Activities For Dogs After Deworming

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If you just had your dog dewormed or have this procedure scheduled for your pup, you may be wondering what they will be able to do afterwards. Just as with any medical routine, your dog may need a little downtime afterward in order to recover. Planning some low key activities for your dog is a great idea and being prepared with fun things your dog can partake in will make their lives a lot happier. 

Dog Massage

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Any Day
30 min
Items needed
Cozy Blanket
Activity description

While your dog may love a nice rub down every day, getting extra attention and love after being dewormed is necessary. A dog massage is also a perfect activity as it involves no effort from your recovering pup. Now we are not talking about some regular old patting, oh no! We mean a serious dog massage. There are many tricks and techniques you can use to really make your dog relaxed and help sooth their aching muscles. A full body massage is probably just what the veterinarian ordered and we doubt your dog will disagree! Get your fingers ready to give your pup the rub down of their lives!

Research the method
Research proper ways to give doggy massages. In general, you want to be at your dog's head and work your way down their body, really rubbing all of the muscles and focusing on each section of your dog for a good amount of time. No quick pats here! We are talking deep tissue rubbing, but in a gentle manner.
Get cozy
Set up a cozy space for your dog to lay down while they get their massage. After deworming, dogs may have restricted movement from the procedure or just because of veterinarian's orders. Make your dog comfortable so that they will not try to move away, although why would they want to run from a massage?
Full body rub
Give your pup a full body rub, kneading deep into their muscles and tissue to really loosen them up. Keep in mind your dog may be sore from the deworming so avoid any sensitive areas. Make the massage last as long as you'd like or at least until your pup is relaxed and happy.

Special Meals

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Any Day
30 min
Items needed
Favorite Foods
Dog Dish
Activity description

Right after deworming your dog may have little to no appetite. This is a normal side effect of the medication and shouldn't be worrisome. However, you should still try to make sure your pup is eating or attempting to eat. What better way to lure them to the food bowl than with a special meal? Making your dog their favorite food after they have just been dewormed is a fantastic idea. Not only will it encourage them to eat but it will also help cheer them up. So get out the frying pan, grab some tasty ingredients and start cooking a veterinarian approved, first class meal just for your dog!

Meal planning
Plan what you would like to make for your dog to eat. You should definitely keep in mind the things that dogs are not able to eat like garlic, onions, and chocolate for example. Consult your vet; chances are they will have a few dog-favorite menus on hand. Once you have your meal plan, head to the grocery store to buy all the ingredients you need.
Cook with love
Cook your dog's favorite meal, with a little bit of love stirred in. We say 'cook' in a relaxed manner as your dog's favorite food may simply be cheese mixed into dog food. Whatever your pup likes, prepare it! Feeding the patient is of the upmost importance! You may also want to cook a little extra in case your dog is feeling under the weather for a few days to come.
Dinner's ready!
Serve your pup their gourmet meal right at the place where they have been recovering. While your dog may not typically get meals on the couch, let this one slide and let them eat there. Whatever makes your dog comfortable enough to enjoy a meal is a good plan!

Walk Time

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Sunny Day
20 min
Items needed
Doggy Bags
Activity description

After being dewormed, a few days later, you may find that your dog is suddenly full of energy and ready to play, walk and run. This is most likely a relieving and happy sight for you as pups with worms tend to be lethargic and passive for weeks even before being dewormed. Now that your dog is back to their usual happy selves, you should definitely go back to a regular walking and exercise routine. Your dog is dying to get out there and go for a walk just as much as you are! So grab that leash and get walking!

Perfect route
Pick a place to go for your dog's first walk after being dewormed. Make it special! If your pup just likes walking around your neighborhood, do that! If you want to take your dog on a nature path through the woods, head on over! Anywhere you and your pup can stretch your legs is perfect.
Slow and steady
Start off slow with a nice short walk. If your pup has had worm issues for a while, they may not be quite ready for a long walk. After a few days of short walks, gauge how your dog is feeling and go further and further. Eventually you and your pup will be back to your regular long walks!
Keep walking
Keep your dewormed pup active and healthy by going on regularly scheduled walks. Walking on a consistent basis is not only good for your dog's physical health but it is also beneficial for their mental health. It's good for all of us to get out of the house and get some fresh air!

More Fun Ideas...

Chew Toys

Although your pup was dewormed and they may be acting a little sluggish, they may still want something to chew on as they lay around. Give your dog a nice bone or rope to keep them happy as they recover.

Cuddle Time

After being dewormed, your dog may love just laying around with you cuddling. So curl up with your pup and watch a movie, read a book or just take a nap together. 


Being dewormed isn't fun for you or your dog but it is necessary to do, so that your dog can get better and go back to being a healthy pup. After being dewormed, your dog will be a little slower than usual and this is because their body is recovering. Give your dog plenty of time to rest and recover and keep them as comfortable as possible. In a few days, your dog will be full of energy and ready to go!