Prepare for unexpected vet bills
If you don’t have time for a large dog that requires hours of entertainment and stimulation every day, then you may choose to go to the opposite side of the spectrum. A toy breed such as a Shichi is a fun-loving, excitable yet low maintenance dog that requires minimal exercise to keep them happy. Because they are a mix between a Shih Tzu and a Chihuahua, a Shichi can also be very precious. To avoid running into problems with aggression and anti-social behavior, make sure you include these activities in their regular schedule. They can learn how to interact with others while getting that much-needed physical and mental stimulation at the same time.
Even though Shichis only need around 20 minutes of physical activity per day, the dog park can be an excellent place to get it. There is no denying that it’s going to be a short trip that seems like it’s not worth it, but for the sake of your dog’s socialization, it’s crucial. Both Chihuahuas and Shih Tzu breeds can be quite possessive and aggressive. If you can nip this behavior in the bud sooner rather than later, you can benefit from a well-rounded toy dog that gets along well with other dogs. Therefore, when the sun’s shining and you have 20 minutes to spare, grab your dog, their leash and a waste bag and head to your nearest dog park. You may find it’s more of a beneficial experience than you initially thought.
The benefit of having such a small dog is that a game of fetch is all it takes to wear them out for an entire day. What’s more, this affordable activity only takes up 10 minutes of your time, and you can play it inside or outside. If it’s raining or you live in an apartment complex, fetch inside is a valid option. Otherwise, you can clear space in your fenced backyard to play the game as well. Fetch is a simple activity that your dog will pick up quickly. Buy a cheap fetch toy, ask your dog to fetch it, and within 10 minutes, they will be sprawled out on their bed fast asleep. It’s amazing how quickly such an easy game can tire a little body out.
If you were trying to tire out a large dog with a walk, you might find yourself walking all day. With a Shichi, however, a 15-minute walk around the block is enough to have them exhausted. Any longer than 15 minutes and you may even need to carry them home! A casual stroll is a fun, effortless and free activity that will be suitable for both you and your dog. Even if you are having a busy or hectic day, anyone can set aside a quarter of an hour for their pampered pooch. And, that’s all your Shichi asks of you.
Even when your Shichi grows out of their puppy stage, they are still quite playful dogs. They may spend a lot more time barking than they do playing, but chew toys can be a way to stimulate their senses. Buy them a toy basket, fill it with suitable toys, and let them spend hours chewing toys and throwing them in the air. You don’t always need to be the source of your pup’s entertainment.
If you’re having a lazy Sunday at home, then why not put your time to good use and create a little agility course for your pampered pooch? Basing it on a larger dog’s, you can build small weave poles, teeterboards, tunnels, and other fun items to stimulate your pup’s body and soul. It may be a temporary course, but it will still provide hours of fun for as long as you leave it up.
Your Shichi may look small, but their big personality more than makes up for their stature. Shichis are full of character and love nothing more than to be by your side as you carry out your daily errands. They don’t require a lot of stimulation on a regular basis, but they sure give a lot of love in return. If you want to treat your Shichi to fun activities, why not try these above?