Prepare for unexpected vet bills
Bulldogs are fantastic pets. They are sweet, dependable, great with kids and only need a little bit of exercise making them a fairly low maintenance breed. However, when you look at those short, muscular legs and that funny waddle, you can tell that Bulldogs are built with strength and vigor. You probably know from experience that your Bulldog also craves human attention and affection. Naturally, you want to give it to them! These activities are perfect for Bulldogs to use their super strength and also to enjoy some one on one time with their favorite person- you!
Tug of war may be a Bulldog's favorite game. Not only do they get to use their powerful jaw and muscular body to pull at a rope but the game also doesn't require too much running around (Bulldogs tend to get tired quickly!). While your Bulldog will definitely prefer to play tug of war with you, there are ways to set up the game so that they can play alone, enjoying every minute of the day even if you aren’t home. While many people frown upon the game of tug, saying that it makes the dog the "dominant" one in your relationship, a Bulldog's gentle demeanor makes this a non-issue. So get ready to have fun.
Bulldogs do not necessarily need a ton of exercise but that doesn't mean that they don't enjoy running around and playing. Despite their short legs and stocky appearance, Bulldogs are actually quite agile and athletic. All that solid mass on a Bulldog is muscle which means they are strong and sturdy while also being surprisingly fast. Those little legs can run! Playing flyball with a Bulldog is the perfect way to help them get out a little energy (it can be a quick game if you'd like) while also learning a new skill set. Bulldogs are, after all, quite easy to train!
Bulldogs can swim with supervision while wearing a doggy flotation vest and they thoroughly enjoy the water. So, when the weather gets hot, grab your towel, a bowl of water for your pup and head to the closest body of water you can find! While many Bulldogs can swim, the breed will typically prefer to lounge around in the shallow water just relaxing and cooling off. Before they settle down in a puddle, play a few games with your Bulldog to help them get out some energy and have fun splashing around. Salt water or fresh, a pool or an ocean, a Bulldog will feel right at home in the water. Due to their brachycephalic facial features, however, they must be with you at all times when near any body of water as they can get fatigued easily while partaking in water fun.
Bulldogs have become famous in the skateboarding world as their short legs and solid stature make them a perfect candidate for the sport. Grab a skateboard for your pup and watch them roll away happily!
Bulldogs are very easy to train thanks to their happy demeanor and smart mind. They are also very motivated by treats so grab a bunch and think of a new trick to train your pup.
Bulldogs are a fantastic breed that makes the ideal pet for any household. If you already have a Bulldog, these activities are great to incorporate into your day to day routine. If you are thinking of getting a Bulldog, know that there are tons of games and activities you can play with them. Start here and see where these activities take you and your pup! Whether your dog is running around on a flyball course or lounging poolside, your Bulldog's happiness is one simple activity away!