Activities For German Pinschers

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The German Pinscher is a medium-sized dog breed with an elegant look and impressive athletic capacities. The breed has a long history and was originally used as a farm dog and ratter. After World War II, however, the breed nearly became extinct but was eventually brought back. At present, German Pinschers are no longer used as working dogs. Instead, they primarily serve as show dogs and family companions. This high-energy breed is strong-willed, alert and fearless, which make them a great choice for a watchdog. Early training, socialization and the right kind of activities will turn this breed into the perfect all-around pet. 

Flirt Pole

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Any Day
15 - 30 min
Items needed
Flirt pole
Treats (optional)
Activity description

Even with just a medium build, the German Pinscher happens to be one of the most active dog breeds. Thus, this breed needs a good amount of exercise on a regular basis. In fact, experts suggest that the German Pinscher engage in activities that involve a lot of running in order to keep them physically stimulated. A good game that will rouse your Pinscher’s alert mind and get them running is a flirt pole. This is a cheaper alternative to lure coursing but not any less fun and stimulating for your pooch. All you need is a wide open space for running and a flirt pole and you’re all set. 

Create or buy a flirt pole
If you want to play some lure coursing with your pooch, you first need to have a flirt pole for use. It is quite easy to make one; all you need is a piece of wood or pipe, a string, some tape and a toy or plastic bag. To make the pole, tie or tape the string to the wood or pipe. Make sure the string is steadily in place. Then, on the other end of the string, tie a light toy or a plastic bag, which will serve as the lure or bait for your pooch. If you don’t want to make your own pole, you can always just buy one from any pet store.
Play with your dog
When you have your flirt pole ready, find a safe, open space where you can play. The ideal place would be a fenced backyard. You may also go to a dog park but be mindful of the other canines and humans in the area. Then, get your dog’s attention by waving the flirt pole right in front of them. When your dog takes an interest in the flirt pole, start running around and let your dog chase the lure.

Canine Marathon

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Sunny Day
1 - 2 hrs
Items needed
Waste bags
Activity description

There was a time when marathons were exclusively for human runners. With the ever-growing popularity of pets, however, this has slowly become a thing of the past. Luckily, you no longer have to leave your pup behind during race day, thanks to the introduction of canine marathons. Marathons are a fun way to test your fitness and enjoy the day. Some marathons are even made for charitable causes, so you get to help out while having fun at the same time. Your German Pinscher would also benefit from the lengthy walking or running that a marathon brings. This activity helps satisfy your dog’s physical needs and builds a better connection between the two of you.

Get your dog checked
The first and most important step if you decide to join a canine marathon is to pay a visit to your veterinarian. Even though your German Pinscher might seem largely healthy and fit, a thorough check by your vet will determine if your dog is actually cleared to join a marathon. Your vet will also be able to detect your dog’s underlying conditions, if any. Moreover, your dog can get the necessary shots or vaccinations to keep them safe during the race.
Register for a marathon
When your dog gets the clear from your veterinarian, you can now register for a canine marathon. Look for upcoming dog-friendly races near you and make the necessary arrangements to join. Make sure that the race you choose falls on a date that is a bit far from now, which will give you enough time to train.
Start training
Once you are officially registered for the race, you need to start training. The training time it will take depends on the distance you plan to run with your pooch. Start off slowly by keeping your runs brief. Eventually, you can start adding more miles to your training until your dog gets comfortable with running longer distances. On race day, make sure to keep up with your dog’s pace and to bring enough hydration to last all day.

Agility Training

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Any Day
1 hr
Items needed
Activity description
If there is one sport that most athletic dogs, including the German Pinscher, enjoy and thrive in, it is definitely agility. This canine sport involves a handler (usually the owner) directing the dog through a series of obstacles. In this sport, the dogs are kept off leash and the handlers are only allowed to use voice, commands and other body signals to lead their dogs through the course. Hence, agility takes a lot of training and a good connection must be established between the handler and canine. Because of their trainability, intellect and athleticism, the German Pinscher is a great match for this canine sport.
Practice the basic commands
A dog’s success in agility relies heavily on how good they are at understanding their handler’s commands. As such, communication between handler and dog is key to excelling in this canine sport. Practice the basic commands such as “sit”, “stay”, and “stop”. Also, practice commands that are usually used in agility, including “jump” and “go”.
Take agility training classes
To take the next step in agility, you need to attend training classes to hone your dog’s skills further. Dog training facilities and local kennel clubs usually offer agility training classes not just for dogs but also their owners. In these classes, you’ll go beyond just basic obedience and will learn the ropes on how to become successful in agility.
Join an event
When you become confident in your ability to lead your dog in agility, you can actually put your new knowledge to the test by joining an actual agility event. Most of the time, your local club will help you find a suitable event for you to join. If you feel like you are not yet quite ready to join, you can stay on the sidelines and simply watch so that you get an idea of how the event works.

More Fun Ideas...

Attend a Local Festival

A good way to spend the day with your pooch is by attending a local, dog-friendly festival. Whether it is a block party or an outdoor farmer’s market, you’re sure to have a grand time. It’s also a good bonding moment between the two of you. Just make sure to keep your dog leashed and well-behaved. 

Play Catch

A simple but effective game to work your furry friend out is a catch. In this activity, all you have to do is get a tennis ball and throw it some distance away. Then ask your dog to chase and retrieve it. It’s very easy and gets your dog moving and running. 


The German Pinscher has all the makings of a great household pet; the breed is loyal, focused, intelligent and agile. However, they have certain needs that should be met, especially when it comes to physical and mental stimulation. Hence, this breed needs an owner who will take control and one who is willing to provide all their needs.