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This classic game is the perfect type of activity for a dog who likes to play keep away. Tug of war matches are typically held between groups or pairs of humans; a strong, sturdy rope is absolutely required for this game, as well as a good sense of restraint firmly embedded in the minds of both players. The restraint part of this project is what can potentially make it difficult for certain types of dogs, meaning that this activity has a bit of a learning curve to it. Read on for a few steps that will help you and your dog get past that curve.
A simple but effective game that any dog who enjoys keep away will likely love. Really, most dog owners will likely think to give Frisbee a try, so we encourage you to try and innovate during the next time you and your dog play a game of Frisbee. Active Frisbee is one such innovation, but the sky and your imagination are really the limits here.
Another time-tested, oldie but goodie type of activity that dogs who love keep away will likely take to, is fetch. Just as mentioned before, try to think of different ways how you can take liberties with a game of fetch in order to elevate it to another level; try playing water fetch if you have access to a pool for instance.