Activities For Bordoodles

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The Bordoodle is a medium-sized designer dog that is created by combining the Border Collie and Poodle. Because they are a hybrid dog, Bordoodles usually exhibit traits, both physical and behavioral, from both parents. This breed is renowned for being really affectionate, especially towards their families. They are also extremely intelligent and respond well to training. Because they are good-natured, affable and reasonably easy to care for and maintain, Bordoodles are gradually becoming a more popular choice for a household and family pet. Furthermore, this breed has a lot of potential when it comes to shows and canine sports and as working dogs. 

Canine Freestyle Dance

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Any Day
30 min
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Sometimes, all you need is a fun beat in order to get you moving. But did you know you can make dancing even more fun? How? Why, by having your dog as your dancing partner, of course! As ridiculous as this may seem, canine freestyle is an actual dog sport. In this activity, dog owners and their beloved canines take on sophisticated dance routines in major international events. This is a fun and unique take on obedience training, since you are commanding your dog to make certain moves while moving to a beat. Of course, not all canine freestyle events have to be competitive; you can simply move to the beat and enjoy grooving with your pooch. While competing will take a budget to make happen, practicing at home is an activity you can do daily for free.

Pick music to dance to
One of the most important elements of musical canine freestyle is obviously the music. You need to pick the right song to dance to, one with a beat that both you and your dog can follow. You may choose a single song to begin with or even make your own composition using several songs mixed into one. Whatever you choose, it has to be one that is lively and will encourage your dog to move.
Choreograph a routine
Once you have picked out the music, the next step would be to choreograph the routine. This means you need to design movements and steps that are easy enough for your dog to execute. These moves should also be related to the music you selected. Start slow and work on each step one at a time until your dog gets used to the movement. Then, you can start moving on to other steps until your dog learns the entire routine.
Join a local canine freestyle club
While not all dogs are natural-born dancers, canines usually go well with music and dancing. If you feel like canine freestyle is something that you and your dog will do regularly, you can join a local club to further hone your dog’s dancing skills. Over time, you may even start to join canine freestyle competitions if you wish.
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Nursing Home Volunteer

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Any Day
1 hr
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Bordoodles are one of the most affectionate and loving designer dog breeds in existence today. Owning this dog might have already changed your life significantly and made you feel wanted and loved. If you want your dog to bring happiness to more people who need it, a great activity that you can do is to volunteer your dog in a nursing home. Nursing homes are one of the first institutions to accept the concept of pet therapy. Nowadays, this idea is fully embraced by several other institutions, not just nursing homes. Bordoodles are known to be good around senior citizens, which make them an ideal candidate for volunteer work in nursing homes. 

Get your dog certified
The first step to volunteering your dog is to get them certified. This is an important part of the process and opens a lot of doors for your dog when it comes to volunteer work. Even if you can vouch for your dog’s good behavior, most institutions, including nursing homes, would require some sort of certification to prove that your dog is fit for pet therapy. Lots of credible organizations offer a variety of tests and training programs, such as the American Kennel Club’s Canine Good Citizen Program or tests from Therapy Dogs International.
First, your Bordoodle will be assessed to see if they are a good fit for certification. If the courses move forward, after training for the required number of hours, your dog will be tested in several areas such as willingness to be petted by strangers, ability to sit still for lengths of time, and response to quick movements or noise.
One your dog passes the tests and acquires the necessary certification, you can then start to do some volunteer work. Most of the times, local clubs can help you choose the organization that you will work at. You may also do it yourself and contact a nursing home of your choice to ask about different volunteering opportunities for your pooch.
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Advanced Trick Training

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Any Day
15 - 30 min
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When it comes to keeping your dog’s mind stimulated and sharp, there is no better training than learning a few tricks. Trick training goes a long way in keeping your pooch obedient, happy and mentally active. Additionally, it is also fun to have your dog show off some neat moves. Some of the tricks that dogs normally do are “sit” or “give a paw”. But why stop with the basics? There are so many other more sophisticated and impressive tricks for your dog to learn. You can teach your dog to play dead, roll over or even perform several movements such as jumping through hoops. With the Bordoodle’s intelligence and trainability, the possibilities are endless. 

Choose a trick to work on
In order to train your dog to do impressive tricks, you must first pick a certain trick to work on. Obviously, it is recommended that you start with easy tricks. Some good examples include giving a high five or doing a salute. Just pick one and work on it before moving on to another to avoid overwhelming your dog.
Train and practice
When you choose which trick to do, the next step is to practice, practice and practice! It is virtually impossible for your dog to get the trick in one go so you need to work on it within an extended period of time. Use treats as a way to motivate your dog to learn. Also, keep your training sessions short; dogs have limited attention spans and can easily get bored.
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Doggy Playdate

As much as your pooch loves to be around you, they will also benefit greatly from being exposed to other dogs. Luckily, the Bordoodle is generally great with being around other dogs. Set up a doggy playdate with other pet owners in a nearby dog park and let your canines play together. 

Doggy "Pawdicure"

Grooming is an essential part of caring for a dog and should not be neglected. Even something as simple as brushing your dog’s coat or cutting their nails is crucial in maintaining their overall health. Plus, acts like these give your dog a sense of being cared for and loved. Long nails can be harmful to dogs so make sure to regularly give your dog a “pawdicure”.


If you are in need of the ideal family pet with a fun-loving personality and lovely nature, the Bordoodle is probably the breed you are looking for. This designer dog is eager to please without being too demanding for attention or play. Additionally, they are quite intelligent and would be easy to train in obedience, socialization and the like. If this sounds like your ideal dog, then the Bordoodle would be a perfect match.