Activities For Cane Corsos

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The Cane Corso, also known as the Italian Mastiff, is a huge and serious dog breed that was originally developed to hunt big game such as wild boars. At present, however, the Corso has come to be more of a family companion and a guard dog. In fact, the breed is known for being fiercely protective and loyal of their family. Other than being a watch dog, Corsos also excel in taking on “jobs” given by their owners. Athletic, powerful and intelligent, they are a force to be reckoned with and should be properly cared for. A strong-willed but gentle owner, coupled with the right type of activities and enough companionship, can help keep the Cane Corso happy and content. 

Dog Sledding

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1 Vote
Cold Day
30 - 60 min
Items needed
Sled or wagon
Tow line
Activity description

For some dog owners, winter is their least favorite season of the year. This is because all the snow can affect their dog's usual exercise regimen such as daily walks. However, the cold weather should not be a reason to put off your dog’s physical needs. As a matter of fact, winter provides unique activities that can help your dog stay active. A good winter activity for your Cane Corso is dog sledding. In this activity, you will have your dog pull a sled across snow. Cane Corsos are a good fit for sledding because of their inherent pulling instincts. Plus, the breed is powerful enough to pull a medium-sized sled with you riding on it. Sledding is an ingenious way to tap into your Corso’s natural desire to pull things while also spending some time with your dog. 

Prepare all the necessary gear
To have some sledding fun, you first need to prepare all the gear needed. Obviously, you will need a sled, preferably a medium-sized one that you can fit in. You would also need a harness for your dog; make sure that this harness fits your dog well and is comfortable. Additionally, you should have a tow line, which is the cable connecting your dog’s harness to the sled.
Train and practice
Though the Cane Corso loves to pull, your dog may need an introduction to the sport of sled pulling. Start by having them wear the harness around the house or yard, so that they get used to the sensation of having it on. Once they are comfortable with it, add the sled and let them practice pulling an empty sled. Before adding your weight, make sure that they are not afraid of the sled and as well, you should teach them a few commands such as "stop" and "left" or right."
Find a sledding spot
When everything is set, find a place where you can go sledding with your dog. If you live in a state that gets covered in snow during the winter, you can simply go to a nearby dog park or a downhill area and sled there. You may also look for dog-friendly winter ski resorts where you can bring your own gear.

Dock Diving

2 Votes
Sunny Day
30 - 60 min
Items needed
Floating toy
Activity description

Because of their gigantic size and natural prey drive, it is no surprise that Cane Corsos need a good amount of physical movement to stay happy and healthy. Corsos also like to engage in exciting and fun activities, which is why they are perfect participants for dock diving. Also known as dock jumping, this canine sport involves exactly what the name states – dogs dive off a dock and into the water. The objective is for the dog to retrieve an item (typically a floating toy) that was thrown into the water (a lake or river). It is similar to a game of fetch, but with more challenge and amusement. 

Get your dog attached to the item
In dock diving, you need to use an item that will be the main “bait” to get your dog to jump in the water. This item usually comes in the form of your dog’s floating toy. To succeed in this activity, you need to get your dog attached to this toy. Start by getting your pooch to sniff on the toy and using it to play fetch. Do this repeatedly until your dog starts to have an attachment with the toy.
Find a spot
The next step would be to find a lake or pond where you can do some dock diving. The ideal spot should be at least 4 feet deep and the dock height should be just around 2 to 3 feet. This is to ensure that your dog lands safely in the water. To start the game, simply get your dog focused on the toy and then throw it into the water. Then, watch as your dog runs and jumps after the toy to retrieve it.
Join a local club
Recreational dock diving is a fun activity that you can do with your dog once in a while. However, if you want to take things to another level, you can join a local club dedicated to this canine sport. Because of the popularity of dock diving, there are a number of organizations that hold dock diving events that your pooch can participate in.

Protection Sport

0 Votes
Any Day
1 - 2 hrs
Items needed
Activity description

Cane Corsos were originally bred to be used as guard dogs during their early years. Even today, the breed has retained their natural protective instincts; Corsos have the tendency to stick to their owners and watch out for strangers. For this reason, Corsos make for great protection sport participants. Formerly known as “Schutzhund” (which means “protection dog” in German), protection sport is a canine activity wherein participating dogs are evaluated in various skills relating to obedience, tracking and protection. This sport was originally created for German Shepherds in particular. However, over the years, it became open to other breeds, including the Cane Corso. 

Find and join a club
Since protection sport is a technical activity, you cannot just jump into it without ample knowledge. Luckily, the sport is constantly growing in the United States and there is a great likelihood for you to find a Schutzhund club in your area. It is your responsibility to do research and find a club that meets your needs.
Choose a mentor
Just like with most achievements in life, you need someone to guide you if you want to become successful at protection sport. For Schutzhund beginners, it is crucial to find a mentor that fits your style. Find someone who is like-minded, has similar values and has a training style that you can adhere to. Most Schutzhund mentors have personal preferences and styles of teaching, so it is important to find one who you’ll get along with.
Patiently train with your dog
For you to truly succeed in Schutzhund, you need to know your dog well. This means that you should understand how well your dog adapts to training and if they are having any difficulties. You should also know about your pooch’s triggers, if any, and prepare for them. More importantly, you need to have patience; Schutzhund training is not a one-time thing and it could take weeks for your dog to get the skills and commands down. Work closely with your mentor and do not be too hard on your pooch. Over time, your dog will adapt to the training and continue to progress.

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Nose Work

Nose work competition is a low-impact sport where dogs can apply their keen sense of smell in a realistic setting. In nose work, a dog looks for and finds a certain scent. This sport is a good way to put your dog’s ability to recognize scents to the test. 


This canine sport is a relay race where the participating dogs jump over hurdles to retrieve a ball. This is not a breed-specific activity and all dogs are welcomed to train and participate. Cane Corsos are a good fit for flyball because they are agile and athletic, which matches the sport’s fast-paced nature. 


Cane Corsos are some of the gentlest giants you will ever encounter. If you are fortunate enough to own this breed as a pet, you need to know what you are getting into. Corsos are not meant to be left alone to fend for themselves; they love their family and are in need of regular exercise to keep them happy.