The Dachshund is an oddly shaped little pup, but they were bred to be fierce hunters. Their broad paws and strong chest and legs allowed the Doxie to burrow into the dens of their prey. The Dachshund is an extremely smart breed of dog, and they need activities that stimulate both their mind and body. Often a rather lively little pup, finding activities for your Dachshund can be somewhat daunting as you will need to consider games that will not involve jumping. (Due to their elongated body, the Dachshund is not advised to jump from high places.) However, you will find that this little fellow has the ability to dash quickly. In fact, the Doxie loves to run! Dachshunds also enjoy digging (remember the big paws!), so play that incorporates his need to dig is excellent for the Dachshund! Always remember that the Doxie likes to be the center of attention, and they crave praise for a job well done!
Playing with your Dachshund will help to increase the bond between the two of you. Certainly, you will want to create games that draw on the Doxie's instincts to scent, hunt, and dig. Playing Hide and Seek will allow the Doxie to work out that hunter and gatherer instinct that he was bred for. Any time the Dachshund is allowed to dig, he is putting positive energy into an activity (plus he isn't ruining your yard!). Some owners have been known to create small digging areas with sand or mulch for their Dachshunds. Of course, training is necessary so that the Doxie knows exactly where this area lies. Remember, the Dachshund is prone to weight gain, so daily activity is a must for this short, stout fellow.