Prepare for unexpected vet bills
A Biewer Terrier is an adorable toy breed dog, similar to a Yorkshire Terrier. They are an active breed and do require a significant amount of time participating in various activities to keep them content. Being a small dog, they do not require large spaces to exercise. They are happy, lighthearted dogs and usually love toys and anything they carry in their mouths. Keep plenty of toys and chews on hand to keep them entertained when you cannot spend much time with them. Take some time researching different activities for toy dogs and pick games and activities you can do with your Biewer Terrier.
While barn hunts are still a relatively new sport in the dog world, it was initially developed for the natural born ratters. Now, dogs of all shapes, sizes, and abilities are encouraged to give barn hunting a try. Since the Biewer Terrier originated from the Yorkshire Terrier, they do have hunting instincts that can be tested at barn hunts. To be successful, a dog must be able to maneuver within the barn setting and hunt live rats contained in tubes. Barn hunt objectives are to locate the live rat and signal to their owners that they have found the rat. This must be done within a specified amount of time. Empty tubes or decoys are placed throughout the maze and are filled with used rat litter. Your Biewer Terrier must be able to discern which tube contains the live rat. It can be moderately expensive to train and participate in barn hunts. This activity is held in any type of weather except stormy; be prepared to get sweaty, dirty, or even wet and chilled.
With their long, luxurious coat and cute little faces, Biewer Terriers make ideal models for your next doggy fashion show. You can host a community fashion show and raise money for your local animal shelter or you can do a private fashion in your home for your family to enjoy. If you already have a closet full of clothes and accessories for your Biewer Terrier, a fashion show is cheap to put on; however, if you have to purchase new clothes and accessories it can get pricey. You will also want to set up a runway for your dog to strut down in their outfits. Make sure your camera is close by to snap some photos for your Instagram or Facebook accounts.
Agility is becoming a very popular sport and many people are giving it a try after watching the fast-paced action on television during the annual Westminster Kennel Club dog show. Agility is simply racing through an obstacle course as fast as you can. The dog with the fastest time and fewest mistakes is the winner. There are several different divisions and big dogs do not compete against small dogs. Biewer Terriers can excel at agility because of their active, tenacious attitude. Once they master all the obstacles, they will race through the agility course with no qualms. Agility can be pricey and it is recommended that you join a dog club that offers agility training to keep from having to purchase the obstacles for your backyard.
There are several doggy day spas that have popped up across the country. These day spas can be pricey and if your dog does not enjoy being away from home, they may not enjoy this pampering experience. You can have a doggy day spa right at home by spending time bathing, grooming and giving a manicure to your Biewer Terrier. This is a good opportunity to spend quality time with your dog and make sure they are squeaky clean and relaxed.
A well-behaved dog can be the just what the doctor ordered and if you have a friend that is not feeling well, take some time and go for a visit with your Biewer Terrier. The main purpose of a Biewer Terrier is to be a companion or lap dog. Therefore, they will be a comfort to an ill friend. Do not overstay your welcome and make sure your dog knows their basic house manners before going for a visit.
A Biewer Terrier is an elegant, toy dog with luxurious coat. Most people see the Biewer Terrier as only a lap dog, unable to get out and get dirty like other dogs. However, the Biewer Terrier still has terrier tendencies and loves to play outdoors and participate in dog sports. Take time to research the various dog sports and other activities you can do with your Biewer Terrier and pick a few that seem interesting to you. Simply enjoy spending time with your little canine companion.