Activities For A Belgian Malinois

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The Belgian Malinois belongs to the line of Belgian Sheepdogs and is known for being a smart, energetic and hardworking breed. The Malinois resembles the German Shepherd, not just in appearance but also in personality and temperament. The breed is extremely loyal, highly responsive to training and can pick up cues and commands easily. However, the Malinois is also known for its through-the-roof energy level. This means that owning a Malinois will entail lots of physical activity on your part in order to keep your dog healthy and happy. Here are some of the best activities that you can try with your Belgian Malinois. 

Search and Rescue

Most Popular
13 Votes
Any Day
30 - 60 min
Items needed
Activity description

Despite their willful personality, the Belgian Malinois is an exceedingly trainable dog breed. In fact, the Belgian Malinois is a top choice for several training-related canine activities. One of the best trainings that your Malinois can go through is a search and rescue training. During crises and other trying times, SAR dogs provide a crucial service that most humans cannot. As pointed out by veterinarian Bonnie Beaver in the book Canine Behavior, dogs possess 220 million olfactory receptor cells as opposed to the 6 million that a human being has. Because of this, dogs have a stronger and more sensitive sense of smell, which can be put to great use. 

Get your dog interested in searching
Before you can train your dog in search and rescue, you first have to get them interested in finding people. To do this, start by hiding in your house and calling your dog out. When your dog locates your hiding spot, give a treat as a reward. Do this repeatedly at least three to five times daily for weeks. Eventually, you can take the game outside to make the search more challenging for your dog. This can increase your dog’s motivation for searching.
Use other items for the search
After you get the hide-and-seek part down, change things up by moving on to items. Choose an item (for example, your dog’s favorite toy) and let your dog get a good whiff of it. Then, hide it somewhere and command your dog to find it. Again, do this repeatedly for a certain period of time. Use various items during the process. Eventually, your dog will have mastered the art of searching and retrieving.
Sign your dog up for a class
Even if your dog gets the searching part down, search and rescue still has lots of other aspects that need to be learned. If you are serious about wanting your dog to be trained in SAR and would like to take things to the next level, find a SAR class near you and sign your dog up. A formal class will give your dog all the necessary skills needed to become a bona fide SAR dog.


9 Votes
Any Day
15 - 30 min
Items needed
Activity description

The Belgian Malinois is one of the most lovable and devoted dog breeds that a pet owner can have. However, their loyalty and devotion to owners can sometimes lead to an extremely protective behavior. Sometimes, this can be problematic when your dog shows some sort of aggression towards strangers or other canines. This type of behavior, along with the breed’s strong features, is also why the Malinois has a negative image among those who don’t know the breed well. A good way to change this is through socialization. By undergoing this kind of training, your dog gets exposed to others and learn their body language. They also start to pick up verbal cues and other important signals involving other people and canines. 

Take your dog out
In order to socialize your dog, you first need to get your dog exposed to the outside world. More often than not, your new pooch has had limited interaction from the time of their acquisition. Hence, you should take things slow and allow your dog to observe how other people and dogs interact. A dog park would be a good place to start. However, do not mingle with others. Instead, simply sit with your dog in a secluded area or behind a fence.
Use positive reinforcement during interactions
If a person or dog comes near your Belgian Malinois, associate the interaction with something positive. This could be in the form of an incentive, such as your dog’s favorite treat or other loving gestures such as belly rubs or a pat on the back. In doing so, your dog will take the interaction as a positive thing and will be more encouraged to repeat the gesture.
Interact with others
When you feel confident enough with your dog’s socialization skills, put them to the test by interacting with others. Go to a public place such as a dog park and get your dog to go near other dogs. Observe how your dog will react and be ready in case your dog decides to display aggressive behavior. For every positive interaction, reward your dog.

Agility Training

Least Popular
6 Votes
Any Day
30 - 60 min
Items needed
Materials for the course
Building tools
Activity description

The Belgian Malinois is a hyperactive dog that needs plenty of physical and mental stimulation on a daily basis. One of the best ways to keep your dog physically and mentally active is through agility training. The Malinois is perfect for agility training because of the breed’s high level of intelligence and trainability. Moreover, this activity helps you strengthen your communication with your dog, which in turn helps you forge a more meaningful bond. While agility training classes are quite common, they can be quite expensive. Luckily, you can create your own agility course using some materials found in your local hardware store or flea market. 

Search for instructions
DIY agility courses are famous among dog owners who want to train their dog’s agility without having to break the bank. A simple search on the internet will yield lots of information on how to create your own agility course. Search for procedures and instructions that you know you can follow to a tee. Then, write down all the items that you will need to build the course.
Build the agility course
Once you have found the instructions and have created a list of which items you will need, check out the store/s where you can buy the necessary materials. More often than not, these materials will be available in your local hardware store. You may even check your storage for items that you may have lying around. Flea markets and garage sales are also good potential sources. When you have all the materials that you need, follow the instructions and build your course.
Do a trial run
Once you build the agility course, do a trial run with your Belgian Malinois. Command your dog to go through the different obstacles of the course. If you are unsure how an obstacle should be used, you can search videos on Youtube that show dogs going through agility courses. That way, you can properly train your dog on how to clear each obstacle.

More Fun Ideas...

Treats in a Bottle

More than physical activity, the Belgian Malinois also needs a good amount of mental stimulation. Treats in a bottle is a good mental game for your Malinois. For this game, you will need a metal rod, some plastic soda bottles and a piece of wood to be used as a base. Poke the metal rod through the bottles and secure using the wooden base. Place some treats inside the bottle and watch as your dog tries to get the treats. 

Hot and Cold

This game is a classic for owners and dogs and relies on verbal cues and vocal tone. To play this game, simply hide a treat somewhere in your house while your dog is not looking. Then, command your dog to find the treat. When your dog gets closer to the hiding place, use an enthusiastic tone (which is referred to as “hotter”). Likewise, when your dog starts to move away from the hiding spot, use a calm, unexcited tone (referred to as “colder”). The game is a great test of your dog’s listening skills. Furthermore, it helps establish communication and a special “language” shared between you and your pooch. 


The Belgian Malinois is one of the best dog breeds that you can have as a pet. The breed’s great qualities, such as extreme trainability and devotion unlike any other, make them all the more special. However, it takes a special kind of patience and determination to be able to raise a Malinois. Trying out different activities will go a long way in caring for a Malinois. 

Dog Owner Experiences

's activity story for Activities For A Belgian Malinois
Rat Terrier
Carlsbad, CA
Moderate Energy
He is so funny,
very intelligent
Niko's Activity

He is very smart at home and in public, very protective, gets the zoomies every night. When we are on the couch he is in our lap when we are inside he hunts all the animals in the backyard. He knows so many tricks, high five, left paw, right paw, double, sit pretty , lay,sit, role over, play dead, crawl, find it. He is the best dog ever. He also is so photogenic.

6 years, 5 months ago