Activities For Doberman Pinschers

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Developed during the 19th century in Germany, the Doberman Pinscher, or simply Doberman, is a medium-sized dog breed with an elegant look and athletic build. The breed’s trademark look involves a sleek coat, docked tail and cropped ears. Dobermans are known for their athleticism and intelligence, which is why the breed is widely used for a variety of purposes such as military and police work, a home watchdog and a competitive canine athlete. There are many reasons to want a Dobie (as they are playfully called) as a pet. However, owning a Dobie takes a lot of patience and determination, since the breed can be a handful at times. If you are one of the lucky ones to own a Doberman, here are some activity ideas that you may try with your pooch.


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Sunny Day
1 hr
Items needed
Flotation vest
Floating toys
Activity description

It is a known fact that dogs need a certain amount of exercise daily. Dobermans, in particular, need lots of arduous physical exercise throughout the day. Vets even recommend a minimum of one hour of physical exercise for Dobies. A good, low-impact way to stimulate your dog physically is to go swimming. The majority of dog breeds, including Doberman Pinschers, absolutely love to be in the water. In fact, their excitement is palpable once your dog jumps in the water and starts to swim or play with toys. Moreover, during the hot summer months, swimming is a good way to cool your dog off and prevent the possibility of heat-related conditions. 

Choose where to swim
Whether it is on the beach or in a pool, there are lots of potential swimming spots for you and your dog. Most states have dog-friendly beaches where dogs are allowed to swim in. There are also some lakes that even feature docks where your dog can dive from. If you do not have the luxury of leaving your home, you can simply get an inflatable pool and set up your own pool in the backyard. Some dog owners, however, use a hard sided pool only as pups have been known to puncture soft sided pools.
Swim with your pooch
Regardless of where you choose to swim, you should have some necessities ready. If you will be going to a public place such as a beach, be sure you have a leash ready. Most beaches require that owners keep their dogs on a leash. Also, for your dog’s personal safety, it would be best to equip your dog with a flotation vest to keep them afloat while swimming.


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Sunny Day
30 - 60 min
Items needed
Frisbee disc
Activity description

Playing Frisbee can be a potentially fun activity between you and your dog. It is somewhat similar to a game of fetch, albeit one that involves a Frisbee disc and is more challenging. However, while most dogs would probably be interested in watching the Frisbee disc fly and retrieving it, most dogs will not know how to catch it. After all, you cannot expect your dog to get it the first time around, right? Training is needed in order for your dog to pick up the game. A regular game of Frisbee is a great way to use up your Doberman’s energy and can also help strengthen your bond and improve communication with your pooch. 

Familiarize your dog with the disc
If you are introducing the Frisbee disc to your dog for the first time, there is a good chance that your dog will immediately be attracted to it, as they usually are with new toys. Sometimes, this is good enough to get your dog’s attention. However, some are more stubborn and will require more motivation. What you can do is give your dog a treat when they show interest on the disc. If this does not work, try putting some peanut butter or dog food on the disc and use it as your dog’s food bowl, which should do the trick.
Start using the disc as a toy
Once your dog shows genuine interest in the disc, it is time to start the playing. Start with something simple such as a tug-of-war, where you pull the disc from your dog’s mouth. You can also eventually roll the disc on the ground and let your dog retrieve it. This is a good stepping stone for your dog to learn the retrieval part of the game.
Have some Frisbee fun
Once your dog gets the hang of retrieving the disc, it is time to put the training to the test. Find an open area such as your backyard or the dog park. Throw the Frisbee disc not too far and high and watch your dog’s progress. When your dog gets more confident in catching the disc, you can start throwing the disc further out. At every end of your playing time, don’t forget to give some treats for a job well done.


0 Votes
Sunny Day
30 - 60 min
Items needed
Leash or harness
Activity description

Doberman Pinschers are fast, athletic and can run at incredible speeds. Sometimes, a regular walk around the neighborhood or in the park will no longer satisfy their need for physical activity and exercise. One way to keep up with your Dobie’s high energy levels is by putting yourself on a set of wheels. One of the best options is to go cycling with your dog. By being on a bicycle, you get to keep up with your dog’s pace without tiring yourself out like you would if you ran with your Dobie. Likewise, your Dobie will be able to go at a pace that will satisfy their need for physical stimulation. 

Find a cycling spot
When going for a bike ride with your dog, you will need a wide and open area where you and your dog can ride side by side without hitting places or even some people passing by. Most cities have designated parks or cycling areas where you can ride without much hazard.
Go on a ride
Put on a leash or chest harness on your Dobie. Once your dog is secured, start riding at a leisurely pace with your dog alongside you. Once your pooch starts picking up speed, also increase your speed accordingly. In this activity, you need to have full control of your bike to prevent being dragged by your dog. If you feel like you are going to lose control, simply let go of the harness. It also helps that your dog is trained in basic commands such as “stop” and “go”, which will be useful in controlling your dog.

More Fun Ideas...

Scavenger Hunt

For Dobermans, mental stimulation is just as important as physical. When left bored and alone, Dobermans may display some destructive behavior.  A good way to keep your dog mentally active is through a scavenger hunt. To do this, take your Dobie’s favorite treat or toy and hide it in an area in your house that is easy to find. Then, command your dog to look for the treat. When the game gets too easy, make your hiding area more challenging in order to keep your dog mentally stimulated.

Obedience Training

The Doberman Pinscher is an intelligent breed that can easily pick up new information. This makes the breed a perfect candidate for obedience training. Start with basic commands such as “stay” or “sit” to get the training started and slowly move on to more difficult commands. Do not forget to reward your Dobie after each training session. 


Doberman Pinschers are lovely but fierce dogs that need constant physical and mental stimulation. Moreover, variety is the spice of a Doberman’s life. By the trying the abovementioned activities and switching things up every now and then, you get to prevent your Dobie from being bored and thwart any potential negative behavior as a result.