Your Border Heeler is one of the hardest working dogs around, and they are always looking for a job to do. With the combination of two well-regarded herding breeds and the abundance of energy, owners of this breed really have their hands full. Luckily there are plenty of activities for Border Heelers that address both their need to run and their high intelligence. Everyone knows there is nothing more destructive than a bored dog, especially a bored dog that was bred to do a job like herding animals all day. If you're running out of activities for your Border Heeler, here are a few ideas to try.
Border Heelers are incredible dogs with a strong intellect and a will to work hard. If you ignore this will and need for a job, you'll be in lots of trouble with a mischevious, anxious, and destructive dog. Use those instincts to your advantage to have them help out on the farm or join you in creative competition. These dogs are perfect companions for any outdoor activity and will keep you guessing and entertained with their antics. If you are lucky enough to have one of these dogs, make sure you keep a few activities for Border Heelers at your fingertips to keep them happy and healthy.