Prepare for unexpected vet bills
Car racing is one of the most exhilarating hobbies that a person can have. There is nothing more exciting and nerve-wracking than when you go and drive at death-defying speeds while trying to beat other opponents in the track. Car racers live an active and thrilling life, which make them a perfect match for dogs. Like racers, canines have a knack for anything that stimulates their senses. Therefore, dogs can be a great addition to a car racer’s lifestyle because they can keep up with their fast-paced routine. Plus, dogs can surely add some joy and entertainment into anyone’s life, car racer or not.
If you are a car racer, it is quite obvious that one of the things you enjoy most in life is driving. For some, driving can be such a drag. For a racer, however, there is no better feeling than being behind the wheel. If you are looking to go on a drive, whether it is for a short ride or a day-long trip, why not take your beloved furry friend with you? Dogs will appreciate the time spent riding along with you. In addition, they will definitely find it fun to feel the breeze on their faces while you cruise along the road.
For car racers and enthusiasts, there is an unexplainable happiness that comes with seeing some of the top car models and manufacturers all in one place. This is exactly what an automobile show can offer; auto shows are organized with the intention of highlighting the latest and greatest vehicles that exist today. Some auto shows even invite other car owners to display and show off their respective vehicles. Fortunately for patrons who want to bring their dogs, some of these auto shows allow dogs as long as they are kept on a leash. More often than not, these shows only charge a minimal fee for the entrance.
There has long been a debate about how car racers are not “athletes” because of the lack of physical activity involved during the race. However, what those from the outside do not understand is that these professional racers need to maintain a training regimen to stay in tiptop shape for races. The inside of a race car is an immensely hot environment, one in which you stay in for a sustained period of time. More than that, the intensity is at 100 percent for the duration of the race and your heart will be beating like crazy. One of the simplest but most effective exercises for a racer is running. To make your run routine more fun, bring your dog along with you.
Car video games are the next best thing to actual car driving. Some gaming consoles even offer a full driving setup so that players can simulate actual driving while playing. Spend a day at home and just play some games while your dog watches beside you.
Another lazy day activity that you and your dog can enjoy is watching television, particularly car racing shows. NASCAR and Formula 1 are quite popular among car racers and during the season, they diligently follow these races, whether live or on TV. If you cannot be there live, cuddle with your pooch while watching how the race turns out. It’s a win-win situation for the both of you – you get to satisfy your pooch while still getting to do what you want, while your dog gets to bond and enjoy your company.
As a car racer, you are probably always looking for different ways to add more excitement and thrill to your routine. One thing is for sure – you cannot go wrong with having a furry best friend by your side. Dogs were made for fun and amusement and they will enjoy keeping up with your adventure-filled life.