Prepare for unexpected vet bills
You’ve heard the saying “fight like cats and dogs,” right? Cartoons and films across history have convinced us that dogs absolutely hate cats. They see them as slinky, sneaky spies that hiss and cough up hairballs. It’s ingrained in us that when a dog sees a kitty, oh, it’s on! The chase ensues, and there’s no getting a pup back when they’re on the scent of a feline. But hold on. Some dogs actually like cats? That’s right. Dogs and cats can also be best buddies, so stick around for some activities that they’ll enjoy together.
Speaking of sharing… You might force your pet to play with one toy only for a little while. When there’s only one option, the dog and cat will have to share. As much as they love each other, they’ll probably want to.
Technology is everywhere, including our pet stores. Check out the remote controlled toys because dogs and cats alike love them. You might even have the two play a tablet game. Maybe they’ll share!