Activities For French Bulldogs

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The French Bulldog is a small pup packed with a huge personality. The French Bulldog was developed to be a miniature Bulldog in England, and, when lace-makers took the breed to France while trading, the breed became known as the French Bulldog.

The Frenchie, as the breed has come to be called, was intended to be a companion dog. Even today, the French Bulldog makes a wonderful apartment dog. The Frenchie does not need a great deal of exercise, and their brachycephalic nose makes it imperative that the dog not become overexerted. However, you can still enjoy bonding time with your pup even if you aren't running laps around the neighborhood!

Hide and Seek With a Twist

Most Popular
2 Votes
Any Day
30 min
Items needed
Activity description
Teaching your dog to play hide and seek isn't a difficult task. However, adding the teaching of commands will stoke your pup's intellectual activity as well as provide your dog with some physical activity. Put a new twist on the game of Hide and Seek by using the opportunity to teach your dog some commands. "Stay" is a great first command to introduce when you want your pup to wait in another room while you "hide." "Come" will invite your pup to join in Hide and Seek with you. "Go find" is another useful command to add when you play the game with two or more people.
Introduce stay
Introduce this command as you begin teaching your pup the game of Hide and Seek. In fact, you may need to teach this command before beginning Hide and Seek. Make sure your pup is in the sitting position. Get the dog's attention. Place your palm up facing the dog and say "stay." Then slowly take a few steps back and repeat the command. Keep doing this until you feel your pup has the idea of what you want. Reward them with a treat.
Come and find
Once you have hidden, you will want to get your pup to come and find you. This command is a little special because you'll be asking your pup to depend on their sense of hearing to determine where you are. At first, you'll need to teach your pup to come to you while you are in their line of sight. Then, you'll add the idea of finding you by listening to the sound of your voice. Start by having the dog sit, getting the pup's attention, then saying, "come." Reward with a treat. Once they get the hang of things, leave the room and repeat.
Go find
Teaching this command will require a partner for play. Your partner will ask the dog to sit and stay while you leave the room. Your partner should have the pup's full attention, then say "Go find (your name)." Now, it is your turn to call the dog's name until they find you. Once your pup comes to you, give them a treat for a job well done.
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Explore the Dog Park

0 Votes
Sunny Day
30 min
Items needed
doggy waste bags
Activity description
The dog park is the perfect place for your French Bulldog to socialize, play, and enjoy bonding time with you. Again, as with any daytime activity, be sure to go early (before the heat of the day) or late evening to accommodate the brachycephalic nature of the Frenchie. Most dog parks have a walking area that you can utilize if you don't have a safe place to walk in your own neighborhood. They also have obstacle courses that will occupy and entertain the highly intelligent Frenchie's mind as well as the body. Finally, the chance to be around other pups will provide great opportunities for you to show your pup how to behave around other people and other dogs.
Social time
As soon as your pup is old enough (about five or six months with at least two rounds of vaccinations completed), you can begin taking them to the dog park. Many dog parks have special areas just for small dogs. You can utilize this time to show your dog how to behave with other dogs.
Obstacle course
Many dog parks have obstacle courses. Some of these are climbing up rock formations, and some are more like real agility courses that a competing pup might run through, such as agility poles and the like. Enjoy a little bonding time together as you help your pup run through the course.
Walking track
Many dog parks have a walking track inside of the park itself. You can walk along with your pup or you can allow the dog to be off-leash and walk and play as you enjoy a little exercise yourself! Many parks are enclosed, so that you can feel free to allow your pup off the leash. Remember to keep water handy and to take frequent breaks.
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Frequent Walks

Least Popular
1 Vote
Sunny Day
20 min
Items needed
doggy waste bags
Activity description

Multiple short walks throughout the day are delightful for the French Bulldog. The Frenchie has issues with a brachycephalic nose. This means that the breed's nasal passages reach down the pup's throat rather than form the muzzle like a typical dog. This presents breathing issues for the French Bulldog. You may notice the Frenchie snorting during the day and snoring at naptime. This also means that you need to time activities for the early part of the day or the evening, particularly if you live in a hot and humid climate. Be sure not to let the Frenchie become overexerted while at play.

Choose the area
If you live in an apartment or another suburban area, your neighborhood is likely the best place to take your French Bulldog on a walk. Choose an area that doesn't experience a great deal of traffic. A suitable place to walk will have a sidewalk away from traffic.
Choose a time
The best time to walk the French Bulldog is early in the morning (preferably before ten) and late evening (after six P.M.). This is because brachycephalic dogs have difficulty breathing when it is very hot and humid. They have trouble breathing in humid climates at any time of the year. Take note about exercise in humid climates, even in cold weather.
Multiple trips
The French Bulldog does not need a lot of exercise, but should go out for small breaks multiple times a day. A Frenchie needs at least fifteen minutes of activity at a minimum every day. You can split this into two or more short, brisk walks. Your French Bulldog is not as likely to become overexerted if you take multiple walks per day.
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More Fun Ideas...

Go Fetch

French Bulldogs love to play fetch! This is an easy game to teach your pal and easy to play indoors with a small dog.

Find the Treat

Play yet another version of hide and seek by hiding piles of kibble or treats where your talented French Bulldog can find them such as in an empty shoebox or in the corner of a room.


The French Bulldog makes a great lap dog, but they will still need a small amount of exercise daily in order to maintain a healthy weight. Daily activity will also prevent boredom in your pup as well, which can lead to behavioral problems. Remember to keep water handy when exercising outdoors, and always work out during cooler times of the day.

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