Activities For Carpathian Shepherds

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The ancient Carpathian Shepherd is a large Romanian working dog. However, the breed is becoming more common as a family pet. If you own one of these statuesque dogs, then you probably know exactly what it takes to amuse your special canine companion. Your Carpathian Shepherd may enjoy indoor time with the family but they also like to get out to exercise. Your dog's body is made for endurance and strength. However, if your pooch is a typical Carpathian Shepherd, they are probably not very social. If your dog lacks a friendly demeanor with other canines, then a day at the dog park to burn off energy is out. Instead, you will have to focus on enjoying more one-on-one activities together. 

Camping Trip

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Sunny Day
24 hrs
Items needed
Water bowls
Waste Bags
Activity description
Your Carpathian Shepherd was bred to endure severe weather in the mountains of Romania. They love being outdoors, so why not plan a simple overnight camping trip with your pooch? Even if the woods scare you at night, you will feel safe with your four-legged buddy snugged next to you in the tent. Also, your pooch will benefit from a return to their natural roots by enjoying the sounds of the wild outdoors. Your dog will love listening to owls and the rustle of the leaves. Camping is a great bonding experience for the whole family and even more enjoyable when you have your furry buddy at your side. It's not an expensive venture either; once the camping equipment is purchased you can use it over and over.
Campground arrival
If you have hiked into a back-country tent campsite with your pooch then there probably aren't very many campers located nearby. However, if you have decided to stay in a popular campground by a lake or some other location, your campsite may be surrounded by other campers. Your Carpathian Shepherd is usually not a great fan of unfamiliar dogs so please leave the leash on your pooch. Ideally, you should walk your dog around the campsite so they become familiar with the sounds and location. If your dog is familiar with the area then they will be less likely to bark at unknown sounds and make a fuss.
Building a fire
What is camping without a campfire? If this is your dog's first experience around a campfire be sure to take it slow. Some dogs spook around fire. Build a small fire and sit with your pooch nearby. Offer words of encouragement if your dog seems nervous or scared of the flames. The Carpathian Shepherd is a breed that has deep-seated instincts so the fear of fire is only natural. However, with reassurance and a few treats, your dog should settle down to enjoy the experience with you.
Entering the tent
It has probably been a long day and you are ready to hit the hay. It is only natural for your dog to balk at the strange material 'crate'. However, once your pooch sees you enter the tent then the chances are good they will willingly follow. You might have to offer your buddy a few treats to tempt them to duck into the tent with you. Once inside, be sure to offer lots of praise and encouragement so your big dog does not try to claw at the delicate tent material. Once pooch sees you settle down to go to sleep then they will probably lay right beside you.
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Return to Nature

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Any Day
1 hr
Items needed
Waste Bags
Activity description
Within your Carpathian Shepherd flows generations of working dog blood. The canine's instincts are powerful in such a dominant breed. Most Carpathians have adjusted well to living in the city, but they still enjoy getting outdoors and running. However, the breed's dislike of other dogs makes it difficult to go to crowded locations so that you can let your pooch run off the leash. If you know a local farmer, rancher or landowner then why not contact them and ask if you can use or rent their field for an hour? Most landowners will be happy to let you use their land so you can give your dog the freedom to run for a short amount of time. As long as you pick up after your dog and respect the property of the lender, this may evolve into an activity that can be enjoyed several times a week for little to no cost.
Off-leash time
When you first arrive at the field your dog will be very excited! Your energetic pal will smell the fresh air and will be anxious to start sniffing the various aromas. If you have never had your dog off-leash in a strange location, you will want to start off slow. Keep your canine buddy on-leash and walk around at first. Let your furry friend soak up the various smells, sounds, and sights. Once your dog has settled down, it is time to unclip the lead.
Run together
Your dog wants nothing more than to spend quality time with you so after you unhook the leash, take off running and calling your furry buddy. Most dogs love a game of chase with their beloved owner. Your Carpathian Shepherd will probably happily run after you and you can both frolic together in the field to burn off some energy. Keep a pocket full of treats to give your pooch a tasty morsel whenever they catch up to you!
Game of fetch
If your Carpathian Shepherd enjoys playing a game of fetch then it's time to break out the ball or Frisbee. In the wide-open field, your dog will be able to freely run and retrieve. Be ready because your furry buddy might want you to throw the ball or Frisbee endlessly! Every time your buddy brings back the item, be sure to provide a treat and lots of praise for a job well-done. If the field is big, you can bring a ball chucker that lets you throw the ball a great distance. This item is sold at most pet stores.
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Nature Walk

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Any Day
1 hr
Items needed
Waste Bags
Activity description
Your Carpathian Shepherd has been designed by generations of selective breeding to work in often harsh conditions. The entire physique of your dog is made for movement. Even if your canine buddy likes lounging on the couch beside you, it is still imperative that you take your dog for at least one walk per day. Getting out together to stroll the neighborhood is not only fun for your pooch but also a great bonding experience. When walking your large dog, be sure to always keep them on a leash in case you should encounter another dog. Ideally, you should walk in locations where you know that no other canines will be running loose to tempt your Carpathian's natural dog-aggressive instincts.
Walking together
Your dog is probably a creature of habit. It will only take a few walks before your Carpathian Shepherd starts expecting a daily outing! In fact, some dogs will sit at the door and actually whine in anticipation of their daily walk. If you want to make walking together a daily activity, why not try to go at the same time every day? Your dog might take comfort in walking the same trails or may like to explore new locations.
Local or distant
If you don't have anywhere to walk locally, don't hesitate to climb into the car with your dog to drive to a suitable location. Maybe a nice trail through the forest or a quiet neighborhood? All are good places to peacefully walk with your canine companion. If this is the first time you are taking your dog for a long walk, keep the walk short at first and then gradually increase the time and distance.
Treats and games
If you are walking in a location where there aren't very many people or other dogs you can always use an expandable leash to provide a little bit of freedom for your pooch. Be sure to bring a pocket full of treats to entice your dog to remain focused on you and obedient. A daily walk is not only a bonding experience but also a great way to work on obedience together.
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More Fun Ideas...

Play in the Sprinkler

Most Carpathian Shepherds enjoy getting wet on a hot day. If your dog likes to dip a toe in cool refreshing water, why not turn on the sprinklers in the backyard? Remember, your dog has a very thick coat that is almost water resistant. Their fur has adapted through countless generations to withstand the fierce Romanian weather. However, their abundant coat can make them very hot and uncomfortable in the summer months. If your furry buddy hesitates to run through the sprinklers and get wet, put on a swimsuit and offer some encouragement. Your canine companion wants to please you so will love playing in the water beside you.

Canoe Ride

Carpathian Shepherds are highly intelligent with a calm personality. Your dog may display a very laid-back attitude, which can make them a great companion on a canoe trip. Even though your canine buddy is large and powerful, do not assume that they can automatically swim. You should always outfit your dog with a canine life vest for safety. Offer ample encouragement when boarding the canoe. Make sure your dog immediately sits down in the boat and waits quietly. Once the canoe trip is underway, your dog will probably lay down. Be sure to pack lots of treats to reassure your pooch!


Owning a Carpathian Shepherd is both a joy and a challenge. Your dog is highly intelligent, so you will always need to think of new activities so that your buddy doesn't become bored. Your powerful pooch requires daily exercise to truly flourish. Any of the above events are fun ways that you can both enjoy time together. You may also want to enroll your Carpathian in an obedience or agility class. Agility is a singular sport where your dog focuses on you as you as they run through the various obstacles. Your dog will probably excel at obedience or agility because of their eager-to-please nature. Both sports are also great ways to bond even deeper with your canine buddy.