Activities For Aussaliers

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An Aussalier is a new hybrid breed made up of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and Australian Shepherds. Unlike both parent breeds which have a unique set of traits, an Aussalier can be any mixture of them both or more like one kind than another. Therefore, when you decide to adopt an Aussalier, you will soon learn their nature and personality is unique instead of being a cookie cutter of a particular dog type.Aussaliers  can enjoy their own company and play alone, or they can be anxious when you leave. Some also love to sprint for hours and enjoy the great outdoors, while others prefer the comfort and confinement of the family home. However, regardless of your pup’s personality, there’s no doubt that they will love these activities below. 

Obedience Training

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Any Day
1 hr
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Activity description

Aussaliers love to please their owners as it’s in their nature. Given that Australian Shepherds are working dogs with a job to do, it’s not uncommon to come across an Aussalier that is the same. If you give them a job, such as obedience training, they will pick it up quickly – only too happy to do as you say. As a result, this one-hour activity in any weather is one you can enjoy. Unlike other breeds, Aussaliers are a delight to train. While the difficulty level is manageable, the price can be high, so make sure you dedicate plenty of time to training your dog. You need to take part in hour-long classes with your dog on a leash and a pocket full of treats, then carry on training at home. If you don’t continue training at home, you aren’t getting the most out of your dog.

Hire a trainer
The sky’s the limit for what your dog can learn – given the intelligence of the breed. Therefore, you may find that hiring an experienced shepherd trainer is going to be beneficial for both you and your furry friend. The trainer will know your dog’s unique traits, while your pup has the opportunity to learn more than what most average dogs do. Hiring a professional trainer is not a step you want to skip.
While obedience training can involve getting your dog to trust you and having more control over them, it can also include a few fun tricks as well. You may also like to train to use commands such as shake hands, roll over, fetch, play dead, and spin. Talk to your trainer about how involved you’d like to get in training. It’s important not to let your breed’s intelligence go to waste.
After eight weeks or so of training classes, the course may be over, but the training doesn’t end. Practice everything you have learned at home while making sure your dog remembers all those basic commands. To make it more effortless, you can carry around treats in your pocket and have them carry out tasks at a moment’s notice.


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Hot Day
1 hr
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Both Australian Shepherds and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels can swim, with some being even better than others. If your pup has their water wings and loves going for a dip, then make sure it forms a significant part of your summertime fun. Take them out for trips to the pool, beach, river, or anywhere nearby that’s convenient. This free, effortless activity is one that only takes an hour out of your day but provides a lot of fun and stimulation. What’s more, when the sun is at its most intense, it’s also an excellent way to cool down. Grab a bag and pack a toy, towel, and a waste bag and head on your way! 

Choose water
The type of swimming you do depends on your dog’s confidence levels. For a shy and nervous dog, the last thing you want to do is take them to a densely populated beach and throw them into the crashing waves. Consider dog swimming pools for hydrotherapy where your pooch will wear a life jacket, or even consider erecting a paddling pool in your yard if you have room. If your dog loves being out in nature, you can also select a secluded river where they can fetch their toys from the water.
Take it slow
Not every pup will get their water wings right away, especially if they are only young or have never been around water. It’s crucial to take the time to introduce them to the water slowly, rather than throwing them in and hoping they will swim. If you want your dog never to want to go near water again, that’s how you do it. Instead, go into the water and encourage them to come in with you. Play with their toy, show them that it’s fun and that it won’t hurt them. You may even wish to lay the groundwork days ahead and have them wear a life jacket around the house.
Water fun
When the sun is bearing down, there’s nothing like heading into the water to cool off, and your dog is probably thinking the same. If you put in the groundwork to make sure your dog is comfortable, you can spend an hour playing with a toy and just splashing around and having fun. Being able to spend time with their human and cool off will make for one of their most memorable days.


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Sunny Day
30 min
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Frisbee is a fun game for both humans and dogs. It’s an excellent way to pass the time, but it also helps to burn off energy relatively quickly as well. All you need is a frisbee, half an hour to spare, and a beautiful day, and you can be outside spending time with man’s best friend. However, even though Aussaliers are smart dogs that pick up things quickly, they may not immediately understand what a game of frisbee entails. As a result, you may need to invest time into making them familiar with it. Include a game of frisbee in your dog’s routine and reap the rewards. 

Buy a frisbee
There is no right or wrong frisbee to buy, but there are some that are more suitable for your dog and home than others. You can buy rigid plastic ones that may crack or break but fly through the air better. Otherwise, you can buy ones specifically for dogs that feature tough rubber that’s hard to chew. You can purchase frisbees from any pet or toy store.
Get their interest
Some dogs will immediately want the new toy you have for them as it’s something they haven’t seen before. And, if they are already proficient at fetch, playing with a frisbee is not a problem. However, for other Aussaliers, you need to work hard to get their interest. To do so, you need to make them see how fun and beneficial it is. Put a treat in it and let them eat out of it, or even add peanut butter to it, so it’s something they associate with taste. Alternatively, use it in a game of tug of war but say ‘give’ and give your pup a treat when you get your dog to return the frisbee to you. The concept is that they get a reward every time they give it back to you.
When your Aussalier realizes that there are a lot of benefits associated with their new frisbee, they will be keen to play with it. Now, you can throw it through the air and have them chase after it and bring it back to you. Make sure you have a few treats to spare if they expect it after returning the disc.

More Fun Ideas...

Chew Toys

Aussaliers love to chew, and if you don’t want it to be your pair of new shoes, then you need to invest in chew toys. Chew toys are inexpensive – well, more affordable than your shoes, so an investment in them should be a no-brainer. You could also class Aussaliers as tough chewers, so make sure the toys are hard rubber which is harder to penetrate.  

Dog Park

Aussaliers have a lot of energy to burn off, and when you don’t cater to their needs, you may find they are destructive and bored. If you have time during the week, take them to a dog park. Such an environment is not only excellent for helping them to burn off energy but helps them to socialize with other dogs as well. Aussaliers are also more than happy to play with dogs of all sizes but tend to get on better with larger breeds. 


If your pup is feeling a little ruff because you haven’t been paying them as much attention as you should, then it’s time to make a change! Try out these fun activities above and benefit from the knowledge that your pup is having the time of their life with you at their side.