot to eliminate and not next to the campfire.
Check out the trails
Your little pooch is going to want to explore. The woods is an intoxicating place filled with all kinds of sights, sounds, and smells. Remember to never take your dog off the leash or they might run away. Even if your pooch rarely leaves your side, your small hunter might catch sight of a squirrel and then start chasing the creature through the forest. If you have camped near a creek, lake, or river then you might want to introduce your pooch to the water. Remember, don't let your tiny pal wade in too deep. Most small dogs just enjoy dipping a toe in the refreshing coldness.
Spending the night
Your pooch is probably thinking that you will both be going home soon and spending the night is something unexpected. If this is the first time your Brussels Griffon has slept in a tent it might take some getting used to. Some dogs will cry or try to scratch on the canvas. Always leave the leash on your dog at night in the tent just in case your little camper gets the zipper opened or tears through the side. If you will be residing in an RV then your dog will probably catch on quickly where to sleep.
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Boat Ride

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Sunny Day
2 hrs
Items needed
Canine Life Vest
Activity description
The Brussels Griffon is not like most toy breeds. They were originally a scrappy animal descended from street dogs, so most pups of this breed have a fearless nature. Let's face the facts, most Brussels Griffons have no idea they are tiny dogs. Instead, they think they are big and tough. This attitude makes them ready and willing to embark on any adventure that you dream up. The only requirement that they have is that their beloved master is always by their side. If you own a boat, it's time to take your four-legged buddy on a real adventure. If you don't own a boat, then find a charter that allows pets or rent a small boat at one of the many lakes.
Life vest time
Before your dog even sets foot on a pier or boards the boat you should put the life vest on them. Many Griffs readily accept a life vest if they are used to wearing sweaters or other clothing items. However, if your pooch has never donned clothing then you are going to want to offer them ample praise and encouragement so that they accept the bulky safety item. Many pet parents will get their Brussels Griffon accustomed to a life vest weeks before the boating adventure by having them wear one around the house a few minutes a day.
Boarding the boat
A pier is a scary place for a dog. It moves and sways with each step. Many canines balk at the very thought of walking across a pier. If your Brussels Griffon starts to show fear, offer encouragement. Luckily, your dog's small size means that you can easily carry them across the pier and onto the boat if they do not like the experience.
Hitting the water
Interestingly, most dogs love riding in boats because it is a lot like riding in a car with the window down. What dog can resist the feel of the wind in their face? The Brussels Griffon is the exact same way. So, initially you might have to hold tight to the leash, pet the dog, and offer soothing words but once the motor revs up and the boat starts to move across the water most dogs perk up and love the ride.
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Tree Climbing

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Sunny Day
10 min
Items needed
Activity description
Tree climbing is not a skill that is in most dog's repertoires. In fact, it is very uncommon. However, the small Brussels Griffon is very catlike in many ways and one of those interesting feline traits is the ability to climb. Your Griff can probably scale a tree every bit as good as a cat with a tiny bit of encouragement. Many little athletes will climb trees on a daily basis for the sheer fun of the activity and to see the world from a new vantage point. It's also a wonderful form exercise for your little fur buddy.
Stand at the base
Stand at the base of the tree with your dog. Now, get your Brussels Griffon's attention by patting the tree trunk. You can use a command like "up" or something similar. When your dog jumps up with their front paws give them a treat. Tell your pooch how proud you are.
Move higher
Now move higher on the tree. Pat the side of the tree above the dog and offer encouragement. If there is an area with a branch that affixes to the trunk then focus on that goal. Show your dog the area. You can even initially lift the dog to the point and provide a treat.
Repeat the above step and lift your dog up to the point you want them to climb too. Give your dog a treat and praise them. When your Brussels Griffon finally scales the tree, it's time to celebrate. Let your dog know exactly how amazing you think they truly are. Now you can brag to all of your friends that your dog climbs trees. However, once a Griff learns to climb, most continue doing it for the sheer love of the activity.
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More Fun Ideas...

Dog-friendly Festival

Every month across the nation there are a variety of festivals. Whether you attend a spring flower festival or an Oktoberfest, you are going to find a festival where your pooch is welcome.  The Brussels Griffon usually loves getting out and having people appreciate them. You can walk your pooch on a leash or invest in a pet stroller. Most Griffs have no trouble walking on a leash, but in a busy festival atmosphere, sometimes they are safer from being stepped on when placed in a stroller. Some dogs might enjoy dressing up for the events. Most pet stores sell a wide array of doggy outfits for toy pooches.

Beach Day

The Brussels Griffon is a spunky little dog that will probably love the beach. Head for a dog-friendly location. If your dog hesitates because they are afraid of the crashing waves then you might want to carry your tiny doggy in your arms. Provide lots of words of encouragement as you head to the water's edge.  Once your small dog starts to calm down, you can set them near the water and they might surprise you by playing in the surf. If dipping a toe is not fun for your Griff, spread a towel so your dog can sit beside you or dig in the sand.


Brussels Griffons are fun-loving dogs who are always ready for an adventure. Even though most Griffs weigh between 9 and 12 pounds, your dog doesn't know they are small. They are not a breed that you coddle. Instead, you should recognize that your pooch has the heart of a scrappy street dog - let the fun begin! Take your Griff everywhere with you so they become used to getting out and having fun. Ideally, your dog should be obedience trained to make them an even more enjoyable companion. Undoubtedly, you will find many exciting things to do with your furry friend.