Activities For A Chusky

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Whether you refer to your Chow Chow Siberian Husky breed as a Chusky or as a Chowski, you surely love them immensely. These giant fluff balls of love definitely need a lot of attention and they are not for the "lazy" dog owner. Your Chusky needs you to train them, needs you to set up games and activities and craves your guidance. Without your help, this breed can be very difficult to manage so use these activities to help your Chusky be the best pup they can be!


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A Chusky needs a good deal of training right from the moment you get them. As a protective, dominant and occasionally aggressive breed (mainly stemming from their Chow Chow roots), proper training is essential to make sure your pup is in your control. By training your Chusky properly, you let them know who is in charge from day one (you!) and also set your expectations for them which will, therefore, let them know how they should act. Also, a trained dog is a happy dog! Try some fun training activities with your Chusky to make sure you are both on the same page. 

Treat choice
Before training your Chusky to do anything, make sure you are well equipped with treats that they love. A food motivator will be very helpful for this breed and also is a clear reward for when your pup behaves well. Even when you aren’t directly training your Chusky, it is a good idea to carry treats around just in case you need to do some behavior modification or pure bribery with your pup!
Pick a skill that you would like your Chusky to learn and break it down into stages of training. For example, if you want to teach your Chusky to sit, start by pushing their back legs downward gently and "forcing" them to sit as you say the command. Then reward them, even though you aided them in the motion.
Repeat the command and the motion you would like to follow over and over again until it is ingrained in your Chusky's mind. Be sure that this breed knows all the basic commands like sit, stay, come and lie down. All of these are essential to your pup being able to behave properly and be a well adjusted dog!


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Chuskys are naturally attached to their owners and will go to whatever means necessary to protect them. However, you should work on strengthening your bond with your dog in a healthy way. This means doing activities together that will bring you closer while also assuring your Chusky that it is okay to be away from you. These activities are perfect to make that connection happen with your Chusky and reassure them that they are your number one dog but separation can be good as well! Start playing these bonding games with your Chusky when they are young pups and continue throughout their lifetime.

Hello, goodbye
Say goodbye to your Chusky, pat them on the head and toss them a treat and then step outside the door. After a few seconds have passed, open your door and greet your dog. Then, do it again, waiting a little longer this time before coming back inside. This game will teach your pup that when you leave, you will always come back! This will reassure your Chusky and make them feel more confident in your relationship.
Get on a good schedule with your dog meaning you do the same things, around the same time every day. Try to feed your dog, walk your dog and play with them around the same time. This reliability will show your pup that they can count on you no matter what!
Enforcing rules is very important to make sure your Chusky knows their boundaries and knows who is in charge. If you don't allow your Chusky on the couch, then never let them on the couch - no exceptions! While you may think this seems harsh, your Chusky will love knowing what is and what isn't allowed and it will make them happier when the rules of the house are set in stone.

Cold Weather Games

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Cold Day
1 hr
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Both Chow Chows and Siberian Huskies are cold loving pups. With that big coat of fur that your Chusky likely has, they are sure to fare well in the cold as well. In fact, they are sure to thrive in the cold weather, coming more alive and active than ever! There are so many fun things that you can do in the cold with your Chusky which is great because all they will want to do when the weather drops is to be outside with you. Go grab that winter jacket and get ready to play some fun, cold weather games with your Chusky! 

Snow fetch
If there is snow on the ground then a game of snowball fetch is necessary. Make a snowball and show it to your pup. Have them sit and get ready to fetch. Throw the ball for your dog and when it lands, it will "disappear" in the snow, making your Chusky very confused. They will dig, sniff and play in the snow looking for that ball and having fun!
If you have good packing snow, build a tunnel for your Chusky to run through. They will love going deep under the snow into their own little "cave" and running through will also delight them. Your Chusky can also assist you in digging the tunnel itself as tossing around snow is definitely lots of fun.
Sled pulling
If you have a good amount of time and winter is just beginning, give sled pulling a try. Siberian Huskies are known for their sled pulling abilities and your Chusky will have some of this natural ability in them. Start slowly by having your dog only pull the sled itself and then work up in weight until they can take you for a ride!

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Making sure that your Chusky is accustomed to having other dogs and people around is essential. These pups can form strong attachments to their humans and become defensive and protective so being around others often will help curb this behavior.

Spa Day

Chuskies have a whole lot of hair so grooming is very important. Make a full spa day for your Chusky which could include a wash, brush and nail clipping all done, of course, in a very pampering way!


Chuskies can be a great breed for families with young kids and owners who love to take care of a busy dog. As you can see, there are many things that you can do with your Chusky both inside and outside, some things that take hours to just a few minutes out of your day. Whenever you have spare time, be sure to spend it with your Chusky. You are the number one person in their life and you should show them that same, unbridled love.