Prepare for unexpected vet bills
Even if you have the one or two hours that a Belusky requires for activity daily, it can be a challenge to think of things to do with them. After all, this hybrid of a Belgian Malinois and Siberian Husky requires you to be at your best, providing the most stimulating activities possible. A walk in the park or a 10-minute game of tug of war will not be enough to satisfy this challenging breed, which makes it imperative to think a little more outside the square. If you don’t want your Belusky to attempt a Houdini act, or tunnel their way to freedom, then it might be time to try out some new activities to keep them entertained.
Upon arriving home with your new bundle of fur, it’s imperative to get training underway as soon as possible. Failure to train your Belusky, which can be a dominating breed, can result in them thinking they’re boss, along with a range of other hard-to-correct problems. While there’s no denying it can be an expensive and challenging activity, it’s one that’s the most important and takes only an hour a week for up to eight weeks. What’s more, it will all be worth it when you can trust your Belusky to behave and listen to your commands. Once you find the correct facility for your needs, all you will need then is a leash and treat.
Finding an activity that’s free for such a high-energy dog can be a challenge, but you’ll find that regular trips to the dog park can tick all the boxes. From an early age, a Belusky needs regular socialization. Without it, they can begin dominating every human and animal they come across. When you let them play with other dogs from a puppy, they will soon pick up that they can be bossy but it will get them nowhere. Try to include an hour-long trip to the dog park into your schedule at least every second or third day. It’s fun, easy, free, and you only need a doggy waste bag, leash, and toy.
Because your Belusky is half Husky, there’s a strong possibility that they take to sledding and other harness activities like a duck to water. Therefore, the chance of them enjoying and picking up bikejoring is high as well. Bikejoring involves a bike rider, a harness, and a bike, with the rider getting a “helping hand” from their dog or dogs attached to the harness. Working similarly to sled racing, it can help your dog to burn off energy for an hour or more while featuring a moderate price tag and moderate difficulty level. It’s also an activity that’s fun and stimulating for both rider and man’s best friend.
If you are active, then don’t forget to take your Belusky with you when you head out on a run. This hyper breed is one that loves nothing more than pounding the pavement, so set aside an hour to go for a jog with your furry friend at least once per day.
A Belusky can be quite destructive if they are bored, but on a cold and rainy day, outdoor activity options are limited. Don’t let them get hold of your favorite shoes. Instead, treat them to robust, strong, and rubber chew toys that will provide them with entertainment for hours. You can purchase these from your local pet store.
Owning a Belusky is a rewarding experience, but it’s also a very challenging one. If you are a first-time dog owner, then you are going to need to take control sooner rather than later. Some of these activities above can go a long way to providing your pup with the entertainment and stimulation they require to stay out of trouble and on the right side of your fence!