Activities For Flat-Coated Retrievers

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Full of energy, generally rambunctious and almost always happy, Flat-Coated Retrievers are a wonderful breed of dog. Originally bred to be a family dog during the week and a hunting companion on the weekend, you probably know very well that your Flat-Coated Retriever is a true friend and loyal pup. This is why you need to make sure you give them lots of love and attention in return! These activities are designed just for Flat-Coated Retrievers so your dog is sure to love them all.

Water Play

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Sunny Day
1 hr
Items needed
Activity description

One characteristic of Flat-Coated Retrievers is that they are obsessed with the water. Bring a Flat-Coated Retriever near any body of water and they are sure to jump right in without hesitation! As long as you don't mind having a wet dog, playing in the water with your pup is the perfect activity. Not only is it great exercise (swimming works a lot of muscles) but it is also refreshing and cooling to bring your dog to the water on a hot day. While your Flat-Coated Retriever may be happy just running in and out of the water on their own, give these fun games a try so that you can also have a great time with your pup. 

Water fetch
Water fetch is a very easy game to play and one that your Flat-Coated Retriever will love. After all, they aren’t called a retriever for nothing! These dogs love to chase and retrieve anything they can. Throw a ball that will float out into the water and watch as your pup runs and swims right to it, loyally bringing it back to you.
Dock jumping
Dock jumping is a perfect skill to teach a Flat-Coated Retriever and you can actually enter your dog in dock jumping competitions once they get really good. Train your pup to run to the end of a dock and leap over the water as far as possible before splashing in. The farther they go, the better they will do in a competition!
Train your water-loving, Flat-Coated Retriever to balance on a surfboard and then let them float around in the ocean, catching waves to bring them on a fun ride. You can even choose to surf next to your pup for a fun activity that the whole family can enjoy! Who will catch the best wave - you or your pup?

Retrieve It

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Any Day
30 min
Items needed
Activity description

Flat-Coated Retrievers have the inherent instinct to find and recover almost any object. While playing fetch is the simple way to help your dog satisfy their need to retrieve, there are plenty of other games to teach them that will have the same effect without you having to throw a ball over and over again (although that can be quite fun as well!). Retrieving games will utilize your dogs great sense of smell and they desire to run and chase as well. Of course, they also want to please you by bringing you whatever you ask for! 

Hide it
Have your dog sit in the center of the room and then hide their favorite toy. Tell your dog to "go get it" and watch as they frantically search for their beloved toy. Flat-Coated Retrievers won't give up until they find what they are looking for and safely bring it back to you!
Shoe service
Flat-Coated Retrievers are a very trainable breed so why not train your pup to do something very useful like getting you your shoes in the morning? Begin by teaching your dog what a shoe is and then transitioning that knowledge to have them bring you the shoes upon command.
Paper delivery
Having your dog fetch you the paper in the morning is a trick that many people dream about - who were those first paper-fetching dogs anyway?! Teach your eager pup to actually fetch the paper and go down in history as an owner who had a truly great pal.


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Any Day
30 min
Items needed
Activity description

A Flat-Coated Retriever is a breed that needs a lot of exercise. While these pups are generally very happy and appease their owner's every command, they need a lot of activity and exercise in order to keep that happy demeanor. One of the most efficient ways to get your Flat-Coated Retriever moving is to bring them running. There are actually many ways you can run with your dog (or just have them run alone) that you may not have thought of. There is even a fun way to have your pup go for a nice long run inside! 

Run together
Grab your dog's leash and collar and head out on a run together. Start off slow and only go for short runs at first. Your dog will need to build up their endurance just like any runner would! Always match your pup's pace and stop when they need to stop - your dog is in charge of this run!
Run free
Letting your Flat-Coated Retriever run free, off of the leash is very important for their mental state. While a dog who is constantly on a leash may get exercised, there really is nothing like running free to a dog. This allows them to go where they please, explore and run as much as they'd like. Find a big fenced in area where your pup can go!
Indoor run
If the weather outside is not conducive to running (although a Flat-Coated Retriever may not mind - they do love water!), show your pup how to use a treadmill! Have your dog stand on the belt and turn it on a very slow speed so they are just walking. Hold a treat in front of your dog so that they continue to move forward. Soon, you will be able to crank up the speed and let your dog run!

More Fun Ideas...

Laser Pointer

As a breed that loves to chase and retrieve, your Flat-Coated Retriever will go crazy over a laser pointer. Watch as they run back and forth trying to catch that impossible light!

New Tricks

Flat-Coated Retrievers are a very trainable breed. That, combined with their athletic ability, means that you can easily teach them lots of fun tricks.


Flat-Coated Retrievers are a very fun breed that will keep you busy and happy with all the activities they love to play. The most important thing is to make sure your pup is getting enough exercise day in and day out. Plan one of these activities for each day and your companion will be a happy, well balanced dog! Playing in the water, retrieving anything or just running as much as they can are all perfect activities for your Flat-Coated Retriever!