Prepare for unexpected vet bills
With looks typical of their cousin, the Greyhound, Borzois are characterized by long and trim legs, deep chest, narrow body, long head and an elegant stance. This Russian breed was originally developed to hunt wolves, hare and other creatures. Borzois carry themselves with much grace despite being tall and lanky. In fact, this breed is regarded as the most “glamorous” of all sight hounds. They were also favored by members of royalty and aristocrats back in the old days. But they also have a rowdy and powerful side to them; Borzois have an inherent impulse to chase anything that catches their attention. With the right amount of physical stimulation and constant attention, the Borzoi can become an excellent choice for a home pet.
The Borzoi is considered to be an aristocratic dog breed, one that exudes elegance and grace. Furthermore, this breed is fairly rare in the United States. If you happen to own one and are proud of it, you may want to turn your beloved pet into a show dog. These dog shows are called “conformation” and are usually meant for dogs with “show quality”, meaning that they are the best ones to represent their breed. The participants of a conformation show are graded by experienced judges based on a set of standards (or a “blueprint” of their particular breed), which details how they should look or act. While this is a competitive event, a lot of dog owners join conformation shows to simply show off their purebred dogs.
Borzois are a member of the sighthound family, which makes them a particularly fitting choice for the canine sport of lure coursing. This event was originally created to specifically enable sighthounds to compete against each other in a modeled hunting scenario. In general, a lure course involves a zigzag path that is at least 500 yards long. A mechanical line-and-pulley is used to pull a lure, typically made of plastic garbage bags, and serves as a bait. Once the participating dogs are released, this lure is dragged around the course for the dogs to chase. This sport is a fun activity that Borzois will surely appreciate, given their affinity and impulse to run after things.
Borzois are athletic and can become excellent training or exercise partners. One of the activities that you can do together is cycling. With their speed, Borzois can keep up with a moving object, such as a bicycle. This activity will also serve as a good energy-burner for both you and your dog. It can also become your bonding time for the day. However, because of their tendency to run away and chase after others, you need to contain your pooch when going for a ride. The best way to do this is to have a sturdy leash or harness attached to you while you set out on your ride.
With a long and silky coat, it is no wonder that the Borzoi is a high-maintenance dog breed. While the daily brushing can help keep their loose fur under control, a total grooming on a regular basis will come in handy. All you have to do is bring your pooch to a doggy spa and let the professionals take care of the rest.
With their hunting background, Borzois need to engage in regular exercise to stay happy and healthy. One of the easiest ways to work out a Borzoi is by running. A one and a half hour run per day is enough to keep them satisfied. However, bearing in mind the breed’s instinct for chasing, this activity must be done within a closed area. You may also keep your Borzoi securely leashed when going for a run.
The Borzoi is a big, athletic and fun-loving dog breed. If you are one of the fortunate ones to own this Russian breed, you should know how to properly take care of them in order to avoid any unwanted or negative behavior. A variety of physical and mental activities, coupled with some tender loving care, would do wonders in satisfying your Borzoi.