Activities For Argentine Dogos

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With a large muscular body, a striking white coat and a powerful demeanor, the Argentine Dogo will definitely catch your eye. Also called the Argentinian Mastiff, this breed was first developed in 1928, when a doctor and professor from Argentina named Antonio Nores Martinez aimed to create a dog for big game hunting which could also serve as a loyal guard dog. After crossing a variety of dog breeds, the resulting dog was the Argentine Dogo. Though the breed’s original purpose was for hunting, they serve a lot of other functions at present and are known to excel in rally obedience, search and rescue operations and other canine sports. 

Flying Disc Game

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Sunny Day
30 - 40 min
Items needed
Flying disc or Frisbee
Activity description

The Argentine Dogo is a dog breed that finds enjoyment in doing something, be it working or playing. This breed also needs plenty of exercise in order to prevent the onset of any aggression or harmful behavior. However, the challenge when it comes to playing games with your Dogo outdoors is that they have quite a high prey drive, which means they can run off and chase other animals or people passing by. This can potentially be harmful to the other parties. If you want a game that you can play within your own backyard without compromising your Dogo’s exercise needs, then a game of flying disc is your best bet. 

Introduce the disc to your pooch
If you have just bought a disc and it is your dog’s first time to encounter it, chances are they wouldn’t know what to do with it. Hence, you need to get your dog familiar and interested in the disc. Also, you should let your dog hold it with their mouth so that they will get used to the feeling. Every time your dog shows interest in the disc, display enthusiasm and interest. You can also roll the disc on its side, similar to how you would a ball, in a room and have your dog chase it.
Toss the disc
Once your dog forms some sort of attachment with the disc, you can then start to throw it out in your backyard. At the beginning, toss the disc at a low level so it will be easy for your pooch to catch it. You can start to increase the height and distance as you progress. Remember to always use praise, or even give rewards, whenever your dog goes after the disc. To prevent any injuries, make sure that you are throwing the disc towards the direction of your dog, not directly at your dog.

Hide and Seek

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Any Day
15 - 30 min
Items needed
Toy or treat
Activity description

One of the most classic games that you can play with your Argentine Dogo indoors is the hide and seek. While this game might seem boring and a bit too clichĂ©, it is actually an effective activity for a Dogo. Not only does it get your dog moving around, it also helps stimulate their mind as they try and look for the hidden treat. Furthermore, it promotes positive reinforcement since your pooch gets to enjoy the reward that they will eventually find. It is a good activity to play on a regular basis to keep your dog from getting bored while inside the house. 

Decide on what to hide
In order for you to play hide and seek, you naturally need to have something to use for the hiding part. To get your Dogo to play the game, you need to choose an item that they are truly interested in. Some options would be your dog’s favorite toy, treat or any food for that matter. Just make sure this item has a scent that your dog is familiar with since your pooch will use scent to find it. Show the item to your dog to pique their interest and to start the game.
Find a hiding place
Once your dog shows interest in the item, you can start the game. Command your dog to sit and stay in one room. If you have a housemate or companion, you can ask him or her to hold on to your dog while you go to another room to hide the item.
Start the search
When you have hidden the item from plain sight, go back to the room where your dog is in. Then, using the “find” command, get your dog up and running. For the first few tries, choose a hiding place that is a bit easy to find. Over time, you can make things more challenging and hide the item in harder-to-reach areas. Always praise and encourage your dog after they find the item you have hidden. You can even give more treats as a reward for doing a great job.

Search and Rescue Training

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Any Day
1 - 2 hrs
Items needed
Activity description

Aside from big game hunting, the Argentine Dogo is trained in a wide range of other activities, one of which is search and rescue. Because of the breed’s keen senses, strength and trainability, the Dogo is an excellent choice for search and rescue training. This is a valuable and irreplaceable skill that not all dogs possess and can prove useful in case of natural disasters, missing person cases or mass casualties. By being trained in SAR, your Argentine Dogo can participate in certain exercises and missions, which can potentially save lives as a result. However, both dog and handler should undergo a painstaking process before becoming SAR-certified.

Start training your dog early
A common misconception regarding SAR is that only the professionals can train dogs. While this is true to some extent, basic SAR training can be done without having to go to the professionals right away. In fact, you can start training your pup as early as possible. Start with basic obedience such as “find”. Scavenger hunts are a good foundation for this. In the early years, remember that the objective is to make things fun for your dog.
Get some advanced training
After you and your dog have mastered the basics, it all boils down to practice and repetition. Moreover, the both of you should be exposed to new scenarios of varying difficulties. To do this, find a reputable SAR organization which you can join. These organizations usually offer classes and seminars that will help you find out more about SAR and what it takes. Some of the top choices are National Association for Search and Rescue and Canine Search and Recovery.

More Fun Ideas...


The original purpose of the Argentine Dogo was to hunt, so it only makes sense for them to get in touch with their roots. If you are a hunting enthusiast, you will surely enjoy having your Dogo by your side as you hunt for game, whether small or big. 


Argentine Dogos are athletic and require lots of exercise in order to be fully stimulated physically and mentally. Hiking is a great way to address these two needs – a lengthy walk or hike in the outdoors helps keep your dog in shape and the new environment and surroundings are enough to pique your dog’s curiosity. 


The Argentine Dogo is a fierce and protective dog with a heart of gold. Even with such an imposing presence, this breed carries a grace similar to that of a feline. This is precisely why a lot of dog lovers find this breed lovely and fascinating. In the hands of the right owner, the Argentine Dogo can make for a devoted watchdog and a delightful addition to the household.