Activities For A Malinois X

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An energetic breed with an impressive history as a working dog, the Belgian Malinois is a much-loved companion animal that will love life with an active owner. Meanwhile, the intelligent and hard-working German Shepherd needs no introduction, and it's these two breeds that come together to create the Malinois X.

If you're the proud owner of a Malinois X, you'll no doubt be well aware that plenty of regular exercise and mental stimulation are crucial to your pet's wellbeing. The good news is that there are many different activities and doggy sports at which a Malinois X can excel.

Here are some of the best ways to spend some quality time with your canine pal.

Doggy Toy Swap

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Any Day
30 min
Items needed
Activity description

Does your dog absolutely love it when you get out their favorite toys and have a fun play session in the yard? If so, your pet will love this activity.

Even if your pet's toy box is full of the latest and greatest doggy toys and gadgets, sometimes it's possible to have too much of a good thing. And if your pet is a little bored with their current crop of toys, now is the paw-fect time to treat them to a doggy toy swap.

This is a simple way to mix things up for your dog and one of their canine pals, so here's what you need to do.

Find a toy-swap partner
Think about which of your friends and family members have dogs with similar play habits to your Malinois X — for example, you might choose a dog that is similarly obsessed with tennis balls, or that needs only the most durable of toys. Once you've settled on the ideal dog, get in touch with their owner and ask if they'd be interested in a temporary toy swap for a month or two.
Clean your dog's toys
Gather up all of your dog's toys and give them a once-over to make sure they're still in good condition and safe to use. Now is also the time to give the toys a clean — not only is this important for hygiene reasons and to stop the spread of disease, but it's also a basic courtesy.
Swap and enjoy
Now you can arrange a time to meet up with your pet's canine friend and their owner to swap the toys. This is a good excuse to let your pets enjoy a doggy playdate, and then you can head home and let your dog loose with their "new" toys. They'll love the chance to play with something different, and the new toys may also inspire you to come up with some different games you can enjoy with your pooch.
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Agility at Home

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Sunny Day
30 - 60 min
Items needed
Garden furniture
Household items
PVC pipe
Activity description

As an active and athletic breed, the Malinois X can excel at a wide range of doggy sports. Agility is a particular favorite for many dogs, offering healthy helpings of both physical activity and a mental workout.

The basic aim of agility is to train your pet to tackle a dog-friendly obstacle course. Learning the necessary skills provides a wonderful mental challenge for your four-legged fur-kid, and there are plenty of opportunities to run off all of their energy.

While you can participate in agility through your local dog agility or sports club, you can also set up a training course for your dog in your yard.

Plan your course
You'll need a decent-sized yard if you're going to set up a suitable course for your Malinois X, so make sure to leave plenty of space for your dog to maneuver around all obstacles. You can integrate existing features (like trees and garden furniture) into the course if you want, or bring items from other parts of the house. Just make sure the course you construct is suited to your dog's level of ability.
Construct it
Once you have a rough idea of what you want to create, move all the necessary obstacles into place. You can just use whatever you find around the home to act as obstacles, but some owners might stock up on a few supplies to build a course — for example, lengths of PVC pipe can make great weave poles.
Get practicing
Jumping, crawling, weaving, running — these are just some of the skills your dog will need to use to navigate the course. You'll need to start slowly and walk your dog around the course on a leash, remembering to reward them for successfully clearing each obstacle. As they progress, your pet will soon be able to run through the course off-leash, guided only by your voice and hand signals.
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Camping Trip

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Sunny Day
1 - 2 days
Items needed
Bed and bedding
Tick prevention
Dog food
Activity description

Planning a family camping trip? Why not treat your dog and bring them along to enjoy the vacation with you?

Camping is a grrr-eat way to get outside, get active, and enjoy plenty of fresh air. It also makes it easy to spend a whole lot of quality time with your canine companion, and your Malinois X will love being made to feel like an important family member.

Whether you're planning a quick weekend trip or a longer family getaway, dogs usually make excellent campers. However, you'll need to do some careful planning to ensure that your camping adventure runs as smoothly as possible.

Choose your destination
The first step is to decide where you want to go. Traveling time and budget will be big factors here, in addition to pet policies and restrictions at the campground you plan to visit. Another factor to consider is what activities are on offer at your proposed destination — for example, will your dog be able to go hiking or swimming with you? Finally, don't forget to consider any hazards (such as dangerous wildlife or poison ivy) that could hamper your fun.
Pack all the essentials
Your dog can't pack their own suitcase, so make a list of everything you'll need to take for your dog. Food is an obvious one, and if you're carting in your own water, you'll need to make sure there's plenty for your four-legged camper. A pet first aid kit could come in handy, while your dog's bedding and toys are also essential.
Get out there
With all the planning and preparation complete, the only thing that's left to do is get out into the great outdoors. If you've chosen the pawfect destination and packed everything your dog needs, there's nothing to stop you having a memorable vacation. Just make sure your dog is on their best behavior and that you always show courtesy to other campers.
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More Fun Ideas...

Play in a sprinkler

Looking for a way to give your Malinois X plenty of exercise but also stay cool during summer? Turn on a sprinkler in your yard and let them run through it!

Take a nature hike (or run)

To give your pet a solid workout, head out into a park or forest near you and tackle a dog-friendly hike. Be sure to plan out your route before you go, and be aware of any challenging terrain or hazards along the trail.


The main thing every Malinois X owner needs to be aware of is that regular exercise is essential to the breed's health and happiness, along with plenty of human companionship and interaction. These activities for your Malinois X will challenge your pooch physically, stimulate them mentally, and help burn some of their endless energy.