Activities For Cavapoos

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Combining the athletic ability and trainability of the Poodle with the sweet and friendly nature of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, the Cavapoo is an extremely popular hybrid breed -- and it's not hard to see why. These loving and lovable canines make loyal companions and can adapt to life with a wide range of owners.

That said, you'll need to make sure all their ownership requirements are met if a Cavapoo is going to be a happy member of your family. This means ensuring they get plenty of regular exercise, mental stimulation to prevent boredom, and all the human companionship they can handle.

To help your Cavapoo stay happy and healthy, here are three paw-some activities they'll absolutely love.

Pampering Your Pooch

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Any Day
60 min
Items needed
Dog shampoo
Nail clippers
Hair clippers/scissors
Activity description

Your Cavapoo's gorgeous coat requires regular maintenance to keep it looking its best. While an occasional trip to a professional groomer will help your pooch stay neat and tidy, there's also plenty of simple grooming tasks you can take care of at home.

From brushing and de-tangling to bath time, home grooming will help your Cavapoo stay healthy and also provide a simple way for you and your furry friend to bond. Of course, the mere mention of the "bath" word is enough to strike fear into the hearts of many dogs, so you'll need to take a cautious approach with your dog.

But if you think a pampering session sounds like something your dog would love, here's what you need to do.

Brush regularly
Your Cavapoo's coat will need to be brushed two or three times a week. This will help prevent tangles and remove any dirt or debris, plus your dog may even find the whole experience to be quite relaxing. Other regular grooming tasks you can take care of at home include brushing your dog's teeth and cleaning their ears.
Bath time
If your Cavapoo looks or smells like they need a bath, chances are the time has come. Some dogs love the bathing experience but many are far from keen, so you may need some treats on hand to reward your pet for staying calm throughout the bathing process. Make sure you use a dog-friendly shampoo and give your dog a gentle, thorough clean. Rinse and dry carefully as well, particularly in winter.
Advanced grooming
While there's plenty of pampering you can do at home, there are some things that are better left to the professionals. If you don't have any experience trimming your dog's coat, this is something you should ask a professional groomer to do. Nail clipping can also be quite tricky and shouldn't be attempted unless you know what you're doing.
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Sunny Day
60 min
Items needed
Agility equipment
Activity description

Poodles have something of a reputation as the pampered princesses of the dog world, but this couldn't be further from the truth. Yet thanks to this widespread misconception, many Cavapoo owners might be surprised to learn of the athletic ability lurking under their dog's gorgeous coat.

Throw in the fact that Cavapoos are intelligent and easy to train, and it soon becomes obvious that they're paw-fect candidates for a wide range of dog sports. Agility is a fast, fun, and mentally challenging sport that offers a paw-some workout for your dog (and it should also help you raise a sweat). Here's how to give your dog a taste of agility.

Find a club
Research dog sports/agility clubs in your area and go along to their next meeting. There, you'll be able to learn about the basics of training for agility and let your dog give the sport a try. You'll soon be able to work out whether agility is something they're going to absolutely love, or whether they might be better suited to a different sport.
Teach the basics
The aim of agility is to get your dog to complete a special obstacle course. They'll need to go over hurdles, under arches, through tunnels, and in and out of poles as quickly as possible -- check out some online videos to see what's involved. Teaching your dog what to do will take some time -- you'll need to lead them through obstacles on a leash at first, using plenty of rewards to help them understand what you want them to do.
Practice makes paw-fect
Over time, your dog will soon get the hang of the sport and will be able to tackle the course without a leash. It's the handler's job to lead them through the course using voice and hand signals. Getting to a competitive level takes a whole lot of training, so patience is key. Rewards training produces the best results, while you can also set up your own agility course at home so you and your pooch can practice whenever you want.
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Therapy Work

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Any Day
1 hr
Items needed
Activity description

The Cavapoo's gentle temperament and eager-to-please nature make them well-suited to a wide range of activities and games, but it also means that they often make great therapy dogs. Therapy dogs perform a variety of roles, helping brighten the days of everyone, from kids with autism to hospital patients and the elderly.

To be a good therapy dog, your pooch will need to have a calm and gentle temperament, love people, and be comfortable in a wide range of settings. If you think your pooch could do a grrr-eat job visiting hospitals, nursing homes, and schools to put smiles on people's faces, here's what you need to know.

Find a course
Look for a reputable training organization that offers therapy dog certification courses near you. Check out what the course involves, including how long it takes, what you'll learn, and how much it costs. You can then sign yourself and your dog up to find out how to become the best therapy dog and handler team.
Get out there and help
Once you and your pet have graduated, you can volunteer your time to head out into the world and offer a wagging tail to those in need. Therapy dogs provide love and comfort to people of all ages in need of a little help. Visiting nursing homes, hospitals, daycare centers, and other venues with your furry friend can be a hugely rewarding experience for you, and a whole lot of fun for a dog that simply loves being around people.
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This relay race for dogs is another doggy sport your Cavapoo might love, so look for flyball groups in your area and head along to try it out.

Trip to the Beach

Poodles often love swimming, and so do many Cavapoos. If you live near an off-leash beach, treat your dog to a day spent on the sand and splashing around in the water.


These are just some of the activities your Cavapoo might like to try, but there are loads of other simple games and adventures you and your pooch can enjoy together. The key thing to remember is that these dogs adore people and want to please you, so if you can give them all the essentials they need for a happy and fulfilling life, they will make the most loving and devoted canine companions.