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It is normal for dog owners to have the tendency to crown their own dog as the cutest and most intelligent pooch compared to all other dogs. In fact, as humans, there is that innate instinct to love one’s own. But what if you realize that your dog is a bit more intelligent than the usual, normal-dog smart? After all, dogs are capable of extraordinary things and can be trained to perform a variety of tasks. If your dog has extra wits that can be a lot to handle, regardless of their breed, try out these activities to keep your dog mentally stimulated.
Dogs love to play games, specifically games that require a lot of activity and movement. However, for intelligent dogs, brain games are just as fun and entertaining as physical ones. One of the simplest but most mentally stimulating brain game for dogs is the shell game. You’ve probably seen some street hustlers playing this game but it is actually also a favorite among dog owners. In this game, all you need are three cups and your dog’s favorite treat. You place a treat under one of the cups and shuffle them around. Then, leave your dog guessing which cup has the treat underneath it. Not only is this a great mental challenge for your dog, it is also cost and hassle-free!
The jump rope is a classic game that almost everyone has played at some point in their childhood lives. But did you know that this can also be played by your dog? Some might think that this is an unbelievable task. However, let’s not forget that dogs have great learning capacities. Intelligent dogs also have an edge as they are more trainable. Body and eye coordination is a must in this activity, which is why clever dogs usually excel in it. To teach your dog how to play jump rope, you will need a wide space to play in, a jump rope and loads of patience. This activity cannot be taught overnight but once your dog learns it, it can be a unique and fun activity.
All dogs need to have some sort of mental stimulation on a regular basis. With the smart ones, however, you need to keep coming up with more creative and innovative ways to keep them interested and to prevent boredom. Luckily, some toy developers and individuals have recognized this need and did all the work for you. Nowadays, you will find literally hundreds of different interactive and brain games for dogs of all ages and intelligence levels. These toys range from puzzles to food-dispensing devices and gadgets. The price of such toys can range from moderate to expensive, depending on the type that you get.
With this activity, you get to hit two birds with one stone because not only is your dog entertained, you also make your life easier by letting your dog clean up on their own. This activity involves getting your dog to “drop” the toy at a certain spot, usually a box or container where you keep your toys. This activity takes time and a good understanding of the “drop” command.
Hide and seek is a timeless game that is not only enjoyed by humans but also by dogs. Just like the human version of the game, what you do is hide somewhere while your dog is occupied or out of sight. Then, call out your dog’s attention until they locate where you are. One way to keep your dog playing is to give a reward after finding you.
When it comes to caring for intelligent dogs, it is essential to find new and ingenious ways to stimulate their brains. Smart dogs may seem a bit intimidating to handle, but in reality, they are a blessing to have. When doing activities with your clever pooch, make sure to keep things fresh and creative. But, more importantly, do not pressure your dog too much and just have some fun.