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Cataract surgery performed on dogs has around a 90% success rate but it can take several weeks for your dog to fully recover from the operation. A cone must be used for anywhere from a week to four weeks to protect the dog from worrying at their eye, eye drops must be administered to prevent infection and reduce inflammation, and your dog should be kept calm for several weeks to allow implanted lenses to fully heal as heavy physical activity and increased blood pressure can cause the new lenses to rupture or to be slightly dislodged. These restrictions limit the number of activities that your canine companion can safely do while recovering, but there are still a few things you can do to keep boredom from overwhelming them while they heal.
While the act of walking your dog is usually one that can often be managed just a day or two after your dog is released from the veterinary hospital, it does require a little more thought than usual for the first few weeks. It is very important to try and keep your dog relaxed, so jogging and running should be completely avoided during recovery and it’s particularly important to keep dirt and water out of their eyes to prevent infection. Just being outside and being able to see can be very exciting for your pooch, so it is best to keep excursions short, particularly early in the recovery process.
This is a fun activity to introduce when your dog’s movement is restricted as it works their minds, typically without causing them much in the way of stress or frustration. This activity works by using only positive behavior shaping methods and removes the stress of having the “wrong” response.This is a fun activity to introduce when your dog’s movement is restricted as it works their minds, typically without causing them much in the way of stress or frustration. This activity works by using only positive behavior shaping methods and removes the stress of having the “wrong” response.
Dogs who have recently undergone surgery to remove their cataracts typically require reduced physical activity during the following weeks but using an interactive treat toy of some sort can help to keep your pooch’s mind busy. For active dogs, being inactive can be stressful all on its own; interactive toys that include an element of chewing may also help to relieve some of that stress. Barking also tends to impede the healing process, and these products may have the added benefit of keeping them from barking as much. While there are a number of diverting store-bought treat toys available to keep your dog entertained, many pet parents prefer to make their own treat toys from objects that are commonly found in the home.
Massage is an effective way of dealing with stress for both you and your pet. It can also help to lower their blood pressure, leading to faster healing times.
Doga, a form of yoga that involves your dog in your poses, may be helpful in keeping your dog relaxed, reducing the chance of damage to any new lenses. This exercise is most effective in calming your dog if you introduce Doga or make it a part of their routine prior to surgery.
Watching television is an activity that many dogs can enjoy, and it may be particularly beneficial for your dog to watch recent home movies as it may help them to relate familiar voices that they hear to faces that they may not have seen in a while.
While it is necessary to restrict your dog’s physical activity and excitement level after cataract surgery in order to prevent any spikes in blood pressure, there is no reason to keep them bored or confined. These low-stress activities can help you to entertain your canine companion and facilitate a quick and effective recovery.