Activities For Bull Arabs

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If you are looking for a dog that can become a valuable member of your household, you should definitely consider getting the Bull Arab. Known for a muscular build, extreme loyalty and playfulness, this breed is popular in its native country of Australia and was primarily being used to hunt pigs. Because of their versatility, however, Bull Arabs are currently renowned for several other purposes, including guarding, canine sports and search and rescue. Because of their hunting and working background, you can expect the Bull Arab to be very active. This means they need plenty of exercise in order to keep them healthy. 


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Cold Day
30 - 60 min
Items needed
Activity description
The Bull Arab is a muscular dog that has so much power, which makes this breed a great choice if you are into sledding. Because of their strength, they are able to pull the weight of the sled with a person on it. Your dog will also see this as a fun activity that will help them use up some of the excess energy that they have. Sledding also helps develop your Bull Arab’s muscles, which will keep them in topnotch shape. What’s great about sledding is that it is a way for you to get your dog moving despite the winter season.
Buy the right kind of gear
Sledding is a serious sport that requires proper gear for safety reasons. You want to keep both you and your dog safe when engaging in this activity. The most obvious gear you need is the sled. You should also buy a pulling harness that is durable; the ones that are normally used for walking will not do the trick. In fact, there are special harnesses made specifically for sledding and other pulling activities. Moreover, you need to make sure that the harness you are buying is a good fit for your dog.
Train your dog to pull the sled
Once you have all the right gear, you need to get your dog used to the feeling of pulling the sled. Set up the harness and attach the sled to it. From a distance, call your dog towards you so that they start pulling the sled. Do this every day until your dog gets used to the feeling of pulling the sled. You may even start gradually putting some stuff on the sled to make it heavier.
Have some sledding fun
When you become confident in your dog’s pulling skills, you should then head out and do some sledding. You may start in your own backyard and ride the sled as you command your dog to go. If you are feeling more adventurous, you can go look for a hill or even go to the slopes for some a thrilling ride.

Dock Diving

0 Votes
Sunny Day
30 - 45 min
Items needed
Floating toy
Flotation device
Activity description

For an athletic and vigorous breed such as the Bull Arab, it is up to the owner to find new ways and activities that will keep them excited and physically healthy. A favorite among dog owners who love sporty activities is dock diving. This is a full-fledged canine sport in which a dog jumps from a dock into a body of water. The score is determined by how far or how high the dog can jump off the dock. While there are some dog-owner tandems that do this professionally, it is also a popular recreational hobby for canines and their furparents. 

Find a spot
To practice dock diving, you need to find a good spot where you can play. The ideal spot for this activity is a lake, beach or any body of water where there is a dock to jump from. In case you cannot find one, a dog-friendly pool will also do the trick. Before attempting the sport of dock diving, introduce your Bull Arab to the water and make sure that they have several sessions of swimming lessons under their belt.
Get your dog jumping
Gear your dog up with a flotation device before getting started. Remember, not all dogs are eager to jump in the water; some may have more reservations about getting into unfamiliar territory. Start by enticing your dog using the floating toy. Play fetch with your dog using the toy on land. Do this for a few times until you are sure that your pooch is interested in the toy. Then, throw it into the water and watch as your dog chases and jumps after it. Alternatively, you can be in the water with the toy and have a friend or family member on land encouraging your dog to jump to you the first time.


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Any Day
30 - 60 min
Items needed
Activity description

While the Bull Arab is one of the most loving and playful breeds known to man, they do have a tenuous reputation for being overly aggressive and intimidating. Unfortunately, this is all due to the negative image portrayed by the media and public perception. This is not to say that the Bull Arab does not need some socialization. Bull Arabs are naturally protective and it is best to train this breed as early as possible to prevent the onset of any aggression. A simple but effective way to socialize your dog is through a playdate with other dogs. By organizing a playdate, your dog is introduced to other people and canines, which will allow them to become more comfortable and interact better. 

Find potential "dates"
Naturally, a playdate will not be complete without the “dates”. Hence, you need to find dogs within the area who you would like to participate in the playdate. This could be anyone from your neighbors and friends, to classmates from obedience training to other dogs in the dog park. Nowadays, there are even special smartphone applications that particularly cater to dog owners who are looking for some other canines to mingle with.
Let the dogs socialize
Once you find potential dates for your pooch, set up a place and time to meet up. A good spot would be a neutral one such as the local dog park. Upon getting there, make sure that your pooch is on a leash. As you approach the other dogs, be aware of how your dog interacts. If the dogs show any sign of aggression, pull your Bull Arab away for a moment and try again. When they start sniffing and getting familiar with each other, let them play on their own while you keep a watchful eye.

More Fun Ideas...

Take Obedience Classes

Obedience is one of the most essential things that your dog has to learn. This is because having a good grasp of commands allows your dog to take on a variety of activities and canine sports. All you have to do is choose a club or trainer and enroll your dog and they will do the rest. 

Beach Trip

The beach is a great place to play, relax and enjoy the beauty of nature. Take your pooch out to a day at the beach for some bonding time. Just be sure that you know the rules of the beach and that you adhere to them. 


The Bull Arab is a strong, smart and devoted dog breed that has become more and more beloved over the years. They are a top choice for those who live an active lifestyle or even for families who are looking for a watchdog. Aside from these traits, the Bull Arab can be pretty friendly and will make for a great daily companion and overall home pet.