Activities For Dogs In Tennessee On Rainy Days

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Rainy days and dogs usually do not mix well. However, if the temperature is mild enough and the rain not too harsh, spending time playing in the rain with your dog would be ideal. However, if you are not too keen on playing in the wet weather, there are plenty of indoor activities you can do with your canine companion to get plenty of exercise and quality bonding time. When rainy days are in the forecast, have a few ideas in mind of fun activities that you can do with your dog to avoid those rainy day blues.

Play in the Rain

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Rainy Day
30 min
Items needed
Dry Towels
Activity description

For those rainy days that are more of a gentle rainfall, toss on some comfortable clothes and shoes, gather up some toys and head out in the rain with your dog. Most dogs do not mind getting a little wet, especially when they get to spend quality time with their favorite human. Engage them in a lively game of fetch or tug-o-war while slipping and sliding through the wet grass. Playing in the rain is free and easy, all you need are some water-proof toys, or toys you do not mind getting wet and a can-do attitude. You can easily spend a half hour or so playing games in the backyard or heading to the closest dog park; chances are pretty good that you will have the entire dog park to yourself on a rainy day. Be sure to have plenty of dry towels on hand for you and your pooch when it is time to go inside.

Gather toys and treats
When picking toys to use while playing in the rain, choose toys that are water-proof and will be able to be cleaned easily. You can also use toys that you do not mind getting soaked or you plan on tossing out after playing in the rain. Bring some treats out with you as well so your dog can have small rewards when playing.
Get wet
Wear clothing that is not going to hinder your movements when wet and head out into the rain for a few lively backyard games. If your yard is too muddy or slippery, take care to modify the games so your dog does not get hurt chasing after toys. Take a walk to your local dog park if you feel your yard is too dangerous for playtime.
Clean up
Before heading out into the rain, be sure to stack a few dry towels by the door for when you are done playing in the rain. By having dry towels close at hand, drying yourself and your dog will be a breeze. Toss your dog’s toys into a bucket for easy carrying and then set them out in your mudroom or entry way to dry. Cleaning up should not be too much of a hassle after having fun in the rain.

Host a Playdate

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Rainy Day
1 hr
Items needed
Activity description

Keep an eye on the forecast and have your invitation list ready for when a rainy day is predicted. You can host an outdoor rainy day playdate where your dog and their furry friends play games out in the rain. You can also host an indoor playdate where everyone gets to stay dry except when your four-legged guests need to use the bathroom. Hosting a playdate is easy and cheap. You just need toys and treats for the dogs and snacks and drinks for their two-legged parents. Set up a designated area in your home where you can contain the chaos and plan on only having a few furry friends over for an hour or so. Your dog will love hanging out with their pals and you can catch up on local news with the other pet parents. 

Issue invitations
A puppy playdate is not a formal affair. You can simply pick up the phone and give a few friends a call and invite them over for an afternoon of canine fun. When deciding on who to invite, be sure to consider the size of the dogs in comparison to your dog, temperament and training. You do not want to invite a dog that is not well trained when you know you will be stuck in the house. It is best to leave the more unruly furry friends off the list unless it is an outdoor playdate.
Set up the fun
When setting up an area in your home for a rainy day playdate, be sure to leave plenty of open space for the dogs to play and remove any objects that are breakable. Push furniture back against the wall and do not put human snacks and drinks in reach of the furry guests. Make sure that the snacks for the dogs are also not in easy reach but are accessible when needed. Have a few bowls of fresh water ready for the dogs; they will become thirsty when they are playing.
Social media moments
Once your guests have arrived and settled in, it is time for you to sit back and enjoy watching your dog play with their friends. Keep your camera close by for those adorable and social media worthy moments. Spend time relaxing with your friends and catching up on gossip and happenings in each other’s lives. When the playdate is over, ask your friends to help clean up so you do not have a big mess on your hands.

Hall Ball

0 Votes
Rainy Day
30 min
Items needed
Toy or Ball
Pillows (optional)
Activity description

Hall ball is a variation of fetch that can be done indoors down a hallway. Hall ball is generally best for small dogs; however, some larger dogs can also enjoy this activity. Safety should be your first priority and if you have hardwood or other slick flooring, you will want to place pillows at the end of the hallway for a soft landing. Even though the game is called hall ball, you can use any toy that your dog loves to chase; a ball is easiest because it rolls the best. Keep some treats close by as a reward when your dog brings back the toy. Be vigilant while playing hall ball and do not allow your dog to wear out. Give them breaks throughout the game and do not play longer than 30 minutes at a time. 

Hallway safety
Make sure your hallway is a safe place to play hall ball, remove any carpet runners that could be tripping hazards and stack pillows at the end of the hallway to provide a soft place for your dog to safely slide. Mirrors at the end of the hallway can be a potential hazard and pillows will help protect them. Sit at the other end of the hall and have treats close by but out of the reach of your dog.
Roll the ball
Put your dog in either a sit or down position and then roll the ball. Once the ball gets about one-third of the way down the hallway, tell your dog to go get it or fetch. Encourage and praise your dog while they are chasing the ball down. Then give them a command to bring the ball back to you. When they do bring the ball back, give them a treat and lots of praise.
You can repeat rolling the ball down the hallway as many times as you would like, but be aware of when your dog begins to tire. Only plan on playing hall ball for about 30 minutes before giving your dog a break. For small dogs, this is a lot of exercise, especially if you have a long hallway.

More Fun Ideas...

Indoor Dog Park

A new trend for dog lovers is indoor dog parks and day spas. Do a little research and see if there happens to be an indoor dog park available for you to visit on rainy days. Some indoor dog parks are just like country clubs for dogs and will require a membership to be able to enjoy their amenities.

Go Shopping

Next time there is all-day rain in the forecast, grab your keys and your dog and head to the nearest dog-friendly store. Let your dog enjoy their time in the store and get treats and attention from the staff and other shoppers. While you are there, give them time to pick out a new toy to enjoy. 


Rainy days in Tennessee should not be boring, there are plenty of ways to keep your active dog from driving you crazy when stuck inside. When rain is in the forecast, do a little research and prep work so you can keep your dog entertained. It is a little more difficult to entertain a large dog inside, however, there are several interactive toys and chews that will help keep boredom at bay.