While all dogs descend from the wolf, an apex hunting predator, a majority of dog breeds have been developed for companionship or other activities. However, there do remain some dogs whose hunting instincts were developed and encouraged. These breeds generally possess the same type of personality characteristics - they have great stamina and endurance. They are highly intelligent and are often very courageous as well. Furthermore, while all dogs are superior to humans when it comes to scenting items, the hunting dog has an even more superior nose; in fact, their ability might be described as "uncanny." Hunting dogs do make great companions because they look to their humans as another hunting partner. They will follow the commands of their human partner into almost any situation. This group of dogs needs special activity due to their high energy and level of stamina.
The hunting dog is a curious, intelligent, and energetic dog. Without proper exercise, the hunting dog has also been known to get into mischief. Owners must remember that this type of dog is not one that will be satisfied with short spurts of play. This working canine is one who will be happy to join their companions on the hiking or biking trail. Given at least sixty minutes of activity daily, the hunting dog will be a happy companion for years to come.