Prepare for unexpected vet bills
Whether your pup has been injured, ill, suffering from an infection, or has undergone surgery, you will often find they need a course of antibiotics. While the type of medication can differ depending on what your pup is suffering from, you may have been told by your vet to keep your dog “quiet” during their recovery period. For some pooches, this is easier said than done, and you may be racking your brain trying to find something to keep them stimulated. If your pup is poorly and quiet time is necessary, here are a few of the many stimulation options to stop them from getting cabin fever.
It doesn’t matter what the weather is doing; you will find that chew toys can fill in a significant amount of your furry friend’s day. When they aren’t allowed to bound around in the backyard, filling their toy box with a myriad of bright, colorful and inviting toys could be the answer. Your pup will enjoy spending hours chewing on a delicious bone or a toy designed for tough little chewers. What’s more, chew toys for dogs are relatively affordable at most pet stores and can be a saving grace when all your pup wants to do is get outside and get active.
If your pup has been on antibiotics and hasn’t yet gotten their full appetite back, you will find that food puzzles can both entertain and nourish your poorly puppy. The best part about food puzzles, aside from their mental stimulation, is how quickly they entertain dogs while providing them with treats at the same time. One toy can provide between half an hour to an hour of entertainment while being affordably priced as well. While buying more than one can start getting quite expensive, they’re worth it when you see the look of wonder on your pup’s face as they try to work out what’s inside.
If the sun is shining and your pup is beginning to get cabin fever, a short walk may not be the worst thing for them. Of course, if you’ve been instructed by the vets not to exercise them, it’s best to keep them at home. However, if you’ve finished your course of antibiotics and they aren’t in pain, you may find getting them out of the house will give them a new lease on life. All it takes is 10 minutes of your time, a leash, and a waste bag, and your dog can come home wagging their tail, excited, and so pleased at having experienced the great outdoors.
If your pup has a keen nose and hunger for yummy treats, then you may find the scent game is a brilliant way to keep their little minds occupied. All you need to do is place one snack under one of three cups, then ask your pup to smell it out. Then, switch the cups around to set them a challenge.
If your dog is not allowed to take part in physical activities, then you’ll need to think outside the square. Believe it or not, turning on the TV can be a great way to grab your pup’s attention. Choose a show featuring plenty of animals and watch how engaged they become. Some dogs will even enjoy seeing and hearing other dogs on the screen, wondering what they’re doing trapped in that funny electronic box!
When your poorly pup is feeling a little ruff, you’ll no doubt want to do everything you can to cheer them up. When a run on the beach or a trip to the dog park is not an option, you’ll find there are plenty of quiet indoor activities to provide that much-needed mental stimulation. The best part is, it encourages you to get involved and interact with them as well.