Activities For A Berger Des Pyrenees

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The Berger des Pyrenees is a shaggy looking, medium-sized dog that comes in two coat types: smooth faced and rough faced. They are an ancient herding breed that seems to be becoming more popular within the United States. These medium-sized dogs are a bundle of energy and do require daily exercise and human interaction for them to be well-adjusted family members. The Berger des Pyrenees is an athletic dog and can run fast, therefore proper training is essential to ensure they will come on recall when they are off leash. There are numerous activities you can do with your Berger des Pyrenees, take the time to try a few different activities and choose the ones that both you and your dog enjoy.

Dog Park Visit

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Sunny Day
1 hr
Items needed
Clean up bags
Activity description

Dog parks have popped up around most neighborhoods and are a great place for your dog to run and play with other dogs. The dog park many times becomes just the playground where doggy moms and dads can socialize, exchange funny stories and training ideas, and enjoy watching the “kids” play. When visiting the dog park, make sure you keep a close watch on all the dogs to make sure everyone is playing nicely. Most dog parks are funded through the city or community and are usually free to use. It is generally best to visit the dog park on nice days that are not too hot or too cold and are not raining. Before visiting the dog park make sure your dog is current on all their vaccinations and is healthy. Also, do not allow your dog to engage in annoying behavior such as excessive barking or aggression towards other dogs and people. Most Berger des Pyrenees are not aggressive and do well playing with other dogs, therefore, will also do well at a dog park. 

Plan your visit
If you are new to the area or have not visited the local dog park yet, take a stroll by and check it out before you bring your dog. Stop and watch how others handle their dogs and how the other dogs interact with each other. Strike up a conversation with those there with their dogs, they will give you the ins and outs of the dog park and also let you know the best times to visit.
Pack for fun
Most people plan on spending about an hour at the dog park, therefore, be sure to pack a tote bag with some essentials for you and your dog. Dog parks do offer a community water bowl, however, you might want to pack your own bowl and bottle of water to keep your dog from sharing germs with every dog at the park. Bring some treats along as well; just be sure to ask other owners before handing them out to dogs other than your own. Pack a drink for you as well, especially if it is a warmer day, a cold bottle of water would probably keep you refreshed during the visit.
Watchful fun
Enjoy your time at the dog park. Strike up a conversation with other dog owners, and spend time playing games with your dog and other dogs at the park. Keep a watchful eye while at the dog park for any potential problems between the dogs and diffuse any possible problems before something bad can happen. Snap plenty of photos of your dog while playing with their buddies.

Picnic Pleasure

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Sunny Day
2 hours
Items needed
Collar & Leash
Dog Treats
Dog Toys
Activity description

There is nothing better than packing a yummy picnic and heading out to the park or beach. You can even have a fun picnic in your own backyard. Picnics are even better when you can share them with your dog and they are generally inexpensive. The best picnics are when the weather is pleasant, no rain in sight and the cold or hot weather has not taken over. Plan on packing a scrumptious picnic for yourself and your family or friends and also put a few goodies in the basket for your dog as well. Toss a blanket or quilt into the car along with some dog toys, clip a leash on your dog’s collar and head out to the park or beach. Invite along a dog loving friend and their dog to make the occasion even better. 

Take a walk
Before settling down for your picnic, you will want to take your dog on a long walk so they will settle down and behave while you enjoy your meal. Your dog may want to explore and play with their toys before you set up your picnic area. Do not plan on eating as soon as you arrive at your destination, your dog must be taken care of first. It will be more pleasant if you are picnicking with a friend and their dog, you can walk together and visit while your dogs play and wear themselves out!
Check the area
Once your Berger des Pyrenees has worn themselves out and you are ready to set up your picnic area, spread out your quilt or blanket and then start looking around the area for anything that could be harmful to your dog. Chicken bones or other trash that your dog can reach can be harmful. Clean up anything that your dog could get into. Have a chew toy handy for your dog and provide them with fresh water to keep them hydrated.
Enjoy the day
A picnic on a nice day is a relaxing experience. It can still be relaxing when your dog is along for the picnic. Take the time to pack chews and treats for your dog and bring along a few extra if you have a friend joining you with their dog. When you are enjoying your meal, have some treats nearby to reward your dog for good behavior. This will keep your dog happy and give you a chance to enjoy your picnic.

Scavenger Hunt

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Sunny Day
1 hr
Items needed
Items to hide
Items for challenges
Activity description

A scavenger hunt is a great way to spend a sunny Saturday afternoon. You can organize a community-wide scavenger hunt or you can host one for just a few friends. Dog clubs can also set up a scavenger hunt as a fundraiser. Usually, scavenger hunts are done outside, however, if it is a small hunt you can easily set things up indoors. Plan on spending about 45 minutes to an hour playing before you can figure your dog will begin to lose interest. When you begin the scavenger hunt, you will have clues and doggy challenges. Each dog must complete the challenges before you can move on to the next clue and challenge. Most teams will consist of one dog and one human; however, the rules can be modified for more dogs and humans per team. The first team to successfully complete the scavenger hunt will with a prize. 

Set the clues
Every great scavenger hunt has fantastic clues that make you stop and think. Do not make them impossible to figure out, but make it a little challenging for the humans. Most scavenger hunts have a theme, so keep your clues within that theme and do not give any hints while people are out hunting! Also, make sure all clues are family friendly in case there are children participating in the fun.
Hide the items
Once you have your clues set, it is time to gather the items and hide them along with the next set of clues. Your items can be almost anything, but you should avoid food items that can attract animals or easily spoil. Make sure that all items are collected each round as well.
Set the challenges
A scavenger hunt with your dog is the most entertaining because each dog has to complete the challenge set at each item. Dogs cannot figure out clues by themselves, but they can complete specific challenges such as going over a jump or leaping through a hoop. When deciding on challenges for the four-legged participants, remember that you could easily have a wide variety of dogs having to perform the challenges, therefore, make sure each challenge can be easily completed by 5 pound or 125 pound dogs.

More Fun Ideas...

Make a Treat

There are a number of recipes for homemade dog treats and there is nothing better than to take an evening and bake some yummy goodies for your canine pal. During the colder months, you will want to bake treats that can be enjoyed indoors such as biscuits and cookies. Warmer months are great times to make frozen treats for your Berger des Pyrenees to enjoy while enjoying some sunshine.

Movie Night

There is no better way to relax than to sit back and enjoy a good movie with your dog curled up with you. Granted, most dogs do not really watch movies, but they do enjoy cuddling with you. If you do not allow your dog on the couch with you, toss some pillows and blankets on the floor and snuggle in for a few hours of quality time.


The Berger des Pyrenees is a happy, intelligent, active medium-sized dog that needs have adequate daily exercise to keep them content. If you do not have enough time to spend with them, they can become barky and destructive. Make time each day to play games with them or take them for long walks. Plan plenty of fun activities for your dog to keep them happy and enjoying life.