Activities For A Border Collie Pyrenees

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If you're looking for a smart, easy going, and active dog to join your family, look no further than a Border Collie Pyrenees mix. These dogs range in size from 30 lbs to 120 lbs and are ready to run and play for many miles with you at their side. Finding activities for a Border Collie Pyrenees should be the top of your list with these dogs. They can easily get bored if left alone too long which can lead to destructive behavior. They do best in homes with plenty of yard space to romp and play.

Puppy Playdate

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Sunny Day
2 hrs
Items needed
Waste Bags
Activity description
Your Border Collie Pyrenees has an incredible amount of energy and they need to learn from other dogs how to romp and play politely without getting into trouble. Chances are, you have a few other friends with similar dogs that really need to play hard at least once per week. Why not get together and let your pups romp and play while you catch up. Pick any sunny day of the week, grab some coffee, and meet up at a dog park or at a local off-leash area. You can even meet up at someone's house if they have a big, fenced in yard for the dogs to play. For the cost of a coffee, your pup can frolic and socialize to their heart's content.
Choose the meeting place
The first step is to determine a time and a meeting place. This can be tricky if more than two people are involved. Use a scheduling app like google calendar to find a time you can all meet. Then determine a good place for some puppy play time. Keep in mind when contacting your friends that dogs of the same size and temperament typically play the best together.
The first meeting
It's best if the first meeting of the dogs is in a neutral area like a dog park or off-leash trail. If you decide to meet at someone's house, let all the dogs into the backyard together so they have plenty of space and freedom to get to know each other. It won't be long before they've become best buds and are romping and playing together.
Regular meet ups
Try to schedule regular doggy playdates for your Border Collie Pyrenees. The more dogs they meet and interact with, the more opportunity they have to practice their social skills. After several playdates together, the dogs will naturally set the stage at each meeting and initiate their own games.


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Cold Day
1 hr
Items needed
Dog boots
Skijoring harness
Harness attachment
Activity description
Border Collie Pyrenees dogs are made for cold, snowy winters. Their thick fur keeps them warm no matter how cold it gets and they love the snow. This is why skijoring is one of the best activities for a Border Collie Pyrenees. In skijoring, a dog wears a special harness that attaches to a harness worn by their owner, who is wearing skis. The dog runs ahead of the owner, pulling them along on the skis. It takes special equipment and a little bit of time to train your dog to run ahead, especially a Border Collie Pyrenees because they can be stubborn, but it's a fun activity on cold, winter days.
The harness
The first step is getting your dog used to the harness. You can put it on them at meal times and let them wear the harness for play time. The more you let them wear it, the sooner they will get used to the feel. Before you know it, they will slip it on willingly each time you bring it out.
Walk on
The next step is to teach them commands to walk on and to stop. You want them to learn to pull on their harness on command so when you have skis on they will know to pull you forward. Have a friend help you out by staying ahead of the dog and calling them forward with treats. Walk behind them with a leash attached to the harness, making sure to hold tension and say "walk on." When they are walking with a tight leash, teach them how to stop on command too.
Skis on snow
When the snow flies and enough accumulates on the ground, it's time to test out skijoring. Put on your dog's harness and snow boots and step into your skis. Head out with another person who can ski ahead with your dog, encouraging them to walk on while you ski behind. Keep in mind that you may need to ski a little behind your dog, but after a few practice rounds, you'll be skijoring for miles together.

Come When Called

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Any Day
15 min
Items needed
Long leash
Activity description
Your Border Collie Pyrenees is a wonderful companion and a great family dog, but they most likely have an independent streak that makes them hard to train. This streak comes from the Great Pyrenees side of the family. These dogs were raised to protect herds of sheep and needed to act on their own to chase predators. You need to make sure your dog listens to you and most importantly, can come when called to keep them safe. When you train these dogs, you need to have plenty of patience to encourage them to come when called and show them it's more fun to come than to ignore you and run off.
Small steps
You always want to set your dog up for success. Start by asking them to come in the house. Don't say their name, just say come. Keep a positive attitude and make it really exciting by shaking a toy to entice them, drumming your hands on the ground, and give them a treat. Set a standard that coming to you means lots of love, toys and treats.
Up the distractions
When your dog is coming when called in the house, it's time to add more distractions. Take them outside into the yard, and attach a long leash. The importance of the leash is to make sure they don't get rewarded for ignoring you. You can up the treats to a higher value like pieces of hot dogs. Do whatever you can to get them to come to you when called and reward them handsomely for coming. Take your time and have patience. Always end on a good note.
Come on a walk
When your dog is consistently coming to you in the yard, it's time to really up the stakes. Take them out on a walk with the long leash and practice calling them to you when they are off exploring near the end of the leash. Set them up for success at first by not calling when they are distracted. Continue to give them lots of praise. If they don't come, stop walking and hold the leash. They will learn that ignoring you isn't fun, but coming to you means treats and pets. Practice this for months before you practice off leash.

More Fun Ideas...


When the temperature is hot, help your furry Border Collie Pyrenees stay cool by taking them swimming. They will plunge right in to the cool water and love splashing around after sticks or toys.


What's the best way to exercise a Border Collie Pyrenees? Take them on a long hike. These dogs love running through the woods just as much as you do and will appreciate a long trail.


Finding activities for a Border Collie Pyrenees might seem like a lot of work. These dogs are active and need to run and play for at least an hour each day. However, there are so many activities these dogs excel at, that you can discover lots of new hobbies. In the winter they love to be out in the snow and will make excellent skijoring dogs. After your ski, you can spend some time tossing snowballs or playing in the snow with the children. They are happy to join you for a hike or a walk, and then they'll be ready to play fetch when you get home. There are so many opportunities for fun with a Border Collie Pyrenees.