Prepare for unexpected vet bills
If you just had your dog dewormed or have this procedure scheduled for your pup, you may be wondering what they will be able to do afterwards. Just as with any medical routine, your dog may need a little downtime afterward in order to recover. Planning some low key activities for your dog is a great idea and being prepared with fun things your dog can partake in will make their lives a lot happier.
While your dog may love a nice rub down every day, getting extra attention and love after being dewormed is necessary. A dog massage is also a perfect activity as it involves no effort from your recovering pup. Now we are not talking about some regular old patting, oh no! We mean a serious dog massage. There are many tricks and techniques you can use to really make your dog relaxed and help sooth their aching muscles. A full body massage is probably just what the veterinarian ordered and we doubt your dog will disagree! Get your fingers ready to give your pup the rub down of their lives!
Right after deworming your dog may have little to no appetite. This is a normal side effect of the medication and shouldn't be worrisome. However, you should still try to make sure your pup is eating or attempting to eat. What better way to lure them to the food bowl than with a special meal? Making your dog their favorite food after they have just been dewormed is a fantastic idea. Not only will it encourage them to eat but it will also help cheer them up. So get out the frying pan, grab some tasty ingredients and start cooking a veterinarian approved, first class meal just for your dog!
After being dewormed, a few days later, you may find that your dog is suddenly full of energy and ready to play, walk and run. This is most likely a relieving and happy sight for you as pups with worms tend to be lethargic and passive for weeks even before being dewormed. Now that your dog is back to their usual happy selves, you should definitely go back to a regular walking and exercise routine. Your dog is dying to get out there and go for a walk just as much as you are! So grab that leash and get walking!
Although your pup was dewormed and they may be acting a little sluggish, they may still want something to chew on as they lay around. Give your dog a nice bone or rope to keep them happy as they recover.
After being dewormed, your dog may love just laying around with you cuddling. So curl up with your pup and watch a movie, read a book or just take a nap together.
Being dewormed isn't fun for you or your dog but it is necessary to do, so that your dog can get better and go back to being a healthy pup. After being dewormed, your dog will be a little slower than usual and this is because their body is recovering. Give your dog plenty of time to rest and recover and keep them as comfortable as possible. In a few days, your dog will be full of energy and ready to go!