Activities For Dogs In Colorado On Nice Days

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There is something about the wide open skies of Colorado. While it can get very cold in the state, there are plenty of gorgeous days where the sun is shining and you and your canine companion can enjoy some outdoor time together. The state of Colorado offers a myriad of opportunities for outdoor activities for you and your pooch to participate in, with gorgeous mountains, rivers and creeks available in many parts of the state. No matter where you are in Colorado, when the weather is nice there is sure to be something that you and your pup can do outdoors together.

Go For A Hike

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Sunny Day
1 - 2 hrs
Items needed
Bags for Waste
Portable Water Dish
Activity description
In Colorado, there are plenty of places where you and you canine companion can enjoy a hike. Whether you prefer to walk in the mountains or flat terrain, you will a variety of options for you and your pup to explore. Hiking is a great activity for dogs (and people) of all physical abilities and endurance levels as you can choose particular hikes that meet the ability of you and your dog. Once on your way, you and your pooch will enjoy quality time together while also getting the exercise that is important for your physical and emotional well-being.
Decide on a hike
When you are in Colorado, it is likely that you will have multiple choices when it comes to hiking trails. If you have not done much hiking, you can do some research to learn about nearby trails to hike. Before deciding on a hike, consider the ability and endurance of you and your pooch. If you are not sure of your abilities, it is best to start with a shorter hike with minimal elevation gain. Make sure to bring your dog's leash, bags to pick up waste and a portable dog bowl for water. It is very important to keep your dog and yourself hydrated.
Hiking time!
After you have chosen a trail and have what you need, it is a good idea to check the weather. If rain is in the forecast, bring a rain jacket along or delay your departure time. On a particularly hot day, keep in mind that the amount of shade (or lack thereof) can impact the length of your walk. Regardless of the temperature, make sure to stop regularly and offer your dog water and an occasional treat.
Relax and rehydrate
Even a very active, high energy pup may be ready for rest after a hike. Make sure to reward your canine pal with a treat and a bowl of water. Ensuring that your dog remains hydrated is key for their health. When you return home, you and your pooch have earned some time cuddling on the couch together, enjoying some rest and one-another's company. A great thing about hiking is that you and your pup can bond during the walk as well as when returning home and resting.
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Dog Park Visit

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Sunny Day
1 - 2 hrs
Items needed
Waste Bags
Activity description
When the weather is nice in Colorado, it is likely that other dogs and their people are itching to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. A trip to the dog park will offer you and your pup the opportunity to enjoy the nice weather, get some exercise AND interact with other dogs and people. Your dog will have the chance to make new friends and catch up with old ones, while getting out some energy. If you pup is more interested in alone time with you, the dog park is a safe, enclosed space where you can play a game of fetch or take a walk with your pup off leash.
Find a dog park
Depending on where you are in Colorado, you may have more than one dog park to choose from. Dog parks typically have their own attributes; some may offer more shade or provide a larger space for a dog to run, for example. You will want to choose the location that best suits your pooch (and yourself) as well as the weather. When the weather is hot, for example, a dog park with ample shade will be an ideal choice.
Head on over
Once you have chosen a dog park, get together the items that you will need. You will want to bring plenty of water for your dog, as well as a portable bowl for them to drink out of; remember, it is important that your dog remain hydrated.. Waste bags are also important, as well as a ball or Frisbee for your pup to fetch. Treats can be used as rewards for successful fetching or to distract your pup from a dog who is not as excited to meet as they are. Make sure to bring a leash, so that you can ensure that the walk from your car into the dog park is safe for.your pet.
Play time!
Many dog parks have two different gates for entry so that a dog does not run off on the way in or out while you are trying to close the gate. If this is the way the park you are visiting is set up, make sure to completely close one gate before opening the next. Once you and your pup are inside, your dog will take the lead as far as what to do. Some dogs are very social and will immediately be comfortable, running up and introducing themselves. Other dogs will be more hesitant. Let your dog take what time they need to adjust and interact. In the meantime, enjoy a game of fetch with your pooch. Once comfortable, your dog will likely enjoy the chance to meet new friends and will certainly benefit from the chance to get some exercise!
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River or Lake Splash

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Sunny Day
30 - 120 min
Items needed
A ball or frisbee
Waste bags
Activity description
When the weather is nice in Colorado, it is a great opportunity to visit a lake, river or creek. Your canine buddy will revel in the opportunity not only to stretch their legs, but to splash around in the water. The cool water will feel particularly good on a hot day! It may take a little time for your pup to become comfortable with the water, after which they will enjoy splashing around, swimming and even playing fetch, where they run into the water for their Frisbee or ball and then return it to you. In nice weather, taking advantage of the water in Colorado will mean a good time for you and your pup!
Decide where to go
There are many great opportunities to frolic in the water when you are in Colorado. Investigate what is nearby and if you are willing to take a drive, what else is available within that driving distance? If your pup is not familiar with water, than you may want to choose a creek or small lake where they can explore and get used to being in the water.
Get comfortable
Once you have decided where to go, bring some dog treats, water, a Frisbee or ball and some waste bags along with you and your pooch. When arriving at the river, lake or creek, make sure to put your dog's leash on as you walk them from the car to the water. Allow your dog the chance to get comfortable before expecting that they will jump right in. Some dogs will do so, while others need time to get used to the water and the idea of getting into it. Hang on to your pup's leash as they explore; it can be helpful for you to wear shoes that can go in the water so that you can be next to your canine pal while they explore.
Let's play!
Once your pup is comfortable with the water, they will be ready for some fun. Fun will look different for each dog of course; some dogs want to swim for example, while other pups will choose to run back and forth in the water. Let your pal do what they enjoy. More adventurous pups may enjoy a game of fetch in the water. To play, get out the ball or Frisbee that you brought along. Show your dog the item and that you are throwing it. Then yell "fetch!" and throw it into the water. Your pup can go get it and return it to you and be rewarded with a treat!
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A great activity for an energetic pup on a nice day in Colorado is bikejoring. This activity involves attaching your pup to your bike and having them pull you along. This is perfect for the dog who does best with a job to do. Bikejoring is a unique activity that will require a few things, like a bikejoring kit (to attach your pup to your bike) as well as safety gear. Before getting involved in the activity, it is a good idea to do some research on it and meet with some people who have been involved in bikejoring. This way you can ask questions and learn from the experiences of others.

Agility Activities

When the weather is nice, you and your pup can head outdoors and embark on a few agility activities. This is a great way for your dog to get a physical AND mental workout. You can create your own agility activities at a low cost; for example, PVC pipes can be used to set up jumps (their height can be increased) and a hula hoop can be used to first step through and then raised so that your dog can jump through it. Another great option is a kiddie tunnel which your pup can run through. As your pooch develops their skills, you can begin linking the activities together to create an obstacle course!

Water Play

If you don't have a lake or river nearby or if you are short on time, your dog can enjoy some water play on a nice day in your own backyard. Acquire a hard plastic kiddie pool and place it in your yard. Once you have the pool, introduce your dog to it, with a small amount of water present. As your dog develops a comfort level with the pool and the water, you can increase the amount of water in it. Your pup can splash around in the pool or use it as a place to cool off after another activity in your yard, like a game of fetch.


When the weather is nice in Colorado, you and your canine companion will likely want to get some fresh air and have some fun together. Fortunately, there are plenty of activities that can be done outdoors in Colorado and will offer the chance for your pooch to get out some energy and get the mental and physical activity needed for a health life. Activities vary in difficulty and can be geared to the energy and ability of your particular pup. In addition, you and your dog will have the opportunity to get fresh air while enjoying one another's company.