Activities For Bullmastiffs

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What do you get when you cross-breed an English Bulldog and an English Mastiff? The answer is a large, heavy-set breed called the Bullmastiff. This powerfully-built dog was originally developed in England to be used by gamekeepers to find poachers and prevent their illegal activities. They are usually successful in this endeavor given the breed’s tough and menacing appearance. However, even if they look like they are built to destroy, Bullmastiffs have a soft and non-aggressive side. In fact, they have become a common choice for a home pet. If you happen to own a Bullmastiff, below are some activity ideas that you may try with your pooch. 

Treasure Hunt

Most Popular
2 Votes
Any Day
30 - 60 min
Items needed
Activity description

Bullmastiffs are inherently intelligent, curious and playful. If you want to put these natural instincts into good use, you can have them participate in mind games. One of the most popular and easiest examples of these types of games is a “treasure hunt”. This game gives your dog a challenge and keeps them from becoming bored or restless. Not only does this activity keep your dog mentally stimulated, it also prevents the possibility of destructive or harmful behavior brought about by boredom. Another about a treasure hunt is that it is easy, virtually costs nothing and can be played in different areas and environments. 

Prepare your "treasure"
The treasure that your dog will look for should be something that they truly like. A good option would be to use your dog’s favorite treat. You may even go the extra mile and bake the treats yourself! This way, it will be new to your dog’s scent and will stimulate their sense of smell even more.
Show your dog how the game works
Start by hiding the treat somewhere concealed while your dog is watching you. This allows them to watch your actions and slowly grasp what is going on. Then, command your dog to find the treat. Do this multiple times until your dog understands the mechanics of the game. You may change your hiding spots to challenge your dog.
Start the search
Once your dog understands the game, it is time to make things more difficult for your dog. Command your dog to stay in place while you search for a hiding spot around the house. You may leave one or multiple treats in different places. Then, return to your dog’s spot and ask your dog to find the treasure. Watch as your dog gets to work. When your pooch discovers the hidden treats, show positive reinforcement as a sign of a job well done.


2 Votes
Sunny Day
10 - 30 min
Items needed
Frisbee disc
Treats (optional)
Activity description

If you want an easy and foolproof way to keep your Bullmastiff entertained and happy, you should use toys. Out of all the toys that you can choose to play with your dog, the Frisbee disc is one of the simplest and most effective to use. Dogs usually get excited upon seeing a new toy, especially when it can fly some distance like a Frisbee disc can. The game simply involves throwing the disc into the air and letting your dog catch and return it to you. Playing Frisbee is quite similar to a game of fetch, albeit a bit more interesting and challenging. It is best played outdoors, particularly in a safe environment. 

Pick a playing area
The first thing to do if you want to play Frisbee is to find a spacious spot. If you have a large backyard, then it could be the perfect playing area. Otherwise, you may go to a dog park. Just make sure that the area is safe not only for your dog but also for other people within the area.
Have some Frisbee fun
Start the game by throwing the disc low, allowing your dog to catch it with ease. Make sure to not throw the disc too far or towards an area where there are other people or dogs. Do this repeatedly until your dog masters catching the disc. Keep on throwing and watch as your dog flies to retrieve the disc.


Least Popular
1 Vote
Any Day
10 - 30 min
Items needed
Activity description

Tug-of-war is a common parlor game played by dogs and their owners. The game involves you and your dog pulling at an item, usually a toy. Whoever lets go first “wins” the game. However, there has been some negative notion surrounding the game, which is that the game promotes aggression among dogs. In the recent years, this myth that has been debunked multiple times. While this may seem true in some rare cases, tug-of-war can actually be beneficial for your pooch. It is physically and mentally stimulating and an overall fun activity that your Bullmastiff can truly enjoy. In addition, it helps you build a meaningful bond with your dog and helps build your pooch’s self-confidence. 

Choose a toy to work with
Tug-of-war cannot be played using just any toy. In fact, you need to find a long toy, preferably one that is stretchable. Also, make sure the material of the toy is soft, so that it would not be harmful to your dog’s mouth. Toys made out of bungee material make for a perfect tug-of-war toy.
Initiate the game
A crucial rule in tug-of-war is that your dog cannot play unless you initiate the game. To do this, have your dog sit or lie down. Then, start waving the toy in front of your dog and encourage your dog to take the toy. You may even use commands such as “grab it” to let your dog know that you want to play.
Start tugging!
Once your dog gets ahold of the toy, the game has begun. Gently pull on the toy to give some resistance to your dog. You may command your dog to “drop” the toy if you want them to let go. You can also let your dog “win” by letting go of your end of the toy.

More Fun Ideas...

Cuddle With Your Buddy

Bullmastiffs are often referred to as gentle giants because, despite their size, they can be quite a softy. In fact, they are known to be very sweet-natured towards loved ones, especially their owners. Even dogs need their downtime and a Bullmastiff will be perfectly content to just lie on the couch and watch television with their owners after a long, fun-filled day.

Eat at a Dog-friendly Restaurant

Finished going for a walk or a jog with your Bullmastiff? Why not spend some more time bonding while dining out? There has been a growing demand for dog-friendly places to eat, which numerous restaurants have addressed. Find a restaurant that welcomes canines or has an outdoor patio so you and your dog can enjoy a meal together. 


Even with their fearless and daunting persona, Bullmastiffs are truly sweet and mild-mannered. Plus, their devotion to their family remains to be one of their best qualities. As such, they deserve to be loved and cared for by their humans equally. To keep Bullmastiffs on their toes, check out these activity ideas and try them out with your dog.