Activities For Chow Chows

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With their tough, judging expression and harsh, loud bark Chow Chows are still fantastic dogs especially if you are looking for a protector. Chow Chow's have been used as hunting dogs for decades and also were used to pull cargo from boats! Needless to say, they are strong and fiercely loyal. These dogs certainly need some great activities to keep them busy and happy. Proper training of a Chow Chow is important so be sure to schedule some time to do these activities and keep your dog active and content.


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Chow Chows are known to be aggressive dogs and it is frequently recommended that they are raised in a home where they are the only dog and there are no young children around. However, while this may be good advice, it is also just a good idea to train your Chow Chow early in life to be accustomed to being around people. Socialization is key in this breed of dog and that is true for socialization with other people and with other dogs. Since this breed can be tricky to train (they can be stubborn!), training your pup slowly is always a fantastic idea.

Exposure is key
When your Chow Chow is still young, try to expose them to other dogs and people in a gentle manner. Begin by meeting others on neutral ground, not in your dog's home or in an area where your dog may feel possessive of their space. A neutral introduction will help your dog be a little more relaxed and not on guard.
Stay in control
Keep your dog on a leash when they are meeting people or other dogs for the first time. It is a good idea to remain in control physically, especially when you are wary of how your dog may react. Stay calm as your Chow Chow can sense your energy and react to how you are feeling. Let your dog sniff the new dog or person before you allow them to be released from the leash.
Build relationships
Once your dog grows accustomed to new people and new dogs, keep up with the socialization throughout their life. Dog parks are a great place to bring your dog to play with other dogs, while a nice walk in the park is also perfect for passing new people and pets in a leashed setting. Socialization is an ongoing activity for you and your Chow!


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Chow Chows have a long history as hunting dogs. In fact, they were bred in China to be a hunting breed exclusively. Chow Chows would hunt with their owners and also act as guards, attacking any animal that may attempt to harm their owner. While you don't necessarily need your Chow Chow to go around attacking things for you (especially people!), it can be good to exercise this instinct in a positive, safe way. From basic hunting games to more complex training, Chow Chows will love these activities and want to play all the time. So set one of these fun games up and let your Chow Chow hunt!

Fetch the ball
Fetch is the most basic form of hunting that a dog can play. Throwing a ball and having your dog chase it is similar to having your dog chase wild prey. Of course, setting up a game of fetch is much easier than finding wild animals to hunt! And, you can play fetch in your own backyard.
Hide and hunt
Hide a toy or treat in your yard and have your dog use their hunting instincts to find where it is hidden. Your dog will get to run, track and be rewarded with the treat - what a perfect game! You can also make this hard or easy depending on your Chow Chow's true hunting abilities!
Hunting club
Find a dog hunting club in your area that you can join with your Chow. Hunting clubs will bring your pup out on an actual hunt and train them to react to commands and directions in order to achieve their hunting goals. Not only will your Chow Chow benefit from this training while satisfying their hunting needs but they will also, most likely, be operating in a dog pack which is great for socialization.

Herding Games

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Sunny Day
2 hrs
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Exercise Balls
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Chow Chows are fantastic herding dogs. They have been used to herd cattle, sheep and other animals throughout history. However, you may not have a field of animals readily available for your Chow to herd. Helping satisfy your Chow Chow's need to herd is simple though, even in a more modern setting. Any of these herding activities are good for Chow Chows and, while some are more complex to set up, there are very easy games you can play as well. Get ready to watch your dog herd people and objects in a fun and interesting to watch way!

Herd the humans
Grab a few of your friends to play with you and your pup. Set up a "goal" or location where your dog needs to herd the humans to. When your dog runs behind or toward a person, that person should move in that direction. When your dog effectively moves the person into the goal, they get a reward! Play until everyone is herded into the goals
Treiball is a fantastic dog driven game where a pup needs to herd large exercise balls into a goal. You will need to purchase some equipment for this game or you can look for a treiball league near you. Teach your Chow Chow to push the ball into the goal. Make it more challenging by having different colored balls and teaching your dog to just herd one specific color, leaving the others on the field.
Indoor herding
Grab about ten small different colored balls - tennis balls will work perfectly. Begin by teaching your Chow the colors of the balls. Say "blue", show them the blue ball and then give them a treat. Repeat with all the colors until your dog is a color expert! Then, use the colored balls to have your pup herd one specific color ball into a goal or simply into your hand. A perfect indoor herding game!

More Fun Ideas...


Chow Chows need a lot of exercise so daily walks or runs are important. Make a daily schedule that involves walking your pup frequently and far. Regular walks will also help curb any bad habits your Chow Chow may have - being tired is always helpful in preventing bad tendencies!


Setting up a doggy playground in your yard is something your Chow Chow will love. Ramps, tunnels and balls attached to ropes are all fun toys to integrate that will keep your pup busy and entertained.


Chow Chows are an amazing breed of dog. They are strong, protective, fast and smart. While a Chow Chow can be tricky to train, with a little patience and practice, your pup will be able to do almost anything! Gear your training and activities to suit your dog's needs and instinctual desires. Herding, running, playing and hunting are all things that a Chow Chow will love. Get ready to play and teach your furry friend!