Activities For Border Collie Pits

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With a Pit Bull Terrier and a Collie background, you are going to have your hands full with a Border Collie Pit! Not only is this breed strong and determined but they also are full of energy that they will need to expend on a daily basis. If you are the proud owner of a Border Collie Pit, then you already know that your dog is loyal, intelligent and loves to play games - time to satisfy all of their personality traits with some fun activities designed for you and your pup!


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Sunny Day
1 hr
Items needed
Eight Exercise Balls
Activity description
Treibball is the perfect game for any dog who has a history of herding, which your Border Collie Pit does! Border Collies have long been used as herding dogs, designated to move sheep and cattle from one pasture to the next. A dog who has herding in their blood needs to get that energy out somehow and treibball is the perfect way as they will have to "herd" balls and run around! This game is perfect for nice, sunny afternoons and is also relatively inexpensive. All you need are a few balls and a goal and you'll be ready to play!
Set up the fun
Gather eight exercise balls and place them around a flat field. Look for a field that is fenced in so you don't need to worry about your dog wandering. Set the goal at one far end of the field, away from the balls and have your dog start in the middle, ready to learn how to herd all the balls into the goal!
Push and guide
Train your Border Collie PIt to push the exercise balls on the field toward the goal. You will need to train your dog to follow commands like "left" and "right" as well as "forward" and "back". These commands will help your dog drive the ball toward the goal as quickly and efficiently as they can. This training may take a while but once your dog gets the hang of it, they will be unstoppable!
Once your Border Collie Pit can guide each ball into the goal, it's time to train them to go faster. Encourage your dog to run and move quickly as they herd the exercise balls, and time them each time to see what speed they are working at. If your dog gets especially quick, enter them in a treibball contest to see if they can keep up with other pups!
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Guard Dog

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Any Day
20 min
Items needed
Activity description
Border Collie Pits have protecting humans in their blood thanks to the Pit Bull side of their genetic makeup. Pit Bull Terriers were used as protection dogs for centuries and because of that training, this breed is still very loyal and they love to guard their humans. Rather than tell your Border Collie Pit to be quiet, sit down or stop barking, why not use their natural instinct to protect their owner? Train your dog to be your guardian in a safe and calculated way in order to ensure they are fully in your control and that they only guard you from what you ask. Training your Border Collie Pit to be a guard dog can be done any day and in any kind of weather and is completely free (other than the cost of the treats, but you'd be getting those anyway!).
Guard from....
Decide what you want your Border Collie Pit to guard you against. Do you want protection from strangers? Perhaps you want them to bark at the doorbell. Or maybe you just want to train your Border Collie Pit to bark on cue. Whatever the case, having a clear idea of your definition of "guard dog" is very important to your dog's training. You want to make sure you never waver in what you are asking them to do!
Set up scenarios for your dog to learn to protect you and react the way you would like. Arm yourself with lots of your dog's favorite treats and start your training. If you would like your dog to bark at the sound of your doorbell, have a friend ring the doorbell, encourage your dog to bark and hand them a treat. If you want your Border Collie Pit to place themselves between you and a "stranger", set up this situation and guide your dog in between you and the other person, rewarding them as you do.
Keep it up
Guard dog training never ends, it just gets more finely tuned. Continue the training with your dog and keep setting up situations in which you need to be "protected". Always reward your dog and reinforce their training. If a situation ever occurs when you really need to be protected, be sure to significantly praise your dog afterward. Border Collie Pits thrive on attention of those whom they love!
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New Fetch

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Sunny Day
30 min
Items needed
Baseball Bat
Ball Thrower
Activity description
Border Collie Pits love a good old game of fetch. However, you might be tired of playing fetch day after day and the truth is, your dog may be too! This breed does need to get all of their energy out though so you will need to come up with a new way to play fetch, a better way....Like all of these ideas and games! There are so many ways to modify traditional fetch to be new and exciting all over again. So tell your Border Collie Pit not to worry, they can still play fetch everyday (a great, cheap game to play both inside or out!).
Far fetch
As a human, you can really only throw a ball so far - even if you have a great arm. You also may grow tired of throwing a tennis ball again and again - it can be quite the workout! Investing in a tennis ball thrower means the end of all of that. The ball will go extra far and the machine will never grow tired so your pup can run long distances over and over and over...maybe they'll be ready for that nap soon!
There is nothing quite like throwing a tennis ball for your dog but tossing a frisbee will surely shake things up. The way a frisbee hovers in the air is completely different from a bouncing ball. This new motion will excite your dog and make your regular game of fetch and retrieve a little new and different. See how high your Border Collie Pit can jump to grab that flying disc!
Rather than throwing a ball, why not try hitting it to your dog? Set up a baseball T or simply toss the ball in the air and then swing! You will be able to hit the ball further which means your Border Collie Pit will have to run even more to get the ball! Keep in mind that you want to watch where you are swinging the bat and always make sure your dog is standing back when you take a whack at the ball.
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More Fun Ideas...


Border Collie Pits love a good game of tug and will want to play forever once they begin. Grab a nice strong rope and have a seat on the couch while you hold on to one end and let your dog tug on the other - get comfy as you could be there for a while!

Agility Course

Your Border Collie Pit's intelligence and ability to move quickly and nimbly is what will help them win an agility contest. Set up obstacles at home and train your dog to leap over and under, seeing how quickly they can move!


Border Collie Pits are the perfect combination of speed, intelligence and loyalty which means they make the perfect pet. They do need a significant amount of exercise daily so be sure to keep this in mind as you plan your own day. Incorporating games and activities with your dog into your daily schedule will keep them happy and healthy and also increase your bond. So, which game will you and your Border Collie Pit pick first?