Activities For Dogs When Home Alone

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Don't you wish you could take your dog with you everywhere you go? How much fun would it be to always have your companion by your side?! Unfortunately, we all have to leave our pups home alone at some point. Sad, but true. As a loving dog owner, you may be concerned that your dog is alone and you may wonder what that silly dog could be up to! Well, why not set up things for your dog to do! So what can your pup do while home alone? Lots of things! Try some of these activities for your dog and you will never have to worry about them being alone again (they are guaranteed to be having a good time!) 

Automatic Fetch Machine

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1 Vote
Any Day
20 min
Items needed
Automatic ball thrower
Activity description

If your dog loves playing fetch, then why not get your pup a mini automatic fetch machine?! These awesome inventions will throw your dog a ball all day. The only catch, your pooch has to bring the ball back and put it in the machine! While this may sound simple enough, you may need to do a little training with your dog and teach them to the machine works. Once your dog is well versed in the automatic fetch machine, they will have hours and hours of play ahead of them! Be sure to put the machine in a room where nothing will break as a ball shoots across the air!

Research and buy the machine
Invest in an automatic ball thrower for you pup. There is a wide array of prices for these machines and they do not come cheap. However, the hours and hours of entertainment you will get out of this is well worth the investment! Do a little research and find the best machine for your budget and for your pup's activity level (some machines throw farther than others!)
Train your dog to bring the ball back to the machine and drop in into the ball loading hole. This step will take a little time and practice but it is a great way to play with your dog while teaching him a new skill that will benefit him on a daily basis. Your dog will learn quickly how to make that ball fly through the air!
Set the machine up before you leave for the day, making sure the ball will not knock anything over and that the path is also clear for your dog to run (a long hallway is great for this activity). Turn the ball thrower on and give your pup a nice pat on the head. Leave for the day and be happy knowing that your dog is home playing fetch!

Scavenger Hunt

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Any Day
25 min
Items needed
Activity description

Everyone enjoys a good scavenger hunt, even dogs! Hiding toys, treats and dog food around the house for your pup to find is a great way to keep them up and moving rather than just laying around while you are gone. You can make this game as difficult or as easy as you would like considering your dogs searching abilities. Scavenger hunts are also perfect as you can change the game daily. One day a bone is behind the couch while the next day it's stuck in a plant! You can even use the scavenger hunt to feed your dog a full meal - bye bye, doggy dish!! 

Give it a try
Set up a scavenger hunt for your dog on a day that you are home. Practicing the hunt will teach your dog what to do. It is also fun to watch your dog search for his toys and treats as he learns the new game. Once he has mastered the scavenger hunt with you at home, he is ready to take it on all by himself!
Grab your dogs favorite treats, toys or dog food and get ready to do some hiding. The first few times, make the game easy on your pup and hide most of the treats where your dog will find them. A scoop of kibble by the door, a bone or two in the corner….keep it basic at first. Hide all the treats around the house while your dog sits by, waiting.
The big hunt
Give your dog a kiss on the head and leave him to his hunt! Your dog will run all over the house looking for prizes and he will be rewarded immediately when he finds his treasure! No dogs will be laying on the couch when there's a scavenger hunt to do!

Ice Block Treats

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Hot Day
15 min
Items needed
Ice Container
Activity description

Rather than handing your dog a few treats on your way out the door, why not freeze those treats in water and make them a little harder to get. While this isn't a physical challenge for a pup, it is a lesson in patience! Your dog will have to work to get their treats by licking the ice, pushing it around and waiting for it to melt. However, with patience comes reward- your pup will get his favorite treat which was frozen in the ice! This is a great game for warmer weather when your pup may need a refreshing treat during the day. Make sure to put the ice treat on a floor you don't mind being very wet!

Getting chilly...
Grab a small container, fill it with water and your dog's favorite treats. Keep in mind how long your dog may be alone and plan to freeze the treats in an ice cube sized to last (it's no fun if the dog just crunches into the cube before you walk out the door!). As well, the cube needs to be large enough to be safe and not a choking hazard.
Play time
Fill the ice cube container with water and poke your dog's favorite treats inside. It is good to have part of the treat sticking out of the cube so that your dog can get a good sniff and know that there are good things inside that ice. Freeze the dog treat cubes until solid.
Let the fun begin
As you head out for the day, toss your pup a frozen dog treat cube and rest assured that they are having fun at home without you. Pushing that cube around, trying to figure out how to get to the treat inside is stimulating for a dog and also rewarding!

More Fun Ideas...


Leave the TV on for your dog to watch while you are away. While some dogs don't necessarily enjoy watching TV, they may just enjoy the simple sound of having it on. This will make your pup feel like someone is there with them! 

Treat Puzzle

Buy your pup one of many available treat puzzles. There are many toys which allow you to stick treats inside and are a challenge for a dog to retrieve. Your pup will push around these toys all day trying to figure out how to get to the prize inside. 


As hard as it is, sometimes you have to leave your dog at home. Now, you don't have to feel guilty as you walk out that door, your dog will be having a blast with one of these activities for dogs who are home alone. From a rapid game of fetch to a more calm game like watching TV, your dog will have something to do! So don't say 'whatevfur' as you leave your dog alone, say puperiffic! They are having a blast without you!