Activities For American French Bull Terriers

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While an American French Bull Terrier certainly has a long name, they are not very big pups! Yet where this breed is lacking in size, they make up in pure bulk and muscle. These strong dogs are full of energy, love to play and are just full of spunk. If you are the lucky owner of an American French Bull Terrier, you will need to have an arsenal of activities on hand to keep your dog entertained and having fun!

Friendly Times

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Any Day
2 - 4 hrs
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Other Pets
Activity description
American French Bull Terriers are considered to be a companion breed. This means that they do not come from a line of dogs who had decades of working in their history. American French Bull Terriers are not herding dogs, they aren’t particularly fond of tracking and, while they do enjoy a good game of tug, they are not keen of pulling things like sleds (and their size kind of eliminates them from this task anyway). These dogs just want to be loved and to love you! Because of this strong desire to give and receive affection, they can get quite lonely when left alone. These activities will help your pup fill their need for a companion.
Dog sitter
If you have to work, go out for a day or go away on vacation, you may want to find a friend or family member to take care of your American French Bull Terrier while you are gone. These dogs do best when with people they know. Your dog will be happier just laying around when someone else is laying around too! Dogs do not have a great sense of time so whether you leave your dog for one hour or ten, they will not be happy. Having someone there with them will keep them content and calm.
Two are better than one
If you are able to have more than one pet, it is highly recommended. American French Bull Terriers get along great with other pets so whether you choose to look for a cat or just another dog, your pup will love being with their best friend. There won’t be any jealousy here, just extra love!
Socialize and play
Even if you plan on spending the day with your dog, consider bringing them to a dog park or having a doggy friend over for a playdate. These dogs are social and will enjoy the opportunity to play with others while also still having you right by their side.
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Mood Training

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Any Day
20 min
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Activity description
Since American French Bull Terriers are very in tune with their owners, watching their every move, they can easily be trained to react to their owner's emotions. The fact that this breed is quite intelligent and is easily trained just adds to the fact that this is a great activity that will have very fun and useful results. While you should start with training your dog to recognize your mood, you can easily translate this to your dog responding to other people’s moods as well. Once your dog knows how people are feeling, they can respond appropriately with a lick to cheer someone up, jumping up and down to reflect your excitement or by laying down on their bed, out of the way if you are feeling angry. The possibilities are endless!
Mood choice
Start by identifying a few simple moods you may want your dog to learn. Happy, sad, angry and excited are a few good ones that are very easy to exaggerate as you train your American French Bull Terrier. Also, decide what you would like your dog to do for each mood. For example, if you are sad, do you want your dog to curl up by your side or give you a little personal space? Make these choices before beginning your training.
One at a time
Start training one mood in day to day life. Anytime your dog is nearby and you are happy, put on a big smile, say “happy” and have your dog do the action you would like to be associated with this emotion. Give your dog a treat and continue on with your day. Repeat your “happy” training frequently and often until your dog does the appropriate action when they just see your smile.
Multiple moods
Once your pup has learned one mood well and can react based on your physical cues rather than your words, move on to the next emotion. Soon, your pup will be able to just read your body language and know what you are feeling (which they may already be in tuned to even before training!). It is great to have a pup who will react and adjust to our ever changing human emotions!
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New Places

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Any Day
1 hr
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Activity description
As mentioned previously, American French Bull Terriers are a breed that loves to be around people, especially their owners. These dogs also just love meeting new people and are very friendly in almost all situations. Combine this naturally happy state with the fact that American French Bull Terriers are very smart and inquisitive and you have a dog that will love a good, everyday adventure. Rather than leaving your dog at home or having someone dog sit, why not bring your dog with you on your day to day errands? Your pup is going to love going where you go and the sights and sounds of new places will get them excited, happy and ready for a good nap when you get home!
Pet store
Bring your dog to your local pet store. Most pet stores are pet-friendly which means they allow dogs (and other animals!) into the stores. Let your dog sniff around, pick our a new toy perhaps or just take in all the sights. Maybe you will even meet another dog friend that your pup can play with in the aisles!
Car ride
Go for a nice car ride with your dog when you are not feeling like being social but just need to get out of the house. Roll the window down a little so that your American French Bull Terrier can smell all the interesting new smells in the air. While many dogs will look out the window in excitement the whole ride, others may just lie down and take a nap! Either way, your pup will be happy.
New trail
Find a local trail where you can bring your dog for a hike or long walk in a new place. There is nothing this breed will love more than going to a long walk somewhere that is out of their normal realm. With all the things to see and take in, your dog will be elated and ready to walk for miles.
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Chew Toys

The French Bulldog side of your pup is most likely obsessed with chew toys. Give your dog a few chew toy options and see which they gravitate towards….then buy more of those!


Keeping your pup clean (especially if they have some of those Bulldog creases in their skin) is very important but can also be fun. Rub behind their ears, give a little paw massage and keep that coat nice and clean!


Isn’t it so great to have such a happy, fun breed of dog? American French Bull Terriers are certainly one of a kind and really do make the perfect pet. Make sure your dog is just as happy being yours are you are happy with them. These simple yet fun activities are a great place to start. From being an inseparable duo to training your American French Bull Terrier to read your moods, you and your dog are bound to have fun whenever you play together.