Activities For Finnish Lapphunds

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Finnish Lapphunds are fun-loving, hardy medium-sized dogs that can be rather vocal when they are left alone for too long. They will also make their entertainment when they have nothing to occupy their time, therefore, they need plenty of toys and chews along with activities that wear them out and let them stretch their muscles. The Finnish Lapphund originated north of the Arctic Circle and was used mainly as a reindeer herder and has since become more of a companion dog rather than a working dog. They are friendly dogs but will startle easily which makes them seem a bit unsettled. Look for activities that will keep them moving and allow them to be vocal while doing the activity given that they are naturally barky dogs. 


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Sunny Day
30 min
Items needed
Clean-up bags
Activity description
The Finnish Lapphund has unending energy and loves spending time with their owners. They love to run, play games, and of course, bark. If you are a jogger, this is a great way for your dog to get their exercise, spend time with you, and vocalize their thoughts along the way. When jogging through a sleepy neighborhood, you may have to curb their excitement and keep them quiet until you are away from houses. You will probably want to go jogging during sunny or slightly overcast weather and avoid going for a run in the rain or snow. When jogging with your dog, you will want to keep them on a collar and leash and bring along some clean-up bags in case your dog goes potty. Put some treats in your pocket to encourage your dog along the way. Jogging is a free activity except for the treats and clean-up bags which you should already have on hand.
Plan your route
When you are planning to jog with your dog, you will want to plan your route carefully. Find a route that has plenty of sidewalks or wide shoulders so you and your dog are not jogging too close to traffic. Your first couple of days jogging should be kept short so you and your dog can ease into the routine. Once you have both established a good rhythm and are able to jog well together, you can start increasing your distance. Avoid areas where there are other dogs that could distract your dog.
Enjoy the run
While jogging, look at this as not just exercise, but as a time to strengthen the bond between you and your Finnish Lapphund. They love to bark, so when they are able to vocalize without causing too much annoyance to others, let them talk to you. When you first start jogging with your dog, avoid areas with a lot of other joggers until you and your dog get into a comfortable routine.
Cool down
After your jog, take the time to walk calmly with your dog back to your house so you can both cool down and let your muscles relax after the strenuous activity. Give them a small treat once you get home. Offer your dog cool, clean water but do not allow them to drink a large amount after jogging, this can cause them to vomit or have discomfort.


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Sunny Day
15 min
Items needed
Treibball field
Activity description

You may have never heard of treibball, sometimes called drive ball, but it is a popular game in Germany and is gaining popularity in North America, especially in Florida, Maryland, and California. The American Treibball Association has formed and is seeking to increase the popularity of the game. In Europe, leagues have been formed and dogs are able to earn titles in treibball. Treibball is played in 15-minute increments and is similar to soccer. Dogs are divided into two teams and must work together to drive the ball across the field and into a goal. The ball is not a typical soccer ball; instead, there are eight large, inflated balls that will be in play during the game. Treibball can look like complete chaos with several dogs chasing after these inflated balls!

Learn the basics
Even though it looks rather chaotic and undisciplined; treibball is an actual sport with standard rules. Therefore, you need to learn the rules and have a firm understanding of the game objectives. The American Treibball Association will have the official rules and any information on leagues and scheduled games in your area. Be sure to read through the rules and ask questions before joining in the fun to keep from getting penalties or disqualified from the game.
Find a team
Now that you know the rules and still want to give it a try, it is time to join a team. You can join an existing team or you can talk it up with your friends and form your own team. Since this is an organized game, you will want to be a member of a well-trained team. Find a team with dogs that do not have dominant personalities and will play well with others when the game is in full swing. Dogs that have been obedience trained will make the best team members.
Play ball
Treibball is a fun game where dogs that love to play ball or even have a natural herding instinct will excel. Sit back and have fun watching your dog enjoy the game. Keep your camera close by to snap some cool action shots of your dog while they are playing to post to social media and promote this exciting game. Closely monitor your dog while on the field and defuse any potentially bad situation.


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Any Day
45 min
Items needed
Agility course
Activity description

Agility is a fast-paced, fun activity in which you work with your dog to guide them through an obstacle course. Many people are absolutely amazed when they first see agility dogs in action because of the speed in which they complete the course. There are some breeds that simply are not quite made for agility, such as the Mastiff breeds; however, the Finnish Lapphund is a breed that will excel at agility. These tough, medium-sized, agile dogs will be able to use their excessive energy to propel them through any obstacle course. They are intrepid dogs and are willing to try new things; this will serve them well when being introduced to the new obstacles in an agility course. It can be expensive to compete in agility and will take a good amount of time each week to train your dog. 

Basic obedience
Every agility dog must know basic obedience to be able to listen and respond quickly to their handler’s commands. Before diving into agility, enroll your Finnish Lapphund in a basic obedience class. You must be consistent with your training to ensure your dog will be able to follow your commands even during the excitement of the competition.
Introduce the course
Once your dog has completed their basic obedience class and you have found an agility club to try, start introducing them to the obstacles on an agility course. Take it slowly and have them go through the obstacles multiple times. If you notice your dog is a little unsure of an obstacle, offer them encouragement and treats to coax them through. You can also request that a seasoned agility dog from the club go through the course with your dog.
Build speed
After your dog has become comfortable with all of the obstacles, it is time to start encouraging your dog to go faster through the course. Invest in a stopwatch and start recording your dog’s time. The dog that makes it through the course the fastest and with the least amount of penalties is the winner, therefore, your dog must learn to race through the course at top speed. Remember to make sure your Finnish Lapphund is kept safe while running the course and know when to stop to keep your dog from becoming overly tired.

More Fun Ideas...

Herding Trials

The Finnish Lapphund was originally bred to herd reindeer; therefore most will still have a natural herding instinct and will do well in herding trials. Find a local dog club that offers herding classes and check them out. You may find that you enjoy the work just as much as your dog. Herding trials will be held in any weather and you will need a training whistle, flat buckle collar, leash, and a five foot bamboo pole. 

Therapy Dog

The Finnish Lapphund is a high energy breed, but they also love being with people. They do have a higher startle reflex, but do recover quickly and can provide comfort to those in need. Your dog will need to know their basic obedience. The AKC offers a therapy dog program and your dog can earn titles in therapy work.


A Finnish Lapphund is a high energy dog that needs to have activities to keep them busy. Toys and chews will help when you are not at home, however, if you leave them alone for long periods of time and do not spend time daily with them, they will become destructive and even more vocal. Find activities that both you and your dog enjoy so you can have a good time while bonding.