Activities For A Bebasset Bordeaux

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It's not every day that you come across a dog that's both a scent hound and a mastiff as the pairing of these two types of dogs rarely ever happens naturally. The Bebasset Bordeaux is such a dog, resulting from crossing three breeds: a Beagle, a Basset Hound and a Dogue de Bordeaux. We wouldn't be surprised if you'd never heard of this particular breed of dog since there aren't that many of them out there. Folks who have cared for a member of the Bebasset Bordeaux breed have claimed that these dogs can be very friendly but need lots of physical activity and structure in their lives. If you're thinking about adopting a Bebasset Bordeaux, here are a few activities that help this dog get those two things in spades.

Guard Dog Training

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Any Day
45 min
Items needed
Dog Attack Gear
Activity description
Dogue de Bordeaux are often employed as guard dogs in their native homeland of France due to the high level of trainability associated with their breed. The Bebasset Bordeaux can learn to become great guard dogs in their own right but it's going to take a lot of effort and patience to help one of these dogs get on their parent breed's level, let alone surpass it. It's definitely possible to train your pet in the way of the guard dog in the comfort of your own home, but it's usually better to get in touch with a professional trainer who will have numerous pieces of equipment and years of experience at their disposal. A trainer, although moderately costly, will also make sure that your new addition is trained in a safe manner as you do not want to have a dangerous dog on your hands.
Helping your dog get used to interacting with other pets and people is one of the most crucial steps to guard dog training. The earlier you can begin socializing your dog, the better - if you can start socializing them as a puppy then you'd be giving your dog a huge advantage, developmentally speaking. Take them to dog parks and out and about the neighborhood so that they can see people and animals in all situations.
Basic commands
A couple of other key concepts that a dog will need to grasp in order to be a great guard dog are restraint and obedience; once your dog can sit and stay on command as well as heel by your side and resist the urge to chase smaller animals, that's how you're both on the right track. These commands will need to be practiced daily and reinforced often.
Guarding vs. attacking
Attack dogs lunge after threats and meet them with fangs and fury. Guard dogs are supposed to warn their families of potential threats and try to ward them off via posturing and barking. You'll need to teach your dog how to control their urge to bark so that they can really only bark at things that may genuinely present a threat to you and yours. If you are finding that your Bebasset Bordeaux is not catching on or is becoming headstrong, definitely seek out the trainer to put the training on the right track.
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Tracking Training

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Any Day
45 min
Items needed
Tracking Training Equipment
Activity description
This activity is where the Basset Hound and the Beagle in your Bebasset Bordeaux will come in handy. Beagles and Basset Hounds, due to their unique and refined snouts, can learn to be excellent trackers with enough time and practice. Depending on how much your dog takes after their Beagle and Basset Hound parents, they can attain tracking skills which match, or even surpass, that of their Basset Hound progenitors. And even if your Bebasset Bordeaux favors their Dogue de Bordeaux parent more than their Basset or Beagle predecessor, they can still benefit greatly from completing a number of tracking training activities. You may need to get the help of a professional pet trainer to do this activity right, but the benefits your dog will reap from completing a few tracking training sessions will definitely be worth the expense.
Getting on track
The Basset and Beagle DNA in your Bebasset Bordeaux is what will help them sniff out scents and find people, places, or things that are hidden from plain sight; this sort of tracking that involves encouraging a dog to find things using their noses is known as scent tracking. Visual tracking is another, more self-explanatory form of tracking.
Scented tracking
The principles behind scented tracking are simple enough to understand; present your dog with an item that you'd like for them to find, let them sniff it, and then encourage them to sniff out the original source of the smell. A good way to set up an easy version of this activity is to spray a piece of cloth with a strong smell, cut off an even smaller piece of the cloth, present the smaller piece to your dog, and then help them find the bigger piece the sample was cut from.
Visual tracking
This version of tracking is more concerned with the concept of encouraging your dog to look for footprints, tire tracks, or scrape marks that have been left by the person or thing you want to find. You may need a friend to wear some heavy boots, intentionally leave a trail of footprints in a thick patch of grass, sand, or mud, and then help your dog follow the prints to their original source.
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Any Day
12 - 72 hrs
Items needed
Backpacking Gear
Camping Gear
Food and Water
Activity description
This is certainly the most difficult activity in this guide, as backpacking trips tend to take days, weeks, or even months to complete. Gaining tons of experience hiking and camping with your dog are both prerequisites to successfully completing this activity, as backpacking incorporates elements from both of those two aforementioned pastimes. Backpacking with a Bebasset Bordeaux is much safer and easier than backpacking with a number of other dog breeds because this type of dog can watch your back, call out predators, and even help you find your way to civilization if you get lost, provided they've received the proper training. Backpacking definitely isn't for the faint of heart, but it's not all doom and gloom either; there are a number of backpacking trails and guides that a person can use to make the whole experience much easier and to note, of low to moderate cost, too!
What to put in your pack
You should figure out what you'll need to bring, as well as what you can leave, based on the area you and your dog will go backpacking through; are you two planning on trekking through a cold environment? Bring enough blankets and insulating materials to keep the both of you warm. Will you be able to gather food from the environment? Bring plenty of grub if not.
An expected journey
The biggest key to ensuring a successful backpacking trip is being as prepared as possible; as the old saying goes, expect the unexpected. After you've figured out the essential items that you and your dog will need, get a backpack that your dog can wear so that you can bring a few spares along. If your pup is new to a backpack, have them wear it a few minutes a day before your planned excursion. Don't head out into the wilderness without leaving someone a detailed itinerary of your plans and expected return. Keep hydrated (both you and your Bebasset Bordeaux) and as well, do not push it too hard as you trek.
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While Basset Hounds aren't exactly the best swimmers in the canine kingdom and Beagles are not particularly fond of water, their Bebasset Bordeaux offspring can learn to glide through the water with grace and style over time. This is due, in no small part, to the Bebasset Bordeaux's Dogue de Bordeaux heritage; a Dogue de Bordeaux is a surprisingly great swimmer in their own right, as are their Bebasset Bordeaux children.

Weight Vest Training

Outfitting your dog with a weighted vest and then going out for long walks with them can be a really great way to help this dog increase their strength levels without the need to put in a whole lot of effort or cash for your troubles. Most quality weight vests cost about $50 or $60 and using them is as easy as buckling them around your Bebasset Bordeaux's torso.


Guard dog, tracking hound, hiking companion - a Bebasset Bordeaux can learn to fill a lot of roles once they've been given the proper training and guidance. Despite the fact that this breed dog currently lacks the renown of either of their parent breeds, we feel that they have a number of traits that will help give them a place in the hearts of pet enthusiasts around the globe. The Bebasset Bordeaux is a dog that should probably only be cared for by an experienced pet parent as their needs are quite different from more common dog breeds. Follow this guide to the best of your ability so that you and your Bebasset Bordeaux can kick things off right.