Activities For An Insecure Dog

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Is your dog quite shy? Do they hesitate before an activity? Or, maybe they are very skittish around new people and unfamiliar situations. If any of these sound like your dog, you may have an insecure dog. While this may be new territory for you, you do not need to worry! There are plenty of activities you can do with an insecure dog that will make them happy, keep them entertained and cater to their hesitant nature. With a little help from you, your uncertain pup will be beaming with happiness and building confidence in no time!

Encourage and Ignore

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Any Day
20 min
Items needed
New Toys
Activity description
If you have an insecure dog, your first instinct may be to coddle them. Of course, you want your dog to feel safe and happy so you may be doing everything you can to help them feel better when their insecurities flare up. However, this assistance may be causing your dog to be more reliant on you in situations when they feel a little insecure. In order to help your dog in the long run, you need to help them become more independent and prepared for new (maybe scary) situations. Taking away that attention you are giving your dog when they feel insecure is the first step! This is an activity you can practice at home on a daily basis and the only cost is love and firm kindness.
Set up
Get a few new toys that your dog may never have seen before. Toys that squeak or make noise are preferable as they are more likely to be something your dog is hesitant toward. Grab a few of your dog's favorite treats and get ready to train your dog. Go to a location where your dog feels safe and where there are few distractions so your pup can concentrate on you.
Ignore and encourage
Show your dog the new toy and try to cause their insecurity to flare up. It sounds rough but it is necessary! When your dog begins to show signs of being scared or insecure, leave the toy on the ground and walk away. Do not help your dog or encourage them to come to you or the toy, just ignore your dog's behavior. When your dog finally calms down or if they go right over to the toy they were afraid of, praise them heavily! Give your dog treats and pets and everything they love to show them that their bravery was a good thing. Get out another new toy and do the exercise again!
Repeat the experience
Continue this training daily. When your dog is in any situation where they show signs of insecurity, ignore the behavior and let your dog work through the emotions. When your dog is able to self-soothe, they will be more likely to be confident and happy in new or scary situations. It is hard not to help your dog feel comforted but it will be best for them in the long run.


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Any Day
20 min
Items needed
Activity description
The best way to help a dog become more secure and less fearful is to expose them to the exact situations that may be causing them anxiety. The sooner you do this, the better off your dog will be. One thing that has been shown to greatly help insecure dogs is to put them in social situations. Not only will this help your dog get used to being around other pets and people but they can observe the actions of other dogs and follow their lead. Try to socialize your dog when they are young or when you first bring them home with you. Parks and playdates are free activities that can be enjoyed often, building your pup's confidence as they grow.
Dog parks
A dog park is the perfect place for an immersive socialization situation. Your dog will be surrounded by other pups running and playing. While they may be scared or hesitant at first (even the first few times you go), just letting your dog get used to this scenario is beneficial. Let them sit by your side and just watch, eventually they will join in the fun. Keep visiting the dog park even if your dog seems uninterested or insecure, it may take a while but it will help your dog greatly!
Pup friends
If you have a friend or family member who has a dog, invite them over to your home for a doggy playdate. Your dog may act insecure at first but they may be more apt to play with a friend when it is one on one rather than at a dog park with multiple dogs. Invite the same dog friend over frequently so your dog grows accustomed to them and begins to form a real friendship.
Human friends
Invite your friends and family members over often. While your dog may shy away from new people at first, they will only grow more and more at ease with people if people are actively around. Let your visitors know that your dog is a little insecure and encourage them to approach your pup slowly and with open hands to show they are harmless.

Stay Busy

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Any Day
1 hr
Items needed
Treat Toys
Activity description
Dogs can focus on their insecurities and fears when they have nothing else to distract them. Just like humans, dogs need to stay busy in order to keep their minds off of things that may cause them anxiety. If your dog is especially insecure, you should definitely plan games and activities for them on a daily basis not only to wear them out physically but to keep them happy and entertained, not fearful and bored. Incorporate new games and activities into your dog's daily life every day and you will instantly notice their insecurities fizzle away. It doesn't have to be hard or expensive, just simple things that will help your dog get through the day!
Treat dispensing toys
You can purchase a wide variety of treat dispensing toys that will challenge your dog and keep them thinking just about the treats, not about their insecurities. Most toys will have you place treats in compartments and your dog needs to use their paws, nose and brain to get the treats out. These toys are perfect for times you have to leave your dog alone or just for rainy days inside.
On the go
Bring your dog for a walk, a run or a hike every day, multiple times a day if possible. While going in a fenced backyard can be fun, it can get boring for a dog, especially one with insecurities. Bringing your dog out and on new routes will excite them. Bringing your dog running or on longer walks will also tire them physically, making sure they are happy and exhausted at the end of the day.
Favorite toy
If your insecure dog has a favorite toy, be sure to play with it alongside your dog every day. Your dog wants to play with the toys they love and the experience will be even better and more satisfying for them if you play as well. Let your dog show you how they like to play and what makes them feel good.

More Fun Ideas...


Give your dog a nice full body massage at the end of each day. Dog massage has been shown to calm dogs and make them feel relaxed and less anxious, a perfect, peaceful solution to soothe your dog's insecurities.

Tag Along

Bring your dog with you anywhere you can. Bring your pup to the pet store, on road trips and to visit friends houses. By keeping your dog by your side, they will be happier and less insecure due to exposure to new situations and the fact that you are always by their side.


It can be a challenge to adjust to life with an insecure dog but keep in mind that it is also hard on your dog. Planning adventures, making time to play and trying to curb your dog's insecurities are all necessary for the overall happiness of your pup. Give your dog and your dog's emotions the attention and help they deserve and soon, your companion will no longer be so insecure. A little love and planning go a long way with an insecure dog!