Activities For Dogs With Short Legs

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Is your beloved pooch a shortie? Does he have the cutest little short, stout legs that he waddles around on? Some breeds are notorious for being short like the Corgie or the Dachshund. Many people worry that a dog's short stature might make it difficult for the canine to truly enjoy the same activities that taller dogs participate in.  However, don't let your dog's short stature deter you from sharing activities together. Even with short legs, your canine munchkin can have just as much fun as his larger dog counterparts. You just need to focus your activities on his diminutive size.


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Any Day
10 min
Items needed
Rope With Knots
Activity description
This game is a classic. All dogs like to play tug-of-war. No matter what their size, a dog has a powerful bite so clamping down on a toy and pulling it are natural functions and activities that dogs of all sizes are bound to enjoy. You can purchase a tug-of-war rope or you can make one from household rope or materials. It doesn't have to be anything fancy and it doesn't have to break the bank. Just remember that the item is supposed to be fun for both of you so if it lasts through a couple of wild games, you should be happy that you have so actively interested your short pooch.
Dangle the toy
Find a comfortable spot to play the game; this type of activity can be played insode or out. Dangle the tug of war toy in front of your short dog until they grab it with their mouth. Gently tug on the toy to get the fun started.
Start to pull
Once your dog grabs the end of the toy, start to pull it towards you. The game has officially started! Your pup will likely get pretty excited and forceful in their twisting and pulling; just be careful not to injure their neck or pull too hard on the teeth in the process.
Let the dog win
Your dog will probably play tug of war forever so you will need to end the game by either letting your dog have the toy and calling 'uncle', or you will need to pull the toy from your dog's mouth so you win the game. Ultimately, it will be your decision how to end the game so your dog feels satisfied and happy. A small food treat will be a great way to reward them for finishing the game.

Doggy Treat Hunt

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Any Day
15 min
Items needed
Dog treats
Activity description
Okay, maybe your dog isn't very active but you have to encourage your short stack to get out and do a bit of exercising. This might take a bit of bribery to achieve. Short dogs are notorious for being a bit lazy. Creating a doggy treat hunt activity might be just what your pooch needs to get up and start moving around.  You can do the doggy treat hunt indoors or outside. It's a great way to burn off a tiny bit of energy and relieve boredom.
Hide the treats
Hide tasty treats around the house or the yard. Be sure your dog is not in the room when you hide the treats. You don't want them to immediately find the tasty morsels. Your pal may be small but their nose is mighty!
Find the treats
Bring your dog into the room or yard where you hid the treats. Now turn them loose and let them sniff and hunt. You will be amazed how easily your dog will find the treats. A dog's nose is extremely sensitive and they should have no trouble sniffing out the yummy food items.
Step it up
Once your canine pal has the idea of the game, you can step it up by expanding the distance between the treat rewards, or even placing them just a bit higher. Other options can be hiding the treats in shoes or under a pile of old towels. Short dogs such as Dachshunds love to dig!

Walking Fun

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Any Day
30 min
Items needed
Activity description
Even if your dog has short legs and gets tired easy, your pooch still might enjoy going for a daily walk. Don't push the activity. Instead, let your dog pick the pace. If your K9 becomes tired quickly then have a doggy stroller on hand to place them inside. Doggy strollers come in a wide array of sizes and shapes to fit just about any dog. They are a great way to get your pup out in the fresh air without worrying about them getting worn out using their short legs to walk long distances.
Begin the fun
Start out at a slow walk. Let your dog lead you so can watch for signs that your pooch is getting tired of walking. Most likely, the scents and sounds of the walk will encourage your pup to continue. The opportunity for a meet and greet is a bonus too.
Stroller Walking
Once your dog is tired, place them in the stroller. Be sure to affix them to the stroller so they cannot jump out and risk injury. Most strollers have a built-in leash that you can fasten to the dog's collar. Your dog will love riding in the stroller and watching everything that goes on around from a lofty perch. After a bit of a break, chances are they will be ready to walk again.

More Fun Ideas...

Robin Round

Does your dog adore kids? Well, this is a great game for children to play with a short dog. The kids sit in a circle. Each child has a bag of treats. The children each call the dog, one at a time, to come. When your dog comes they give the canine a yummy treat. Pretty soon, the kids will have your pooch running in circles to gather up all of the treats. This game is not only fun to watch but it also provides great exercise for your dog. It can be done indoors or outdoors.

Simon Says

Any dog with a basic understanding of obedience will love the attention that this game gives. Grab some yummy treats and start going through the basic commands of sit, come, down, roll over, heel, and onward. Each time your dog does the command correctly give them a treat. Any dog, no matter what size, can excel at basic obedience. Simon Says is a game that helps to reinforce obedience so your dog never forgets the basic commands but the game is also just a lot of fun for everyone involved.


Just because your dog is short does not mean that they cannot enjoy most of the common dog games and activities. Your short dog might not make a great jogging buddy, but you can easily compensate for their short legs. Pretty soon you will even start to forget that your canine is undersized in the height department because they will seem no different than a taller dog.