Activities For German Shorthaired Weimaraners

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A new take on some old classics, the German Shorthaired Weimaraner is the outcome of mixing a German Shorthaired Pointer with β€” you guessed it β€” a Weimaraner! The result is a pooch that resembles both dogs (which, incidentally, also resemble each other).

GSWs fit right into any family, having a naturally even temperament. While they are totally happy-go-lucky in personality, they are go-go-go when it comes to energy. Realistically, you're going to have to aim for up to two hours of exercise per day to keep these doggos satisfied! 

Don't let that daunt you, however, because with some imagination, you can come up with all kinds of fun activities to do with your woofer. Take a peek at the ones we've come up with below to get started!

Trail Running

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Sunny Day
1 - 2 hrs
Items needed
Activity description

If ever there was a breed that was made for trail running, it would be the German Shorthaired Weimaraner! Both of the parent breeds are crazy about running. In fact, they were bred to trek through dense terrain while on the hunt! 

This component of your canine makes them excellent at maneuvering through trees and over hills out on the trails. With the right equipment and some practice, you'll be just as comfortable as you blast through the wilderness (behind your GSW, of course!).

Prepare properly
Every time you head off into the wild, it's good to bring along a few lightweight supplies in case the unexpected happens. In your pack, be sure to bring along extra water, a map, your phone, and a bit of food to hold you over. For trail running, you're also going to want to make sure you have the right footwear to make it across all different types of terrain.
Plot your course
The most successful trail runs involve moving fast β€” not checking maps. Do your homework ahead of time by checking online, consulting with other trail runners, or heading to hiking trails that you're already familiar with. That way, you can focus on what steps to take next instead of what direction you're headed in.
Aim for steady over speedy
Until you and your pupper really get a knack for trail running, it's better to keep a steady pace than try to beat records. Injuries out in the woods are always more serious due to the difficulty of getting appropriate aid in time. While carrying a first aid kit can help, it's better to go at your trek carefully and avoid tripping. Also, keep tabs on how your woofer is doing. Any signs of slowing down or exhaustion should be taken seriously.

Water Fetch

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Sunny Day
40 - 60 min
Items needed
Activity description

When traditional fetch just isn't cutting it, switching to water fetch might do the trick! This game isn't rocket science, but it does amp up the fun factor for water-loving breeds like the German Shorthaired Weimaraner.

What water fetch does call for is access to a waterfront area that allows puppers to roam off-leash. You may have to travel to a nearby area to find such a place, but the journey is worth it if the end result is a joyous pooch!

Bring an item your dog loves
The only way to have a proper game of water fetch is to use an item your woofer will have a strong desire to bring back. If you choose something they feel β€œmeh” about, chances are you'll find yourself wading out into the waves on your own to bring it back! Make sure your four-legged pal is excited about the toy, ball, or stick that you're about to throw out into the water.
Start close
Another key step in making sure your German Shorthaired Weimaraner gets the point of the game is to keep your first few throws close to land. That way, your canine companion can easily see the object in question, and they'll start to expect it to be out in the water.
Gradually increase the distance
When your GSW is able to successfully retrieve the object you're throwing several times in a row, it's time to really get the game moving! Watch with delight as your woofer rises to the occasion as you hurl the item with all of your might! Once your dog has become a water fetch pro, you may want to look into ball launchers to keep the game challenging!

Therapy Training

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Any Day
1 - 2 hrs
Items needed
Activity description

Your German Shorthaired Weimaraner is naturally good with people. They are calm (especially after some good exercise), sweet in temperament, and have an eagerness to please in training settings. 

This makes them excellent candidates for therapy work! There are therapy programs all over the nation that can help prepare your pooch for work making people happy in hospitals, schools, nursing homes, and more!

Your woofer already is great at making you happy, so why not spread the joy to others? It should be noted that dogs two years of age and older tend to make the best trainees due to their calmer nature. 

Find a program
As we said, there are therapy programs all over the country. While the basic idea for each organization is similar, they often have different areas of focus. Try to find the program that fits you and your pooch best β€” maybe one that involves working with schools or hospitals that have been a part of your family's history!
Begin training
Each program will also vary in length and cost. Training sessions may happen weekly at a designated location. Be sure to attend all of the classes and practice techniques at home daily in between the lessons. It's important to take this process seriously, as you'll only be able to bring your GSW to public areas if the two of you work well and safely together.
Make people happy
After training has been completed, your dynamic duo can start volunteering! Visit approved facilities through your training program or reach out to other local establishments. Just be sure to always go through administration when planning a visit β€” don't show up unannounced! Both you and your pupper will love spending time visiting with those who can't have their own woofer with them.

More Fun Ideas...

Dock Jumping

Because your German Shorthaired Weimaraner is a water dog by nature, they'll probably go bonkers for dock jumping! This dog sport combines running, jumping, and swimming for the ultimate warm-weather activity. Seek out dock jumping clubs or organizations in your area to begin.

Barn Hunt

Born with a nose for tracking, your German Shorthaired Weimaraner will be a natural at the game of barn hunt! Though it is often focused on smaller terrier breeds, Weimaraners have won many titles in this officially recognized sport. Watch with amazement as your pup turns into a detective, seeking out rodents from within a maze of hay bales!


So there you have it! You don't have to do the same old walk around town with your Germain Shorthaired Weimereiner every day to keep them happy. On the contrary, we think both you and your pupper will get way more joy out of switching it up every now and then. 

The activities we've outlined here are just the beginning, too. Once you begin to find which outings your barky buddy likes the best, you can explore those niches further. Clocking quality hours with your four-legged pal is always a good way to spend your time, and it will make the two of you closer, as well!