Activities For Bluetick Coonhounds

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The Bluetick Coonhound is a born hunter!  The breed is often found perched on the front porch of rural homes, where the Bluetick is known as an affectionate, albeit lazy, pup. However, put the Bluetick Coonhound in pursuit of prey, and the natural instincts of the hound take over. The Bluetick is often relentless when zeroed in on their quarry. The breed is known for sleeping all day and tracking prey all night. Without some outlet for their energy, the dog may be prone to irritating the neighbors with their loud, baying bark (that is known to last for quite some time when the dog is bored).

Hiking Excursion

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Sunny Day
1 hr
Items needed
water bottle
Activity description
The Bluetick Coonhound is a dog with great endurance, so hiking lengthy trails is actually a great activity that is fun for both you and your pup. Like many other hounds, the Bluetick Coonhound is known for their determination. The breed is noted for traveling many miles on a scent trail. This makes the breed perfect for hiking any number of trails, even the tougher treks will be a breeze for the Bluetick Coonhound. It is best to go hiking on a sunny day that is not too hot and humid. Be sure to take plenty of provisions along on the excursion.
Pick a spot
Know your location before striking out on a hike with your Bluetick Coonhound. Many state parks provide maps so that you can plan the best route ahead of time. Always take a route that is safe and not too far off the beaten path. Finally, let someone know where you will be hiking.
Plan for the unexpected
When heading out on a long hike, take along a backpack full of essentials for both you and your pup. A first aid kit, as well as a plenty of bottled water, should be in this backpack of essentials. Be sure that you have plenty of bandages and splints.
Work on commands while out and about
Always utilize any opportunities to work on your pup's ability to follow commands. The hiking trail - a place away from many distractions - is a great place to work on commands. However, before taking your pup out for the first time, make sure that your hound will not follow their nose but respond to your commands.

Housebreaking Training

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Any Day
30 min
Items needed
Activity description
As with most hounds, housebreaking or obedience training of any kind can be rather difficult. Sometimes, one can't begin housebreaking too early in a pup's life. If you are experiencing difficulty, wait until your pup is about twelve weeks old before beginning housebreaking. At this time, your dog will have better control of their bladder, which should provide you with a better margin of success. The first few weeks that you have your pup with you should be a time of bonding. In addition, you'll need to ensure that your pup has had the appropriate shots before taking them outdoors to begin housebreaking.
Begin at an appropriate age
When you first bring your Bluetick Coonhound home, do not initially begin housebreaking. Often, an eight week old puppy just does not have the ability to discern when they need to use the potty. Instead, work on creating a bond with the pup so that they will want to please you once you do begin training.
Create a routine
Many pet parents relate that they see the most success when they take their pups out to potty when the dog wakes up from a nap or right after meals. This often creates a positive habit that dogs will carry into adulthood. Additionally, take your Bluetick Coonhound outside often throughout the day in order to give them the opportunity to go when needed.
Be sure to reward
Hounds are notorious for taking a little longer than other breeds to housebreak. However, do not be discouraged. Persistence pays off when potty-training a hound. Always reward the dog with treats and praise. Hounds do not respond well to chastisement.

Service or Therapy Work

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Any Day
1 hr
Items needed
Activity description
Although hounds can be rather obstinate, they are also very friendly and can be quite sociable if they have been made accustomed to such at a young age. They are very trainable dogs, and they often shine at service work due to their desire to please their masters. Service dogs may assist with stress  and social anxiety in the owner. Therapy dogs may go to retirement homes and provide an outlet for the residents. They may visit children's wards in hospitals to provide a break from the monotony of the healthcare facility. Some therapy dogs work with veterans experiencing PTSD.
Get trained
Training to become a service dog is available in many areas across the country. Your veterinarian might be able to suggest some places that will accept your Bluetick Coonhound for training in service and therapy work.
Find places to volunteer
Once your dog has completed training, you can begin to inquire about places for them to volunteer. Hospitals, particularly children's hospitals, are always looking for service dogs to visit with sick patients. Retirement homes also look for therapy dogs to visit on a regular basis.
Keep certification up to date
Although hounds do not normally forget their training, it is always a good idea to attend training on a periodic basis, just to keep your pup's skills up to par. Furthermore, there are always new skills that your dog can acquire by constantly attending training.

More Fun Ideas...

Scent Trials

What better way to make your Bluetick Coonhound happy than to allow them to participate in the very activity they were developed for? Many dog clubs promote fun scenting activities that your pup can participate in.

Agility Trials

Bluetick Coonhounds will also enjoy participating in agility trials. You may find agility obstacles at the local dog park, or you can create your own.


The Bluetick Coonhound is a unique dog. The breed is developed to scent out their prey. It is also a breed with a great deal of endurance. This makes activities such as hiking and scent trials a perfect activity for the breed. Hounds also make great therapy or service dogs with the proper training.