Prepare for unexpected vet bills
If you are a social person, then you probably love going out on the town or having an occasional party at your house. You most likely have friends and family over and are texting and calling people all day. If this sounds familiar, then here are some perfect activities you can do to incorporate your active social life into your dog's daily activities as well. After all, shouldn't your pup get to be social too?
The dog park is primarily a place for dogs, yes. However, what about the owners? Dog parks are also the perfect place for owners to socialize as well. After all, you are all there together, hanging out on the benches while your pups play. You can be assured that every person in a dog park also has something in common - the love of dogs! So while your dog is able to run and play, you can satisfy your need for human interaction as well. You will probably meet some lifelong friends while at the dog park - aren't dog people the best?!
We all need to get away sometimes and maybe your dog does too! If you are planning a vacation, consider bringing your dog. There are many pup friendly vacation options that you can choose from and they are all much better than leaving your dog behind. Vacationing with other people gives you a chance to be social and also will provide a fun and exciting environment for your dog. With tons of new smells and sights to explore, there is no doubt your dog will want to join you on your trip. Tell your friends that your dog is coming on the trip too!
If you love attending a good party, why not throw one in honor of your dog? Whether it is your dog's birthday, the day you adopted your pup or just a random weekend, there is always something to celebrate! Having a party will not only let you have fun with your dog but it will also satisfy your need to be social. Having a party in your own home lets you control the rules and, therefore, you can involve your dog as much as you'd like. Bake a dog friendly cake or pick out some paw print decorations and get ready to have some fun!
Plan doggy play dates for your pup. Not only is this great for your dog's social life but it also gives you a chance to get together with friends as well.
There are many dog friendly restaurants where your pup will be allowed to dine with you. Grab a bunch of friends and head over to one in your area. Don't forget to order a treat for your dog!
If you are a very social person, you should make sure to include your dog in all of your social activities. There is so much that you can do alongside your pup and bringing your dog along will likely make you (and them) much happier. You won't need to worry about your dog when you go out anymore because your pooch will be right beside you! Who knows, socializing with your dog may lead you to some of the greatest friendships of your life!