Activities For Border Sheepdogs

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A Border Sheepdog is a fairly new breed that is a mix of a Border Collie and a Shetland Sheepdog. You may already be thinking that those two breeds are very similar and you are right! Both have comparable backgrounds as athletic, quick work dogs that love to run and herd. It makes sense that these traits are found in the Border Sheepdog breed as well. So what do Border Sheepdogs like to do for fun? Let's find out!


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Sunny Day
1 hr
Items needed
Soccer net
Eight Large Exercise Balls
Activity description

Border Collies are working, herding dogs that originally were trained to herd flocks of sheep. Shetland Sheepdogs were also bred as herders and were also trained to corral sheep. So, guess what that means for your Border Sheepdog? They love to herd! Now, not many people have a flock of sheep readily available for their pup to herd but you can definitely play this modern herding game with your pup. Guiding balls toward a goal will help your Border Sheepdog utilize their herding instinct, get some exercise and also use their brain as they follow your every command. A perfect game for this herding pup!

Gather eight large exercise balls and a goal and head to a fenced in field where you can start playing treibball. You can also look for treibball clubs near you where a course may already be set up. Treibball centers will also be able to help your pup learn the game but if you are starting off on a more casual note, any local field will do!
Begin by teaching your pup commands to push one ball toward a goal. Your Border Sheepdog will need to learn "left" and "right" and possibly even "forward" and "back". Lots of treats are advised as your pup learns their new commands! You will also need to get accustomed to guiding the ball with your words as your dog does the physical work. You both need to be quick on your toes (or paws!).
Get faster!
Time your dog as they push the eight balls toward the goal with your guidance. Once all eight are inside the goal, the time is done - your Border Sheepdog wins the race! If you want to get really competitive, enter your dog in a real treibball contest and see how they fare.
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Agility Training

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Any Day
1 hr
Items needed
Agility Equipment
Activity description

Border Collies and Shetland Sheepdogs are very active breeds so it is natural that when they are combined, you get a very energetic pup. You are probably well aware of your Border Sheepdog's ability to go, go, go! While your dog would likely be happy to simply run all day freely, why not make exercise a little more challenging for them? Agility courses are the perfect way to do this. Agility training can be done on a variety of levels from beginners just looking to have fun to those who want to compete and enter their Border Sheepdog into contests. Whichever describes you, agility training is fantastic on any level for a Border Sheepdog. 

Agility at home
Gather items from your house to make your own agility course. Things like couch cushions, chairs and benches are great. Bring your equipment outside and set up tunnels using cushions, jumps with the chairs and balance walks with the benches. Of course, you can also purchase real agility equipment online but it is also nice to have the option of making your own before committing to buying new tools.
One task at a Time
Teach your dog how to do each obstacle on its own before grouping it in the course. For example, show your pup how to race through a tunnel first. Then, show them how to race through the tunnel and jump over a chair. Learning one trick at a time will help your Border Sheepdog learn the course better and be faster.
Switch it up
Once your dog has mastered the agility course, the possibilities for this activity are endless! See how fast they can go, switch the order of the course, introduce new obstacles or enter then in a real agility competition. Knowing how to run an agility course ensures that your Border Sheepdog will never be bored (and hopefully they will be tired at the end of the day!)
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New Fetch

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Sunny Day
30 min
Items needed
Flyball Box
Activity description

Border Sheepdogs are naturally athletic and are always ready to run, jump and play. Playing fetch with your dog has probably become a standard daily activity which is fantastic but can also become a little mundane. After all, who wants to throw and catch a ball over and over and over….well, your dog probably loves it but it may get tedious for you! Why not try a new version of fetch? These twists on the classic game Border Sheepdogs love will entertain you and your pup in new ways while sticking to that fun base game. Time to get your dog running and exercising in a new way!

Frisbee is an easy transition to a new type of fetch. While regular fetch uses a standard ball, a frisbee is a whole new type of thing to catch. When you throw the frisbee, it will hover in the air and float making it easy (or harder!) for your dog to catch. So swap that old ball for a frisbee and play!
Flyball is a fantastic dog sport where your Border Sheepdog will learn to jump over hurdles, pounce on a box which will then shoot out a ball for them to fetch. Your dog then needs to carry the ball back over the hurdles and deliver the ball to you. Sounds like a lot of work - perfect for your Border Sheepdog! Flyball requires training, thinking and agility - all things your pup can do!
Water fetch
Water fetch is a great way to combine swimming with fetch. Head to a lake, pool or ocean that is pup friendly and throw the ball a little off shore. Your Border Sheepdog will swim after it and fetch just as they would on land! Make sure your pup likes the water before throwing the ball in or you may never get it back…
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More Fun Ideas...

Lure Coursing

Find a lure coursing center near you and bring your Border Sheepdog. There, they will be able to chase a mechanical "lure" as it darts around an open field, zig zagging just like real prey. Your herding dog will love this!


Bring your Border Sheepdog around other dogs from a young age to make sure they are well socialized. This breed can be aggressive if not trained early but once they are accustom to other pups, they will be the life of the party!


Border Sheepdogs certainly are a lot of work. They need a good deal of physical exercise everyday and they also just love attention! However, all that energy and playfulness also means that this breed is a whole lot of fun. Who wants a dog that just sits around all day anyway? Enjoy life with your Border Sheepdog and keep them running and happy! Oh, and don't forget to cuddle that big shaggy pup every night - even active dogs love to snuggle.