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You love golf. You love your dog. How in the world can you combine these two loves? If you feel bad leaving your pup at home every time your head out for a quick 18 holes, then you need to learn these ways to incorporate your dog into your golf game. While it may not be ideal for your pup to be out there on the course with you, there is plenty you and your dog can do that is golf related.
When you are an avid golf player, you need to dedicate some time working on your drive. The ability to hit a golf ball far and with accuracy is essential for anyone who wants to improve their golf game. What is even better about practicing your drive is that you can do it with your dog. That’s right, your dog can actually help you work on your drive. By having your dog by your side, you have an instant way to retrieve your balls and you can also rest assured that your dog is getting some good exercise. Chasing down those balls is hard work!
While every golf course may not be dog-friendly, there are a few that are. Finding a local golf course that allows you to bring your dog with you is like finding a rare treat. Now, not only do you get to go golfing but your dog can come and enjoy the day with you as well. Many of the courses that do allow dogs have specific rules regarding dog behavior and rightly so. After all, you don’t want to have loose dogs running everywhere, potentially getting in golfers way or hit with balls themselves. Be sure to be a good dog owner and respectful owner at these courses!
While some may argue that golf is a casual sport and may not require much athleticism, that is far from the truth. To be a great golfer, on needs to be in good physical shape. Upper body strength is required for sure but it is also necessary to have stamina and leg strength comes into play as well. Getting into prime golfing shape is something that your pup can certainly help with and something you can easily do at home - no need to leave your pup at all! While you are working your muscles to improve your game, your dog will be getting in some great exercise and having fun playing with you as well.
All you need are a few old golf balls and a quick YouTube video to watch on how to make a golf ball dog craft. Place your creative artwork where all your dog loving friends can see! This perfectly combines your love for dogs with your love for golf.
If a golf ball seems a little too small for your dog to play with, get your pup a golf ball toy made for dogs. These toys look like golf balls but are a little bigger and softer, perfect for your pup!
Golf and dogs are not two things that you typically think of in the same realm but they clearly are. There is so much you can do with your dog that will also keep your golf-loving spirit around. Whether you bring your dog to the driving range with you or along for a full game of golf, anytime you include your dog is a time that they will enjoy. Dogs and golf were just meant to be put together!