Prepare for unexpected vet bills
Whether you refer to your Chow Chow Siberian Husky breed as a Chusky or as a Chowski, you surely love them immensely. These giant fluff balls of love definitely need a lot of attention and they are not for the "lazy" dog owner. Your Chusky needs you to train them, needs you to set up games and activities and craves your guidance. Without your help, this breed can be very difficult to manage so use these activities to help your Chusky be the best pup they can be!
A Chusky needs a good deal of training right from the moment you get them. As a protective, dominant and occasionally aggressive breed (mainly stemming from their Chow Chow roots), proper training is essential to make sure your pup is in your control. By training your Chusky properly, you let them know who is in charge from day one (you!) and also set your expectations for them which will, therefore, let them know how they should act. Also, a trained dog is a happy dog! Try some fun training activities with your Chusky to make sure you are both on the same page.
Chuskys are naturally attached to their owners and will go to whatever means necessary to protect them. However, you should work on strengthening your bond with your dog in a healthy way. This means doing activities together that will bring you closer while also assuring your Chusky that it is okay to be away from you. These activities are perfect to make that connection happen with your Chusky and reassure them that they are your number one dog but separation can be good as well! Start playing these bonding games with your Chusky when they are young pups and continue throughout their lifetime.
Both Chow Chows and Siberian Huskies are cold loving pups. With that big coat of fur that your Chusky likely has, they are sure to fare well in the cold as well. In fact, they are sure to thrive in the cold weather, coming more alive and active than ever! There are so many fun things that you can do in the cold with your Chusky which is great because all they will want to do when the weather drops is to be outside with you. Go grab that winter jacket and get ready to play some fun, cold weather games with your Chusky!
Making sure that your Chusky is accustomed to having other dogs and people around is essential. These pups can form strong attachments to their humans and become defensive and protective so being around others often will help curb this behavior.
Chuskies have a whole lot of hair so grooming is very important. Make a full spa day for your Chusky which could include a wash, brush and nail clipping all done, of course, in a very pampering way!
Chuskies can be a great breed for families with young kids and owners who love to take care of a busy dog. As you can see, there are many things that you can do with your Chusky both inside and outside, some things that take hours to just a few minutes out of your day. Whenever you have spare time, be sure to spend it with your Chusky. You are the number one person in their life and you should show them that same, unbridled love.