Activities For Goldendoodles

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If you love Golden Retrievers and Poodles, then there's a very high chance that you're just going to fall head over heels for Goldendoodles. That's right, this breed of hybrid dog's name implies, a Goldendoodle is the result of crossing the ever popular Golden Retriever with the world-renowned Poodle. What you'll get is a dog who's very smart, very friendly, and very capable in terms of handling new activities and following commands to the letter. Goldendoodles tend to have very luscious coats that are also very thick and make them look like sentient plushy toys who love to play and socialize with others.

Agility Training

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Any Day
30 - 60 min
Items needed
Chairs, Tables, and Slides
Dog Treat
Activity description
Many dog owners might not be aware of this, but both Golden Retrievers and Poodles are two dog breeds that excel at agility training courses. Due to the high intelligence inherent in their DNA, Golden Retrievers and Poodles not only find agility courses to be challenging and mentally stimulating, but fun and exciting as well! Naturally, Goldendoodles are just as innately proficient with agility courses as either of their parents are, if not more so. Goldendoodles will enjoy the various ways agility courses can prompt them to think outside of the box and reaction to scenarios on the dot. Really, the only choice left to be made is whether you'd like to enroll your dog in an agility training class or if you'd like to set a DIY course yourself.
The DIY route
This route will require you to think carefully about which items you should include in your agility course as well as which items or pieces of furniture you're better off omitting. Chairs and tables can help serve as handy substitutes for dog poles and a slide can help test your dog's balance mid-course. Run alongside your pup as they take on the challenge, encouraging and guiding them over the obstacles. A hesitant dog can be emboldened to try this new challenge when highly praised and offered a treat.
The pre-made route
There are a number of agility training courses out that you can enroll your dog in; these courses tend to last for a few weeks and can range from being relatively inexpensive to being fairly pricey, so be sure to make sure the course and your dog's needs match. If you don't plan on entering your dog into a dog show, then you may want to enroll them in a course that's meant for non-competing dogs. Either way, agility is meant to be fun and decisions on the competitive factor can be made at any time down the road.
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Dog Brain Games

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Any Day
15 - 30 min
Items needed
Dog Treat Toys
Dog Puzzles
Dog Treats
Activity description
The mental flexibility of a Goldendoodle is something that we feel can't be overstated; these dog breeds are incredibly smart and adaptable, which are one of their attributes that can potentially help them become great hunting companions or contestants in dog shows. But just like with the natural gifts of a human being, a Goldendoodle's true potential may never be reached if it isn't honed and refined over a period of vigorous training. Fortunately for a Goldendoodle (and their owner), they won't need to spend months or years at a time studying massive books and studying lengthy lectures to increase their mental acuity. Rather, a few minutes a day with a high-quality dog toy can be all a Goldendoodle needs to stay sharp in between the ears.
Learn the options
There's an absolutely massive myriad of dog puzzles and dog treat toys out there that are guaranteed to tease your dog's brain. While these various toys come with recommended age and breed restrictions, we feel that nobody knows your dog better than you do. So if you feel that your young Goldendoodle is smart enough to take on a puzzle that's recommended for adult dogs only, we say let them try but always keep your eye on them.
DIY brain toys
If you're more of the hands-on type and have a knack for putting together inventions of your own design, consider making a dog treat toy of your own design. A very simple DIY dog treat toy can be made using pvc pipe, boxes of various sizes can be placed around the house containing treats for a treasure hunt - the possibilities are endless if you are willing to do a little research and get creative.
Other brain teasers
If you'd like to train your dog's brain without accidentally causing them to stray away from their diet, there are a number of brain games that you can play with your dog that don't involve any treats. The Cagey Cube is one such puzzle that motivates your dog to find it due to the ball inside of the plastic cage, as opposed to any sort of food.
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Goldendoodle Conformation Shows

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Any Day
60 - 90 min
Items needed
Dog Leash
Activity description
Dog conformation shows, better known as dog shows, are often thought to be an activity reserved only for dogs who have been expressly bred to excel at such an event. However, Goldendoodles have been dispelling that myth in recent years, which is another factor that contributes to their growing popularity. Despite being of a mixed heritage, Goldendoodles have been performing very well in dog shows as their inborn abilities, and capacity to grow with the proper training, help them excel in ways that most wouldn't have thought a hybrid dog could ever be capable of. We recommend that you consider entering your Goldendoodle in a show mostly for the experience.
Show training
The two activities listed above this one will actually help your canine get ready for a dog show in a number of ways, so you and your dog are already good if you've followed them. Barring that, it's always good to practice commands with your dog as well as teaching your Goldendoodle how to perform simple tricks such as sitting, standing, and laying down.
Do your best
Should you and your Goldendoodle commit to participating in a show, just keep this simple mantra in mind; "you're not competing against anyone else other than yourself." In other words, don't worry about how everyone else is doing or even about winning or losing the show. So long as you and your Goldendoodle's bond remains strong throughout the show and the two of you take pride in simply attempting this activity, you can't lose.
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More Fun Ideas...

Beach Running

Goldendoodles are one of those dog breeds that really love to get out and see the world, as well as run and frolic all about the place. To help your pet get the best of both worlds, we recommend that you take them for a nice run or jog along your local beach in order to let them soak in the sights and get a great workout.


We hit on this briefly during the conformation activity but Goldendoodles are very receptive to commands due to their high intelligence. They can learn to sit, stay, stand, roll over, and fetch just as well as any other dog and they can also learn to retrieve handy items like newspapers or car keys once trained how to do so properly and safely.


If you're interested in adopting a Goldendoodle, or if you're already caring for one at the moment, we feel that this article will help you bond with your Goldendoodle in a number of new and unique ways. Goldendoodles are among some of the most popular hybrid dogs out there, to the point where they're considered a "designer" dog breed. These friendly pups actually have a fairly good reputation in the dog-owning community, as they are often the life of any party, are great with kids, and are very thoughtful and clever breeds. While these activities will help your Goldendoodle developed in a number of ways, continue to innovate and look for new ways to keep your companion on their toes.